>Pay a ransom every month so you don't get banned from the game
Justify game with monthly subscriptions fees to me
Pay a ransom every month so you don't get banned from the game
I can't. It was always a shitty business model for shitty games.
Its a club. You're paying to get in.
It keeps out the filthy peasants.
But the only games with subscription fees are MMOs, and those are 100% trailer trash sniveling scrub-peasants ERPers. They're ALL riffraff. They are vain, low-skilled, lonely, and have the worst taste possible.
If they're so shit then why are you complaining about paying to get in?
They're being swindled.
I'd pay 5-10 bucks a month for a multiplayer game in exchange for the game not being built around a F2P model that inherently makes games less enjoyable.
They could have used that money on pot.
>It keeps out the filthy peasants.
The exact argument Overwatch faggots used to justify paying for their F2P game filled with lootboxes. Lo and behold it has one of the shittiest communities ever.
Any peasant can steal a copy of overwatch from Target or Walmart.
How do you steal a paid subscription? Time cards aren't activated unless paid for.
>Any peasant can steal a copy of overwatch from Target or Walmart.
An awful lot of copies must have got stolen then.
You are paying for a service, not a product. The monthly subs guarantee the game will have content in the future at a steady pace and it keeps the poorfaggots out. It's basically paying for quality and continually supporting the devs.
If the devs fuck up, people stop playing, devs don't get money and the game dies. There's a reason why F2P MMOs usually resort to cash shops since they have no other income to actually keep the game alive and healthy.
Even the poorfags get to try it out with the trial to see if they like it or not. Overwatch is B2P without a sub fee, so people can casually play it without actually getting good. Poorfags and casualfags drop MMOs completely if they don't have time or money to keep playing it.
iRacing kinda proves OP's point.
The community, instead of becoming better, is filled with dads with too much money in their hands, who spend thousands on a "sim rig", only to wipe backmarkers out in turn one.
Which fucking sucks, since racing is one of the few game genres that rely almost entirely on skill.
>I pay money to feel special
One day you will realise how silly this is.
>I pay money to feel special
No, its "I pay money to keep russians and brazilians away from me"
One day you will play a game filled with russians and brazilians and you will realize I'm right
Most games that do this give paying players a bunch of advantages over players that don't. You're right though, it's a bad business model. Let's use a good example and a bad example:
>Awesome gameplay
>Looks good(for an mmo)
>Waifu bait
>Terrible story
>Dialogue that is both terrible and wonderful at the same time
Sounds pretty good, right? Paying players get:
>Discounts in the cosmetics store
>Gain currency and experience twice as fast
>Have access to flying mounts
>Have more character slots
>Can put things up for sale at the broker for free
>Have more slots for selling said brokerage items
This makes paying less of a necessity and more of a way for people to obsess over the game if they really, really enjoy it.
Now we'll look at Guild Wars 2.
>Looks even better than Tera
>Pay once, play forever
>Would regularly go on sale for $10
>Solid gameplay
>Interesting professions
>Zones weren't level locked, making playing with friends easier
>Really good incentives for people to play a bit every day
>On release, you could buy DLC content and cosmetics with in-game currency
Then they went free to play when they released Heart of Thorns.
>Players were split into three categories: free to play, bought the game but not the DLC, and bought the DLC
>You couldn't buy the DLC with in-game currency
>Anyone who bought the game but not the DLC lost access to a lot of content
>New players had even less
>Only people who immediately bought the DLC were allowed to play the game like they used to
It was essentially saying "buy our game again or else," and they lost a lot of players for it.
So it's a club of 100% trailer trash sniveling scrub-peasants ERPers. ALL riffraff. Vain, low-skilled, lonely, and have the worst taste possible people.
They have clubs too.
Find yours.
Oh wait, you are a virgin and have no friends
Keeps out the PL and BR.
You are projecting.
People use clubs for either socializing or helth purposes. They don't go to tell others they can. People seldom say what clubs they visit.
Except virgins who immediately post on social media what subscription they are paying to justify their purchase.
That's A grade bullshit
As a former dota player, I had my fair share of BR and the likes.When the yearly compendium added a ranking reset, many thought they could find ranking matches without subhumans. What a fucking surprise, paid ranking was full of subhumans BRs and peruvians too.
>Pay a ransom every month so you don't get banned from the game
I'm not sure which games ban you for not subbing, but 14 doesn't. You can unsub and quit playing for however long you want, and start up again without consequence.
>Justify game with monthly subscriptions fees to me
I feel like I get value from a game if I get enjoyment for at least an hour of each dollar I pay. Using FF14 as an example, I spend around $13 a month, and play around 2 each day on average. I play mostly every day, so I'm getting about 60 hours of enjoyment a month out of $13.
It's pretty good from a value point.
>those are 100% trailer trash sniveling scrub-peasants ERPers. They're ALL riffraff. They are vain, low-skilled, lonely, and have the worst taste possible
Sounds like an IRL club. Except replace ERPers with sex/drug fiends.
>pay a ransom every month so you don't get banned from the home
Justify home with monthly subscription fees to me
Justify spotify and Netflix
I am sworn enemy of GW2 since this game is the Overwatch of MMOs.
So about your GW2 arguments
>Solid gameplay
This is such bullshit since devs don't give a shit about balance it just hurts. Stale meta that is tweaked only when expansion hits like HoT example. Then devs just go for cosmetics. That's all.
Also the part with great world etc. The "I like the puzzle quest" audience speaks volumes about the audience this games tries to cater.
>Interesting professions
You must be joking and if not then elaborate what is so interesting about professions which can be all learned and just disabled so there is literally no meaning in being fully trained since everyone can do so.
>Really good incentives for people to play a bit every day
Logging in just to get some materials/items is dumb as fuck. Only proves that game is shit itself and somehow have to keep people from dropping.
>Then they went free to play
Again just proves that game in its core was shit, boring classes that gets dull so fast with spells/abilities bound to weapons (which to this day, in my opinion, is the most retarded thing ever implemented in MMOs to date)
>It was essentially saying "buy our game again or else," and they lost a lot of players for it.
They were losing players before which led them into F2P model to cut the losses.