Why haven't we gotten animation this amazing in video games?

Why haven't we gotten animation this amazing in video games?
This came out in 1967 (50 years ago)

Are devs lazy?
Is animation not wanted anymore?
I mean people still go crazy for pixar and people love cartoons.
Why can't video games capitalise on the pixar/animation craze.
I repeat this came out 50 years ago.
With computers this can be easier.

Animation like that is fucking expensive. For your average, non-AAA dev, doing something like that is going to eat up a huge chunk of your budget that can be better otherwise.
But say you do want to pull this off and you've got the money and the staff to do it. There are a lot of other things that make vidya animation harder than film animation.
>way less freedom to cheat camera angles in a 3D game because it has to look good from every angle
>all your animation loops need to be able to transition into each other nicely or they're going to look janky
>principles of good animation (esp ones that make animation feel weighty and natural) are in contention with a high level of responsiveness
And God forbid
>your game has anything procedural, your animation needs to be able to adapt to it
In a short, well polished game it could work. But it's harder than film and let me reiterate, prohibitively expensive.

Why was The Jungle Book world removed from Birth by Sleep?

Too jungley and neverland was already in.

i have good a feeling it's in kh3 though.

it's not good

The dude who made the book got angry at the japs and they had to cancel it

Why make up an answer?

>Are devs lazy?
Yes. Except lazy doesn't mean lazy, it means they aren't going to blow their entire budget on animation.
>Is animation not wanted anymore?
Correct. 2D films are not produced anymore since the last ones went bust at the box office. This is because a lot of adults think 2D animation is exclusively for kids, while 3D is for the whole family.
>I mean people still go crazy for pixar and people love cartoons.
Pixar =/= traditional animation
>Why can't video games capitalise on the pixar/animation craze.
Again Pixar has fucking nothing to do with the Jungle book
>With computers this can be easier.
No it can't.

Come back when you have actually sound questions instead of a jumbled mess that makes no sense and ignores costs, deadlines, target markets, etc. Videogames are products.

2016 version was better tbqh

8/10 bait short sweet and to the point

take my (You) and fuck off

>that perfect jazz synchronization
As if any game designer today is groovy enough to pull it off.

cup head is taking years

This. It's just an entirely different medium with different production considerations.

>muh idris elba
i want this meme to end

>draining out all the personality from the original designs in favor of realistic CG
Literally why?

>pretending you aren't going to buy tickets to see the live action Lion King

I'm not though.

>Why make up an answer?

Like you just did? Kipling's long dead and his estate had nothing to do with it. The problem was BBS was made during the time Disney couldn't use any Jungle Book material from the original movie because the widow of King Louie's VA was still angry at them using a sound-alike for Louie in other things like Tale Spin without giving her royalties. Now that that's blown over Disney is able to use Louie again so we can get the Jungle Book world now.

>it's not the original therefore it sucks back in my day get off my lawn uphill both ways carrying a horse in ten feet of snow that's how I met your mother

Things would be cheaper now, with computers automating tasks handrawings, rotaring, coloring and so on. You can develop intelligent AI to detect certain things like eyes, there are even programs on the internet that can do this. They could easily detect eyes, move eyes to different postions, something that would of taken them to redraw the eyes all together 50 years ago. They can color things in easily, layers saved time immensily where you can work on different layers which other would of meant artists to start again.
There's so many thign technology has done in the way of art.
I don't see how you can say things would cost the same ,considering how much manual labour this removes.
They don't even have to build in house but from a experienced vendor so they don't really need a tech department too.

Thanks doc.

These live-action Disney remakes seem so amazingly cynical.

Because Westerners SUCK and want realism.

Remember last gen? Brown and grey shooters. Nobody liked cell shaded games.

>That spelling
>But computers make everything easier!
Top kek. Computers do fucking nothing for traditional drawing. Maybe some slight improvements in coloring but that's it.
If you implement all the benefits of computer aided animation you propose, you end up with tweened dogshist.
Furthermore there's not even a quality animation industry in the US anymore, at least not at a competitive price, it would have to be outsource to Korea or Japan.

You should have waited for more replies then that user. Try to at least get 5 or it just looks pathetic. You are also missing some kind of smiling stare down, smug anime girl, or something related with your green text. 2/10

>it's real
>a "live action" remake reanimated in cg
This needs to stop.

2D Animation simply dropped in popularity. People prefer CGI.

The best we're going to get is stuff like Paperman where they experiment with a mix of 2D and 3D.

>Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland, and Jungle Book all made 1 billion (with a b) in box office sales with positive reviews

I would keep making them too

I don't give a shit about your board culture.

This is Mary Poppins (2018). Say something nice to her.

because it only works in 2D and costs a shit ton of money look at rayman both games sadly flopped

>Computers do fucking nothing for traditional drawing. Maybe some slight improvements in coloring but that's it.

Are you joking?
Have you never used modern tools for digital design?
You can trace, rotar, erase, add, layer, color and so many things that would of taken ages. Like ages, I can't tell you how much time I've save by using a tablet and doing things digitally. The amount of time, paper effort I've saved. I can only imagine how much it helped people experienced in this field.
That's how we get so many cartoons so fast. Can you imagine if all that work was handdrawn. We'd have an entire team of people going crazy to produce stuff like once a fortnight for every episode of a cartoon.
I repeat once again this movie was done 50 years ago.

If you honestly think it would take the same time to make this today, you really have been living under a rock.
Are you just fucking with me, or have you not used a tablet and
modern tools in your life.

Someone will draw porn of her and I will fap to it.

What happened? I thought the author hates Disney for raping the original movie?

Top fucking kek.
You sound like a 12 year old kid who has never produced a single second of hand drawn animation, and doesn't even understand the difference between that and limited animation or tweened animation.

Maybe if Ka's song was actually in the movie not the credits, then it'd stand a chance

Having regret for selling the film rights for your book doesn't magically make them come back.

Disney makes offers you can't refuse. Mickey knows what child actress you fucked at the "audition".

This board needs more people like you user.

We have Wario Land Shake It.

>this came out 50 years ago!!

And it was expensive and took many, many years and lots of time and lots of money to make.

Pixar isn't this kind of animation either, lumping the two together is amateurish and insulting to both parties.

I don't remember Gigantopithecus being in the Jungle Book.

I'm not just talking about tween. You illiterate fuck.
There's so many tools availiable to that assist the production of hand animation as a whole and not to mention they can develop tools 'just for this', in-house or from a vendor.
I'm convinced you're pretending to be retarded at this point or have literally no clue on animation or technology.
Consider this me filtering you.

Not him but I'd imagine drawing on a tablet is way more convenient than drawing on paper.

They also didn't have the same tech and motion capture we do today

post the snow white webm

Orangutans weren't in the Jungle Book either.

>No! The tools! Technology!
Hahaha, you're a fucking idiot.
Seriously go animate literally anything.

It really doesn't change productivity significantly. It can even create problems with outsourcing and file formats, despite it being more convenient that sending paper.