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Shit poll.
t. Triggered Shitkotofag
>has all the names of the girls in the poll
>shit poll
Where the FUCK are you other Chihayabro?
When will Annfags learn?
Judging by the poll results,
Makoto ranking 1st implies quite a percentage of Sup Forums are weeb self-inserts.
Futaba ranking 2nd implies a percentage of Sup Forums are pedophiles.
Kawakami ranking 3rd implies Sup Forums has a lot of underage high schoolers here.
I assume this is a fair assessment towards ascertaining the demographics of Sup Forums?
>best girl winning
dumb frogposter
>picking anyone but Tae
Shit taste, the lot of you.
OP made his choice known, people come in looking to disagree. That's how every thread always works. And she has killer hips.
>not being an underage pedophile weeb self-insert
>a percentage of Sup Forums are pedophiles.
most of the characters are underage tho
>using bots to rig the polls in favor of shitima
KEK. Whatever makes you sleep at night fuckoto-fags.
You faggots always seem to forget that Ann was the only person MC kissed TWICE in the game.
Ann is and always will be best girl no matter how much you deny reality.
I picked Kawakami because I can strongly relate to her.
>Ann and Ryuji
>Ann lost to Best Ass, NEET and Sensei
Kek, failure of a human.
Do you seriously want turn Ryuji into cuck?
And basically everyone else. :^)
>being this assmad
>tfw she's probably the same age or younger than I am
Not in my game :^)
Wow, Japcbros have terrible taste
> "Ann was designed as a 'joke character' more than anything else. The quintessential 'worst girl', nobody was ever meant to love Ann." - Katsura Hashino, producer and director of several Persona titles.
Cancerous thread.
I can't believe my primary care physician is this cute!
Anyone above 25 is honored elder tier now.
Why not both at the same time?
Annfag pls
poll or not Makoto will always be my favorite girl.
I only voted makoto to piss off OP
Kawakami best cake
>Tfw Makoto placed second in the Japan poll
Lady Ann is for me!
Good taste friend.
Even Ann isn't a big enough whore to fuck a cat.
Let's face it, people pick Ann just to see that fucking cat suffer
What a stupid fucking poll and I'm an Annfag.
Maybe Makoto will take him then.
japanese males do not have nipples.
Annfags I'm really sorry you have to share a waifu with OP
Ann is so fucking bland and boring. Shiho would have made a better Confidant.
This. Such painfully obvious bias is beyond measure retarded
OP eternally BTFO
Just like Makoto desu
>Ann suddenly got a ton of votes in mere seconds
Kek, and he accuses Makoto fans of using bots.
>Makoto slaps a bitch in her S Link
>Ann just acts like a ditzy blonde bimbo
>falling for falseflags
No fighting
I voted for Kawakami 5 times and there was nothing you could do to stop me haha
Dumb Kawakamishitter
Ann > Tae > Kawakami > the rest go in the trash
It's a shitty poll do whatever you want
Kawakami is best girl anyway
>nearly no good Persona 5 doujinshi
>when the best girl is the most popular girl, so all the other-girlfags get triggered over her popularity
>>nearly no good Persona doujinshi
>Write answers in biased way
>Use biased image on thread
>your waifu is still third
>Best girl still first
Get rekt, Ann-fag
Don't be like that.
Rise above hate
You too
Persona 4 has good doujinshi mate
>not understanding the concept of reverse psychology
As expected from a Makotofag brainlet.
The only good P4 doujin is that rise one
I actually have no problems with Ann.
Doesn't change the fact that people still get triggered over Makoto's popularity though
>Ohya only has 1 (ONE) vote
Are you implying strawpolls that can be botted post of Sup Forums matter?
>Sae "the milf" Nijimi
Milf doesn't mean "older woman" you fucking idiot
>Ann fags even getting btfo by Used Goods Teacher
There's nothing with Ann being a bimbo.
>his own "best girl" is in 3rd place
Drop Futaba to C
Bump Kawakami to S+
Bump Sae to S
and it's perfect
Unsurprisingly men want a feminine woman. Ohya is everything wrong with modern women.
>Lavenza B
>people actually like the most bland character in the entire game
imma need a source on this
Why the fuck is self-insert MC ALWAYS the top of all these list in anything japanese related?
which one?
because im da best :^)
This one
>underage pedophile
I feel bad for Annfags becuase popularity petty equals how much screentime and merch you get it spinoffs going off the Persona polls.
Becuase he is (you) and also Fujo's use him asa self insert to push their shipping onto and it's the same reason any guys are high at all. Those are the guys they ship hard.
Nice falseflag.
>Only played P5
>waifued S+ Makoto
>from looks alone, most likely would have gone with Mitsuru in 3 and Rise in 4
It feels like someone on the Persona team has been trying to push banging your teacher for years and only now are they allowed to do more.
Makoto is a less interesting Mitsuru desu
But Rise is a shit girl
>Tae is the most popular cake in Japan
>Kawakami is the most popular cake in the west
That teacher fetish is too strong for baka gaijin.
Very funny
what if I waifu'd both of them and I think Makoto is better?
She is less interesting then all of the P3 cast, besides Fuuka.
>besides Fuuka
Fuck off.