whats the Sup Forumserdict of Lego games on here?
i think they're pretty neat coop playable adventures with TONS of fanservice. you can feel that the games were made by nerds themselves.
whats the best Lego game anyways?
whats the Sup Forumserdict of Lego games on here?
i think they're pretty neat coop playable adventures with TONS of fanservice. you can feel that the games were made by nerds themselves.
whats the best Lego game anyways?
They're pretty much the true successor to collect-a-ton games that do their own thing (over and over) instead of riding on the nostalgia of older games.
I'd only wish that there was some sort of parent or adult mode for them that have some actual challenge.
You get what you expect, and you should expect a textbook-definition comfy game.
Good laid back games for when you don't want a challenge and just want to collect stuff.
Lego games are a hit and a miss. Depends on the IP they are taking on. Since the devs are almost too accurate to the IP and sometimes it hurts the game.
Lego LotR for example was extremely hampered by being realistically LotR because half the enemies had either no or only 1-2 enemies in them. In Lego Indiana Jones, you rarely had weapons since Indy rarely had weapons, and you had to steal them and each weapon only had a few shots in them. It's not bad but some choices they made here just don't fit the formula well. Also the Indy universe everyone had to manually build since there are no magic/force powers.
So far the best Lego games I have played are the first 3 Star Wars games, as the universe just allows the mechanics to be fun. The lightsaber fighting in LSW is superior to the sword fighting mechanics found in other lego games. You also has blaster deflection mechanics as well, and Jedi/Sith characters can use a variety of force powers. On top of the regular hand to hand and gun/blaster combat of Lego games.
Lego games best games
>TFW finished SW 2 while cooping with literal Mongo
That's a stupid complaint, combat in Lego games is passable at best and an annoyance at worst. As long as you get to smash shit, collect studs, and solve simple puzzles the game is good.
The combat in LSW is objectively better, more engaging and more fun than the combat in any other lego games.
Not that any of it is really deep, but it's just better in the SW games.
I can't help but feel that there are also two different teams working on them.
On one side you have the A team thad did Marvel Super Heroes, Batman 3 and LotR and on the other you have the B team that did the half-assed stuff like Jurassic World, the Hobbit and the Lego Movie game.
>Jurassic World was bad
What a shame, I was interesting in trying it out since I love Jurassic Park.
Anyways if the A team did Lego LotR that doesn't give me much hope. That game was fairly disappointing. Also held back by last gen consoles immensely. If only it released as a PS4 launch title instead.
Lego Star Wars was the first game I remember playing
My problem with LotR was how arbitrary the powers seemed
It's not bad but not particularly outstanding, either.
The biggest issue I had with it was that it felt rushed and not properly playtested.
There was one part for example where you had to solve a puzzle inside a ship which was impossible to do in co-op since the camera was placed in such an awkward way that the space between the windows was right above it.
enjoyed the Star Wars games
then played the Indiana Jones one but thought that was meh and haven't played one since
How bad was Lego Movie game?
JW was good, especially if you like JP-stuff.
T. 100% and all the cheevos.
They spent more time on making everything out of Lego than on the game itself.
Instead of a large overworld you got only a bunch of somewhat small hubs, the controls of flying characters were reversed back to the awkward Batman 2 ones instead of the amazing Marvel Super Heroes ones, a huge part of the roster is just Emmets in different costumes, they literally just took scenes from the movie as cutscenes and overall they somehow managed to dumb down the already simple gameplay even more.
But damn, if it didn't look glorious.
There's also something pretty amusing in hindsight: remember how those special bonus worlds that are in games like MSH and LotR were made all out Lego? Well given that the whole game is already made out of bricks the bonus level is instead Finn's room which is made of normal real-life things like the standard levels in the normal games
What's wrong user?
I just didn't like the casualized QTE combat and the fact that the open world looked looked like a PS2 game compared to the actual levels which looked great. The draw distance was also really bad, with terrible LOD and pop in.
Also there were some bad glitches to do with percentage completion too.
Well it gives me hope that not everyone thinks it was terrible.
I don't live with my brothers anymore anyways so I will likely just play it single player.
>yfw all that team killing in LSW1 and 2 MP when you were a kid
I really enjoyed the hub worlds and the level editor in Lego Indy 2
Lego Marvel Superheroes is the best Lego game. Debate me.
comfy and fun
indy and star wars trilogy is the best
Still like the original Lego Star Wars on PS2 the best (OP's pic). Before it became a franchise and all.
Did any of you play the Lego games on DS? They seemed to be pretty good ports, console limitations considered.
LSW1 is great but I think 2 was a straight up mechanical improvement. Then there is the HD port of 1 and 2 on PS3 that incorporates the enhancements of 2 into 1.
The only reason to play the original PS2 versions of LSW 1 and 2 now is for the cool hub world, since the HD port has it's own original hub.
So guys, what's the Sup Forumserdict?
>Marvel Superheroes is in the top two TT LEGO games easily
>Marvel's Avengers was a piece of shit
I'm not sure how to feel about Superheroes 2.
Held back by last gen systems. Held back by being too true to the license.
Is the complete saga the best one to get now?
The old ones were better, specifically all the ones before they started actually talking
The hub world is probably why I like the original PS2 version the most. What was it, a diner or something? I just remember it being more spacious so that when you'd unlocked most of the characters you could go on a slaughter as General Grievous or something and cause a mass fight between all the characters.
The complete saga is the one to get cause it basically has every Lego game released for the Star War franchise from the original trilogy to the prequels.
Yes. It's 1 + 2 but with its own singular hub world. It's also the one that gets ported and is on the most platforms like PC or PS3.
Dex's Diner from Attack of the Clones, yeah.
Try out Lego Star Wars 3 it's fantastic. The only bad thing is it only covers the first season of the show. I really wish they had continued it with another game.
Yeah LSW1 had Dexters Diner which was just comfy as fuck, and going out to the Coruscant carpark outside was cool as fuck too, always had fun battles out there. LSW2 had a Tatooine Cantina, and outside was the cantina parking ground and you were on top of a mesa somewhere. LSW Complete Saga had the Mos Eisely Cantina and outside was just an enclosed parking garbage. Probably the least cool of the three since less battles between AI, but it was fairly large. Then LSW3 had a fucking fuckhuge hub that was awesome as hell. Literally 2 capital ships facing each other with a space battlefield inbetween. I think one was a Venator or an Acclimator or something.
>lego star wars released in the 6th generation
Get out underage.
Was Force Awakens that good? Haven't picked it up yet.
Not gonna lie: climbing the Tower of Orthanc was one of the very few moments in gaming where I got vertigo.
How are the lego harry potter games?
I didn't like the movie at all, but I had a great time with the game. I just plowed right through it.
There's also trace parts of Season two, as well as the Zillo Beast from S3. Then again, imagine if there was an update that covered the rest of the series. The Nightsister Massacre, The Citadel, The Umbara Arc...
I like the bounty hunter levels for Jabba in 2 and Complete Saga.
Avengers was basically MSH's The Hobbit, except that it had a reason for why the story wasn't finished.
Also: playable Ant-ony was amazing and I liked that you got all those extra hubs instead of just small extra levels although I would've prefered it if you would have unlocked them with those nearly pointless golden bricks.
SW3 would have been much better without those big open battlefield levels, they really drag down the game for me.
The hubs and characters were great, I agree. Getting all the minikits in the levels was the biggest pain in the ass. There was far too much arbitrary "you can't fly here" for no reason, and constant unskippable little scenes that just grated. The final boss fight was particularly painful to replay, since the last section would automatically go into the final button-mashing segment before you had a chance to get any of the three collectibles in that area.
Oh yeah you are right, but it was only like 1-2 levels, and also there was some levels from the film too.
I just really wish it at least had gotten some DLC or something, LSW3 was a really fantastic lego games and I was dissapointed with it being a one off only. The Clone Wars was an awesome setting and the gameplay really top notch in it at well.
dunno about the rest, but LSW1 kicked ass
>dat coliseum level
I actually thought they were pretty cool though. I love RTS stuff like that.
They would be fine if it didn't take so long to move around them
>tfw no online mode
Did Lego LoTR really have amazing water though?
>played the shit out of Lego Star Wars II on my computer when I was younger
>sometimes when I was bored I would play as slave Leia and do the dance taunt thing
> play as Palpatine and use the Sith electricity attack on slave Leia to electrocute her
I was a strange child.
Too bad I haven't been able to find the disc for years, I'm kind of nostalgic for it.
Just pirate it
>tfw used the character creator on slave leia's model to remove the skirt and give a flesh colored pants area to make it look like she was bottomless