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Literally everyone I know that played Overwatch has quit, including myself.
>mfw people enjoy the game so much they are buying the game multiple times
feels gud man
>having friends
>tfw all my friends moved to PUBG
Got bored and uninstalled, came back to try out memefist but its getting old just getting one shot from that turbonigger because I was within 30 yards of a wall.
Literally only played by beta male burgers, gamer gurlz and gooks
Played for half an year then stopped.
It's not bad, just gets boring after repeating the same maps and modes.
This is bullshit, same as it was for Destiny.
Surprising they both have 30 million players and are both owned by activision isn't it?
>30 million players
>play with 11 other people at maximum
29,999,988 players you don't need to give a fuck about.
koreans can play without buying the game fyi
>muh 30 million play my game goy!
Actually same here, everyone who used to play OW is now playing PUBG.
Including me.
>"It's dead*" - some fags since the game released
* = "I don't like it so it's dead!"
I'd rather get my competitive FPS fix from CS:GO than Overshit. Game is for literal babies.
>people actually give blizzard more money for this shit game when they rebuy it so they can "smurf"
what the fuck
how can I get them back bros?
serious talk
how can one game be so shit
>play game
>adult autist screeching into mic barking orders when he's the one dragging us down
>clearly 10 yearold kid telling him to "shut the fuck up bitch"
>"what did you say reee"
uninstalled forever
also the game has no content
It's not shit. It's actually very good. It's not one of the best shooters ever made though.
>blizzard makes TF2 with an I win button
>everyone buys it despite knowing this
can we stop
Play PUBG.
Why do they give these numbers when it's blatantly obvious it's fake.
30 million is an insane number, if it were true you would never come across the same person twice ever and matches would be made in a second.
>"It's totally alive goyim, just believe us!*" - Activision and their shitlickers like you
*But we won't release any active player numbers because it's against our "policy"
What do you guys think about the Overwatch League?
I don't play the game but it sounds hilarious(ly doomed to fail)
30,000,000 is real, it's just that it's not going to be representative of active player numbers and that it doesn't discriminate against:
>smurf accounts
>PC bang players(functionally rent-a-game for Koreans)
>people who played during F2P periods(e.g. the entire month of May in China)
All of whom register as unique. Obviously that's not 30 million actual individuals, but after SC2 I imagine Blizzard is pretty wary about releasing regular data the same way Steam has its data charts.
It would have fared better if it were released 10 years ago, but today everything it does has already been done before, the only reason anybody pays any attention to the game at all is because it has the Blizzard seal of quality.
It's not a bad game, it just popped up at a weird time and did everything too late, I can't see it surviving even 2 years from now. They released a TF2 clone after TF2 had long since lost its lustre.
Why defend blizzard ever
>"It's dead if I keep moving the goalpost!"
Thanks for trying and the laughs.
I'll come back for the Summer Games for a couple of days, but boy howdy FUCK playing Competitive anymore, just not fun. Actually went back to TF2 and am having a lot more fun there
the masses just love eating shit, they'll pick up anything that grants instant gratification
blizzard's primary goal is to make money, which is why we have this... game
>tfw the pharahs a dude
tfw i think i see myself in the background
>it's not dead I know its not
What the fuck does this even mean
>Overwatch League
>Constant developer updates
>New content every month
>esports scene growing every year
>Pros in Overwatch League get paid minimum 50k a year, with benefits (more if you're a social media giant house)
>30 million active players daily spanning the entire world
Overwatch is getting more popular every year, more players than CS:GO. Why are you fags in-denial? Overwatch is one of the most popular esports FPS in the world at the moment and you simply cannot do a single thing about it.
You might cry, "Wah! Bullshit!" But you're retarded and wrong and I can provide even more evidence that Overwatch is the best FPS on the market and the most popular.
Prove me wrong.
>Korean plastic girl
I'm literally only reinstalling for nihon and then uninstalling again
Fuck this game's balance
>It's not dead if I bury my head in the sand!
So do you also think Destiny has 30 million players?
Active accounts?
Nice bait
The difference is TF2 is only competitive if you want it to be, you can play it for years and never enter a truly competitive game if you don't want to. The way Blizzard does things, everything is tourney-tier competitive from the ground up, and not everybody wants to deal with that shit 24/7. I think that's why PUBG is exploding right now, people are getting sick of the competitive shit and want to play something that is rather fun and challenging, not obsessively balanced and manipulated to be as sportlike and unfun as possible at all times.
million active players
Go ahead and prove your own claims first.
>I think Paladins is a more superior game with balanced gameplay mechanics even though 90% of it is copied aesthetics from Overwatch and a stupid card ability system
While I'm sure both games dont have 30 mil monthly concurrent players
It's hard to argue with the fact that both games have a huge player base. Destiny sold so many copies I lost track. Even my ex gf bought a ps4 copy at one point.
he explained it retard
Why are you TF2 drones so butthurt about Overwatch?
dear lord I thought it was a blow up doll at first.
Because they're faggot hipsters.
It might as well be
>Overwatch is getting more popular every year, more players than CS:GO.
Nice stats you got there, oh wait Blizzard doesn't release stats that actually mean anything.
>30 million players!*
>*players = accounts created since the game was released
He's baiting you newfag, read it again jfc
I'm unironically fucking bouncing all over my room, this is the happiest I've been in years. This is even bigger karmic justice than Trump winning.
>overwatch players
never understood why you white boys even cared about trump winning. he's litterally the same useless president we've had since forever.
The same exact company said Destiny had 30 million players as did Overwatch, if you believe them about Overatch then you also have to beileve them about Destiny.
It's not so easy to explain how destiny has 30 million players.
That's why I don't believe either statement, even given the things stated.
>Before Overwatch Sup Forums didn't give a fuck about TF2
The part about esports players actually getting decent pay is nothing new.
It's basically only DotA 2 that absolutely shafts the players and gives all the money to the (((team))).
What happened with SC2? Legitimately curious.
It's not TF2 drones, it's quite literally everyone not from an ASSFAGGOTS
the ones who defend this shit game are ASSFAGGOT'ers
TF2 won a decade ago when it used to have more active players than Overwatch will ever get in its entire existence. TF2 won before Overwatch was even conceived, Overwatch just picked the scraps left by TF2 absolutely dominating for years.
Sorry but the game is trash. It seemed promising to begin with, but it just devolved in to slow update bullshit with nonsense balance changes
>hurr we don't like roadhog one-shotting people with his combo
The meta is stale and is rapidly approaching the same level of interest as the likes of competitive melee.
The maps are poorly designed chokepoints.
You play the same game over and over again with rarely any real variety, and so it becomes very stale very quick.
This isn't a game for people to be invested in. It's a game for normalfags to come home from work and rattle off a few matches with their friends.
There's lots of male Pharah cosplayers. It's a great way to make some cool armor with some moving parts and all the female Pharah cosplayers would rather just make out with blonde girls in public all day.
No, like I said, the 30 million number is technically true, but the reality is that Overwatch probably has less unique/active players than CS:GO daily/in a two week period.
For perspective, Ubisoft recently said Rainbow Six Siege passed the 20 million milestone.
>Before Overwatch Sup Forums didn't give a fuck about TF2
Sup Forums gave a huge fuck about TF2 back in its heyday, but you're too big a newfag to have experienced the golden age of TF2.
The typical spiral of a dying game when stats are involved. Game started losing players, stats showed as much, people didn't want to buy into a game they perceived as dying, game continued to lose players while gaining no new ones.
I decided to not listen to Sup Forums for once and got the game a week ago. And honestly it's pretty fun, sure it has its flaws but it makes me feel like a kid playing TF2 in its glory days.
Don't care about your hate on mainstream games guys, I really like it desu
And when it went F2P everyone moved on, except 3rd world shitters who make these OW threads and imply that TF2 is anything but shit.
How does it feel having to spend money buying your own game to pretend there are people still playing, Jeff? Enjoying the 5 minute queues you fucking cocksucker?
You guys think you're a special snowflakes but honestly you fags are all the same
I was like that too,, but you'll learn in a month or so that the game gets pretty stale pretty fast when you dedicate yourself to it.
That's why there's no decent streamers who consistently play, and why the likes of that one Lucio-main called DSPStanky are abandoning ship to stream other stuff instead.
I agree I enjoyed it when first playing but it gets old FAST.
Plus most of the users are 12 year olds that like to spam memes
You, yeah, you right there.
Post more.
I know this is just stupid bait, but all the 3rd worlders are playing Dota 2. TF2's fanbase, even in its F2P period have always been overwhelmingly from the United States.
Not him but I just queued and all it took me was 30 seconds.
I stopped during the Chinese New Year event early this year. I already wanted to quit (some friends playing kept me on) but seeing how much Blizzard fucked up that CTF mode made me realize just how little they know what they're doing.
I've gone back to TF2 casually and it has been much more enjoyable.
When it went F2P no one gave a fuck. Try harder fag.
Give it a week or two, I'm dead serious
Unless you're the type of guy that goes to McDonalds for lunch, you'll drop it like any other sane human being
worst advice ever given
I quit after many, many situations where I'd dodge something and get hit by it anyways due to the abysmal tick rate
destiny was the #1 game on both consoles for the first 1.5 years, now it's gonna be on top again this fall
Yeah I stopped listening to Sup Forums and ended up enjoying far more than I had imagined. Also having a shitton of players too helps where I don't have to worry about queueing at the wrong time of the day.. There's always teams out there willing to play no matter the time.
I've made great friendships so far in Overwatch.. Met some really hot GRILL GAMERS as well. We end up playing different games and have become close on Facebook.
Can you conjure up friendship like this on any other multiplayer games? Probably. But not as strong as Overwatch.
You're entitled to your opinion but it also makes you a furry
>Can you conjure up friendship like this on any other multiplayer games?
meet some through PUBG one is buying me a brand new PC.
Stop lying. Overwatch's playerbase is pure cancer. There's very little room for any form of community to form when interaction with other people lasts about 15 minute bursts and you never have to see them again.
PUBG is so far the greatest refinement upon a formula that has been growing for years now, beginning with the DayZ mod for ARMA2. It's not going anywhere anytime soon, and that is evidenced by it breaking player records over and over again on Steam. PUBG is not going to be a short-lived success, the devs know what they're doing, they know why their game is popular, they know how the style of game originated and has developed over the years and they know how to push it forward and keep it popular obviously.
You'll meet 1 shitty player on your team every once in a while that'll vastly outweigh all the good ones you meet
Hope you're smart enough to mute people
We can't let PUBG become a success now that it's trying to introduce loot box shit. I'm going to start playing CSGO again to try to get its player count above PUBG
>it is stupid because i say so!
great argument right there
>Game is bleeding players
>Content updates don't have the draw power they used to with most players realizing that even if they get the skin they want they'll just stop playing the game until the next update so it doesn't matter
>Maps and game modes are getting stale as there isn't much variety and the customs are limited.
>Game meta has jarring changes done mid season which can mess up everything
They need to have some sort of player design tools so that players can make content like maps and actual modes. Blizzard is moving too slow.
*This includes all the accounts made during the open beta and on free weekends
It was released so barebones that the game became stale before all the content was added
Well ever since Hearthstone, they've strayed far, far the fuck away from "complicating" things
The whole server browser thing was a complete shocker, but it's barely used because the masses just click on Quickplay/Arcade.
But it is also fair to say that it's nowhere near the customization power of classic Blizzard games (like SC and WC3). However, this game is far too shallow to have something like that exist, which is why we have the server browser
>Blizzard release modding tools for Overwatch
>people start making their own maps and modes that are more popular than anything in the base game
>everyone exclusively plays mods because the official game modes are so fucking trash
>Blizzard's Dota PTSD triggers and shuts down all mods
Yet Counter-Strike players play on the Dusk2 map over and over again for nearly a decade and no one bats an eye?
Dust2 is actually good though. It fixes all the issues of Dust1, and people are doing that willingly, not being bribed with lootboxes to cycle through a game where almost all the maps are shit.
True but CS's mechanics is more of a money and gameplay based tug of war that leads to more dynamic play than OWs which is stale and meta dependent.
Imagine if 1/3 of weapons were used and most of them aimed for you