What does Sup Forums think about Infinite?

What does Sup Forums think about Infinite?

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>people still like modern sonic



Really good design imo.

What animal is he?


Deviant Art

might be a le dark lone WOF

Looks like a fox.


>people ever liked sonic

Nah this is what wolves look like in Sonic.

woah... this guy is faster then Sonic...


those lyrics rly make u think...

Isn't sonic faster than or equal to the speed of sound though? This infinite fellow must be quite fast.

seriously, if infinite = tails from sonic 2, I flip my shit up.

Yes, he must be quite fast


Custom the Character looks fun.

Forgot link youtu.be/bsi1ZO-_cB4?list=LLSOuoBZx9usXHz8i7eyTISQ&t=1151

But what's that I smell?

Is it even possible to have at least one decent Sonic Forces thread going?

Sonic is like Rwby
Its shit but has a fanbase of people that love shit.

He'd be infinitely more bearable if he wasn't being accompanied by that shitty rap-metal.

No, user, it's not possible.

He's what Modern Sonic needs right now.

Thats quite fast.

How could Tails become such an edgelord?

He's tails from a different dimension. Calling it now.

The ultimate proof modern sonic is a fucking joke so any argument whatsover about it being good can be shut down with a picture of him?

He was curupted by the 32X


Trainwrecks are one hell of a drug, and to be honest Colors and Generations were good, and Boom did get us a comfy TV Show even though the games were pure shit, and i think that show in particular is why so many think Infinite is a parody.

Oh also the official Sonic Twitter account shitposts, but you shouldn't care about Social Media.

Did RWBY General get rid of the "Don't say or try to convince people RWBY is good" rule or something? I remember that being a thing.

Basically there is a ending in Sonic 2, i think the Game Gear port, where Sonic doesn't save Tails, people are JUST A THEORY, A GAY THEORY that Infinite is what happens to Tails in that ending where his admiration for SANIC breaks.

I don't know if I'd be disappointed or relieved if this doesn't happen.

He fell in with a bad crowd.

Tails had a lot to do with his introduction cutscene. Couldn't get a read on him, commented on how he's faster than Sonic. In the context of infinite being tails, it would be the perfect introduction for him to himself in that cutscene.

It's maybe possible over at /vg/ even though they talk about friggin comics most of the time.

When you're edgier than Shadow in his own game following the bad route, you have to ask yourself a bunch of questions.

I'm glad to see the new villain isn't a big monster again at least.

I'm always up for more edgy Liam

>literally the berserk armour


And how do you know he's not just a wolf in a mask?

If he's a parody/jab at edgy fan OCs, then he's brilliant.

If they're serious, then fuck him and this game.

I really wanted to give the game a fair chance but at every update Sega is doing their best to make me laugh and completely disregard this whole thing

>Black( the color not the people)

You can tell he's a fox because his Tail looks just like Tails'.

You need to have a decent game to talk about first.

Say what you like but he's a step up from the deadly six.

What does it mean?

It's just the infinite symbol, but edgier.

I think its just a fast infinity symbol...

He needed his own logo to put on his shoes.


>Those orange parts of his hair
Is that a glitch?


Where's the r34?

Looks like it, he has a sort of glowing aura around the rest of his body that's missing there for a second.

is this dagasi?

Evil Loli juice

am i the only one who laughs his ass off every time i see this expression

And it just so happens to be the same color as Tails.

the face of true evil.

I just put a hat on it.

It's stupid and edgy as fuck. I love it!

Deadly six just plain sucks

unironically really like his theme


Nazo looks even edgier than I remember

And this madman behind it all.

Nice Marketing
If I have a son I will not allow him play it

>no japanese trailer yet

>The Villains of any given Sonic game are now only just Eggman, Metal Sonic, and any random Boss Bots that Eggman has made

Would this make Sonic games better if we don't try to keep on adding monsters of the week?

This is your new villain, accept it.

No I posted it and I still laugh at his qt face

Indeed Sup Forums protect us from and dox the pedos

He is so edgy that he got Linkin Park's singer killed.

Even Coldsteel looks like an alright guy compared to him

whoa... this guy is edgier than Shadow...

That's not saying much.

Japan doesn't care about Sonic.

He looks like a desperate move by the developers, like everything else in Forces.
It's embarrassing enough that there are people trying to delude themselves into thinking that it's some masterclass parody of OCs. Despite there being no reason to think Sonic Team has grown any self awareness, Infinite being barely any more edgy than the rancid shit that nearly killed the franchise in the first place and there being many people who actually find this shit cool.
I'm so sick of Sonic Team's shit.

3 V I L

How many terrible games do they need to make to learn that robotnick is the only villain they need?

Just have him steal the chaos emeralds again and make a proper game already reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'm here to kick ass and chew tobacco.
And I'm out of tobacco.

>tfw too intelligent to be the good guy

Mania. It's only Eggman and his Hard Boiled Heavies boss squad so far.


You talking shit??

What if we pulled it off and found it?

Is this a shittier edgier Donut Steel creation worse then Shadow, or Silver.

Sonic Team doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks anymore with a fan base that constantly bitch and whine that they don't want this or that in a game, hell there losers on Youtube actually complaining about the "GOAL" announcer in Sonic Mania needs to be taking out of Time Trial FFS.

*block your path*

Tails is too cute to be evil.

This. But when you about it Sonic Team got themselves in this position.

If by decent you mean ridiculing it for the shitfest that it is, I've enjoyed this thread so far.


Overdrive leak when?

My furry name is not important,
what is important is what I'm going to do to. I fukking hate this world and skinfags feasting on its karkass.

This twist would seem too dumb to be true for most series but I wouldn't put it past Sonic Team.

Weren't people calling it being evil Donut Steel