Japanese players are greatly praising this game...

Japanese players are greatly praising this game, saying that it's the best Ace Attorney game since Trials and Tribulations.

Stop taunting us capcom!

I was told the same shit about persona 5 and now i dont believe the shit they spew anymore

They were right about that. They were wrong about Steins Gate 0.

told it was the best persona since..?

But both AAI2 and SoJ are better than T&T.

People STILL play these games? It's a watered down VN mixed with a watered down puzzle game and it gets neither part right, leading to a very tame and unexciting experience. Seriously, fuck this series.

how is spirit of justice better than trials and tribulations, in your opinion?

Maybe I said it to make the Takumifags mad. I'm not sure, for some reason I really liked the game, maybe it helps that I never bought the DLC case.

The first one was a real letdown. It started great, but halfway through the game it became obvious that they don't want to reveal anything and the most interesting mysteries are left for the next games. I hate things like this. Because what we were left with isn't that much interesting so you're always wondering what is the big plot about and then the game just ends. I was very disappointed, though the game had it's good sides. I enjoyed Holmes addition, for one.

Does it finally reveal what the deal with the Hound of the Baskervilles was?

I can't believe that, too obvious.

i definitely think SOJ is the best ace attorney game we've gotten in a while but i dont think it's quite as good. I'd say the three things that stick out to me the most are the slightly worse writing, giving apollo more backstory out of nowhere again, and the reuse of plot points from earlier games. i do love case 2 but i wish they would have finally tied up all the garmarye stuff from AJ

Playing through the first case now and it's kind of meh so far.
Ryuutarou is a cutie tho.

This is your attorney for tonight.

Crossdressing Susato? Game's already a 9/10 then.

I recently started playing 大逆転裁判1 and it's interesting so far, still in the first case. I kind of really hate the 2 witnesses though, they make my life a nightmare, not even the main character can understand the shit they say sometimes.

Is there any chance we're getting these, or am I going to have to wait for a translation?

Don't think so. DGS was out for quite some time already and Capcom still haven't announced anything. Hell, we didn't even get a proper localization of AAI2.

I assume that's not Ryunosuke though is it? His sister?

it is ryunosuke.

this game would be a localization nightmare, not to mention copyrights.

honestly DGS is this weird VN where everything is good, except the VN part.

>it is ryunosuke.
What the fuck he looks like a woman. Or was he a woman all along?

since trials & tribulations

There's nothing in DGS as annoying to localize as case 4 in AA6.

It's Naruhodo Ryuutarou, new attorney for case 1 (at least). He's Ryuunosuke's cousin.

It's actually Susato crossdressing,
since japanese don't allow women to be lawyers yet.

Never trust a random Sup Forums stranger.

C'mon son, if you saw Susato's artwork or 3D model for longer than five seconds you'd instantly figure out what the deal is.

thank you for correcting me.
i dunno, they'd have to explain the japanese stuff for starters, then we'd have to accurately localize the blunt racism towards the japanese thats in the game, which is part of story, and lastly we have sherlock fuckin holmes and those characters, outside of japan copy right laws are very different, and i'm sure the ownership of that franchise's IP wouldn't allow the names and characters to be used in a taiwanese visual book, or if they did allow it, i'd imagine a hefty royality fee would be applied, thus making localizing a spin off game not really worth it, i mean, you've seen the horrible sales of AAI and that was a spin off that was brought overseas.

I have no idea who susato is, I'm this user I'm still in the first case.

>don't make new entries in classic and beloved series like megaman
>release browser trash in other series like breath of fire
>half ass flagship titles SF5 and MvC
>re-release promising new IPs like dragon's dogma until the end of time
>don't release the best ace attourney games in the west

How the fuck can Capcom be this incompetent?

well i dunno user, i've made a case as for why capcom wouldn't want to bring this overseas but feel free to shitpost.

is this true? I haven't played 0 yet

Oh, okay. You'll see her soon enough.

It's good but with some flaws, some people didn't know what they expected though.

I don't think we're getting a localized AA game for 3DS this late (I'm just guessing, but DS died pretty quickly after 3DS's release) in the system's life.

It's MT Frameworks though, porting it to any other platform is definitely not an issue.

Holmes is in the public domain you mong.
The only thing they can't do with him are edits of his stories. The characters are free to use.

I'll pick it up when it drops below 20 I guess.

>well i dunno user, i've made a case as for why capcom wouldn't want to bring this overseas but feel free to shitpost.

They don't bring them over because "they don't sell".
These games in particular feature Sherlock Holmes yet they wouldn't sell?

Even shit like this sells because it's Sherlock.

Since DGS is supposed to be a trilogy and it's definitely too late for the third one to be released on 3DS two years from now, you can hope they make an HD collection of the first two on Switch before the third one comes out for it which won't get localized either.

If you're from Europe I think it's on sale on Rice Digital.

I think it depends on whether the next mainline game will be on 3DS or Switch.

>which won't get localized either.
I think this is exactly why the last DGS will be on 3DS.
Consoles live way longer in Japan compared to west. PSP was still getting Jap-only releases for months, if not years after its popularity in the west went down.

US, shipping kills the deal pretty bad and I want the vita version, not the ps4 version

>Since DGS is supposed to be a trilogy
Takumi never said that it was supposed to be a trilogy, just that there would be more than one DGS game.

>Consoles live way longer in Japan compared to west.
There's like 3 games left to release on 3DS in Japan, PQ2, EMD2 and Snack World, it's strange.
Well you can just wait for it to be on sale digitally or just pirate it on PC and buy it later.

Wait a minute, that character design...

I own 1 physically, my autism would be triggered if I got 0 digitally

Puzzle game? It's a point and click adventure series.

You're right, I was misremembering the announcement from three years ago, although I also think it's been a common fan misconception ever sine.

They made a second one?

Fuck me sideways stupid boy
god damn

I still haven't played Ace Attorney Investigations 2 yet because I got stuck somewhere in the first some years ago

Fuck man, I adore the series and theres at least 2 available games I haven't played yet
2 more including these nippon ones

I'm sure we'll see the main series on iOS/Android in future, but the spinoffs are another matter.

the first aai isnt even worth finishing

You mean as only on iOS/Android? I think Switch is a given. They haven't even released AA6 on smartphones yet.

Where else am I supposed to get my mystery fix then?

If 2 gives the answers to the questions 1 asks, then playing 1 becomes a necessity.

Yeah I felt that
Something about Edgeworths character was hard for me to swallow, i tried to turn it around in my head and think "Maybe this is just how he actually is, and he really puts it on in court all the time"

But I remember hearing fucking GLOWING praise from Sup Forums when the translation for 2 was booming around here

I meant how they did with Dual Destinies. Nintendo exclusive at first and then ported to other platforms some years later.

Sorry, I missed "AAI" there and though it was about DGS. Still, I suppose it applies to AAI as well, I wouldn't recommend playing 2 without 1 due to the recurring characters and some plot points not answered in 1 (like Lang's hatred of prosecutors).

Ah yeah, sure. I wonder why AA6 hasn't yet got ported though, AA5 got a port a lot sooner.

Edgeworth's lesson #1 - AA1
"Manfred von Karma was evil since he bent the law to convict people he thought were criminals (everyone)"

Edgeworth's lesson #2 - AAI1
>"Miles, it's okay to use that photo to put this guy behind bars."
"I guess if you put it that way... truth ecksdee"

Moral relativism or what

Those 2 guys are there as a casual filter to filthy gaijins.

Kind of, but the point was that von Karma bent the law to convict everyone for fame regardless of the truth, while Edgeworth was only willing to do it because he wanted the truth to come to light and the real culprit to be apprehended.

>"Maybe this is just how he actually is, and he really puts it on in court all the time"
Pretty much all the main characters in the series seem a bit different depending on whether you play as them or not.

Im sorry did anyone actually play those shit AA games after 3. Apollo had good music, the rest were just shit. No game could ever recapture the first 3.

Apollo and Athena are moreorless seem the same in NPC perspective and player-controlled perspective.