Is PC gaming a thing again?
Is PC gaming a thing again?
well ps4 is locked to 30 with frequent drops to mid 20s and terrible framepacing. PC is locked 60, no problem. if gaming is your main/only hobby, why wouldn't you want the best possible experience with it?
Console exclusive retards posting on Sup Forums is like somebody who owns a minivan considering themselves a car person
this would be really upsetting if this gets 400 replies
If you want 60FPS gaming, yes
if you don't care about that, no
whilst the PS4 Pro and Xbox X are welcome mid-gen spec bumps, developers are just going to use the extra power to bump up resolution over targetting a solid 60FPS 1080p performance first
these threads are retarded
you can't compare PS and PC, PS is for playing vidya only while you use PC for variety of other things that require better specs
once again sonybros prove they're brainlets
That computer could probably run DS3 at locked 120fps.
consoles are for children who leach of their parents
>console idiot actually PAY to PLAY ONLINE
I can't believe this shit lmao
Because i hate troubleshooting.
but what if metroid was a girl?
And mustards droning on and on about their AAA console games on PC are like fucking vegans.
Why would I shell over $1000+ sheckles just to experience 60 fps on platform with literally no worthwhile exclusives, awful ports, and horrible community?
Is console gaming a thing again?
>Guys they totally look the same if I take a single image and scale it down to 15% of its original size! Consoles win again baby
And in this food analogy consoletards would be people who eat exclusively meat and show up to a board designed to talk about all food.
>minute details are worth buying a PC for
If you're spending $1000+ on a pc you aren't going to be experiencing trouble with those "awful ports" that the people with $600 builds are typically complaining about.
And a frame rate that doesn't look like a rollercoaster going from 15 to 24
And those "awful ports" are usually still better than the console version. An extremely bad port would be merely the same as the console version.
>15 PS3 games
While true, PC DS3 is locked to 60. If you try unlocking it you will be banned from online play
Oh. Hello poorfag. Didn't see you groveling down there
>playing fps with a controller
no thanks
>consoles get everything of note
>PC gets some of those things of note
>but it's the consoles who just want to talk about one thing
>ps4 is locked to 30
not on Pro ;^)
>Purchasing a Titan X for gaming purposes only.
Are people this retarded? Even a GTX 1060 would be absolutely enough for 1080p gaming.
They're getting at the point whenever these comparisons come up, people always compare a £2,000 alienware tier PC with a console.
>playing FPS
>playing fps
>Horrible community
You're dumb.
the point of playing in 1080p isn't just to run at 1080p, but to have all settings maxed and maybe even downsample from 4k
>playing racing games with m/kb
>45 ish fps on pro
no thanks, pretty sure i could build a cheaper and more powerful pc.
>platform with literally no worthwhile exclusives, awful ports, and horrible community
that sums up any platform after 2010
>le pretend I don't play fps even though it's the most popular type of videogame
Isn't the pro a gravelly smooth 4k 25fps?
That's why just plug in your preferred controller
It's ok to be poor user. Just don't try to convince everyone that being rich isn't better. That's just sad.
That's pretty obvious, hence the GTX 1060 I mentioned. Plenty of older cards, like the GTX 760, could play at 1080p too but with shit settings.
>i never played an arena fps that isn't overwatch
>"i-it's good because it's popular!!!"
Yes you've caught the entire PC """community""" in one room.
I have both and I can only see the difference when I run them side by side
this 45~fps looks closer to 60 most of the time
Not yet.
Pretty accurate satire of the standard console babby argument.
pc has demon's souls
and futa mods for other games
pc wins baybey!
Problem is if you buy a ps4 or xbox now, the next console gen is right around the corner. And they'll all be meme 4k consoles that cost 500$+ at launch. So you're really just splitting your cost between now and later to hit a lower refresh rate, lower fps and paid online.
post more of that pls
>shittalking the entire fps genre
I didn't know you could be this much of a faggot
im liking this videogame.webm.
whats the game called?
most games on the Pro give you two options
>1080p with faster loading, slightly hgher settings and unlocked framerate
>4k at locked 30fps with drops and vanilla ps4 gfx settings
>all FPS games are bad
I bet you only play puzzle games lol
>being a shitter with bad taste
Keep posting
These ultra low budget builds are fucking stupid. If you're going to cut corners you may as well just go console, there's no point in building a pc to make compromises.
Correct. Every game i physically own.
are you high, retard? I have a A10 7580K with a cheap mobo and RAM. A cheap crucial SSD with a cheap WD green 4TB HDD for storage. I can run Witcher 3, Dark Souls 3, the Phantom Pain without problems. It cost me less than 500 petrodollars
ps4 would be a good value if you didnt have to pay for online. but paying for online makes it a bad value and pc a better value.
source pls
that videogame is called Degenerate Roastie Whore 7: The Sluttening
i've cummed on my own face once, it's not a good feeling.
Don't worry about it you'll never get to play it.
And the rest on top of that. Timesplitters 2 is all i have, and i don't really like it.
>white girls
why would you tap that?
I agree, but they exist to counter the argument that you can't compete with consoles at their price point when there is plenty of evidence that you can. I'm off the opinion you should probably spend $800+ to be completely happy with your pc, but you can spend much less and still do completely fine. Console plebs don't get that. They have no clue how good most components actually perform.
who knows what the next gen will be
I bought ps4 with hopes that all the x86 meme would mean easier backwards compatibility for the next generations
if PS5 wipes the library again, I'm building a 1080ti rig instead
it's called "embrace communism gojim: episode 1"
Not to mention there's usually a fan made patch, like dsfix for dark souks, far for nier or theworse for watch dogs, that improves performance and appearance.
delet this now pcfag!
>paying 2000$ for a rig that only receives bad ports and shit doesn't work half the time
because I'm not into bestiality
fuck meant to quote this
having sex with a creature with more venereal diseases than a thai prostitute doesn't make you a better men user. Also, after so many black dicks she won't feel your micropenis. Never date white girls, it's worse if they are from murricah.
Playing GTA with a controller to drive and mkb for shooting is the correct choice.
For me, bad framerate and low resolution, lack of AA is more than minute detail. If course, if I couldn't afford it I would probably also be mad at those who could. I wouldn't know because I'm not poor.
MGS V plays much better with mkb too.
wtf is twinkie tush
You can get a GPU that surpasses even the PS4 pro for 300$
>250GB HDD
>GTX 1050
>paying $2000 for a pc
lmao are you fucking retarded?
Oh ok, cool i guess. I will never know if thats true or no though.
unga bunga who dis
You can't beat around the fact that they're minute details, just not to you, because you don't play the game and spend more time in the settings and menus fucking around with sliders.
Such a scenario is seriously inconcievable to you? 07'ers everyone.
Dunno famalam.
I don't play any at all, thanks. Unless you want to count Resident Evil VII, then thats one i do own.
PC is the best option for poofags too, I built my PC 3 years ago for 800 bucks ans saved hundreds pirating stuff, buying games in the gray market for half the money, and my rig still runs games at high or even ultra at 60fps, you save money in the long run while still running things much better and not having to buy pro/X/ultimate editions of your consoles every 4 years.
I've been doing that since GTA III, always liked getting into a car and grabbing the controller as if was the car wheel.
What about the rest of the system though?