Filename thread

Filename thread

What are they doing?



destroying hardware, probably to make it unusable or impossible to recover or something?

God I fucking hate heights



Destroying it beyond repair so no one can scavenge it and resell it.
Gamestop does this with all their stuff they throw out.

That's a long time to regret many of your choices.

has to be base jumping. he didn't even try to grab the ledge or he has retarded reflexes. everything looked so deliberate.

and if, not fuck him for standing up there like a retard



>forgetting aggro range
>repel runs out
>forgetting to use stealth
>fake invisibility potions
Just a few

wtf I hate niggers now

...who am I kidding? I've always hated niggers.

Did he died???




I can't not laugh at the clones bursting out of the door at the end.

his sweater starts blue and suddenly it turns red

It just seems petty.
captcha tiefgarage arret



Because if you don't do it, some people will just stop buying your wares and wait until you throw them out so they can get it for free.
It reduces sales at a not trivial level.


lmao looks pretty much like a spawn room for enemies in a game

Need a better name


It turns red when he turns to face the sun. Cameras like that are always weird with dark colors.

>using kicks on someone taller than you


gotta love the black males

I dunno, man. That doesn't really look like a parachute on his back and the camera looks down long enough that even if he did open his chute right after the camera clicks off it would be too low. I'm no expert or anything but chutes take a few seconds to fully deploy and a few more to slow you down enough that you don't turn into a grease stain on the pavement.

If it's real, I'm pretty sure that guy is dead.


Then send them off to charity? I can promise you there are a shit ton of people out there who could use even an old shitty office pc.

>Using kicks at all



>Not using Hallowed Ground
>Using Sentinel too early
>Playing WAR

You can tell by the look of him he just had to prove to himself he wasn't racist and not cross the street to avoid them
Say it with me now

>See threatening niggers come at you
>Stay on your bikes
>Don't try to get away or prepare for a fight

What was that dumbass kid thinking? That guy is twice his height and weight. Fuck the nig for not just pushing him down despite the kids stupidity, though.

>not killing the boss' minions first

so i can wank my billy


it's edited. he is wearing a parachute

Pushing him down won't teach a lesson though
Do you think you can just push someone down and they will just back off?
I'm surprised the nig just threw a single punch and knew not to go any further


I don't think it would have mattered seeing as one of them could literally pick one of them up as if he was nothing.

Shit like this is why I got my ccw. I'm tempted to take a road trip to the ghetto just to tag and my bag my first nigger.

Fuck me, I come into these threads everytime to just to watch this webm of the lemmings at the end


>dat 'casual' yawn
Lel. Never relax.

I mean, I've mushed someone so hard they broke there shoulder. Then the same thing happened to me, karma. Not that that would be necessary here. You can push someone pretty hard.

>Local white man shot today in the ghetto local sources confirm he was crying and carrying a 9mm what a fag.

That also reduces sales, just let charities buy them from you.

>Two pissed off shirtless dudes approaching you
>Wait politely on your vehicle
Something tells me those white kids were hoping for a fight

You ARE a reduced sale.

>Implying I'm scared of stovepiped hi points held sideways
Stay salty, niggerino. I took a bit of scaffolding to a jiggaboo head down in Norfolk. Think he might be dead.

why they do this?
that shit can be recycled

I'm the only one who gets this, and you should feel ashamed for making a Destiny joke.

>Being THIS EXCITED for a foul ball and not knowing the rules about touching the ball

I mean it wasn't a foul, but still if you want one so badly at least have a fundamental understanding of baseball. Or any game with a ball. Don't touch the fucking ball unless it hits you in the goddamn face.


I know nothing about baseball. what happend here?

Can you really not tell how nervous he was? That yawn is a total nervous tick. He was in a bad neighborhood, both sides of the street are dangerous. He wasn't trying to prove he's not racist he was trying to get down the street without being mugged.
His only mistake is wearing his hipster rich-boy overcoat, that's just a stupid thing to do in any dangerous area. Makes you look like you have valuables.

The batter hit a home run.




The ball was still in play, but the guy grabbed it anyway. So he interfered with the game.

Ball was still in play when the dumb fuck reached over and picked it up.

how there's no wind there?

if I try this in my city in a two story building I'm pushed by the wind

so when the computers arrive in 3rd world countries dumpster yards people can't salvage parts or manage to datamine hard drives

Pretty much what I expect to happen whenever I walk by large groups of male youths

>was expecting a bald man to pop out of the water

And that's enough reason to make that guy leave the game?

Capitalism, not even once.

wow, just wow. let me explain why a field goal is yellow flag on sixth at left base. or you could, you know, google it.

>the dude in white

For 2 billions, I still wouldn't do it.


>waylaid by brigands
>"Ho niggers! Now I shall slay thee and take yer head to my mantle!"
>brigands look at each other
>point guns at you
>"uh, err, s-stupid niggers, if you didn't outnumber you I'd totally take out my 'gat' and slay thee...uh shit"
>fumble in pocket for your mini-Taurus
>one shoots over your head
>piss yourself
>pass out from fear
>wake up with empty pockets
>go home and claim you beat a nigger up with a piece of scaffolding

he was deported the next morning

>Achievement: Two Birds With One Stone

>Is interference with the game enough to ask him to leave?
is this a serious question?

America is fucking weird

Yes, why wouldn't it be? He directly interfered with the game in progress, altering the outcome. Maybe nothing would have been different if he hadn't grabbed it, but there's no way to know and it's unfair to either team to have people screwing around with the game.

that dude was so fucking bald holy shit.

Monkey niggers in my hood, it's like I'm in a zoo.

That's Germany if I recall.

Absolutely. He might as well have streaked across the field.

In competitive professional sports they take interference seriously.

>hat comes off
>that old man haircut
What the fuck?

Holy shit the other one pulled the arrow straight through the first one.

That might be what they're doing actually - it would be retarded to NOT use that much metal for scrap, but if the board is wrecked, then it's really only good for scrap, and thus would discourage thieves.

Sending a working computer to a scrap heap is asking for that computer to walk off.


That's even worse

why do this?

That's Australia I think

Guess why he's wearing a hat in the first place