Games that could never happen in 2017

games that could never happen in 2017

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And HD era GTA with realistic gore. Squishable/dismemberable character models will never happen.

I don't in have a non toaster PC so I've never looked up if anyone has made a gore mod. I guess I'll check now.

>what is hatred

only shock value was the premise. Postal did it better years ago

Isn't that a good thing anyway?

no. I'm happy manhunt exists.


Manhunt pachinko machine when?

>Manhunt 3
>play as some black girl trying to escape some whack sex slave auction
>murder all the white men and racists like that section in the first Manhunt
>VR and whatever motion control meme mode


Was Manhunt spooky?

Was this game even good? Guess it doesn't matter, they'll never make another one

I'd say so. The abandoned house missions in 2 rocked my socks so hard I had to pause to game to take a breath.

>murder all the white men
wew lad

Game wise yes but it was also spooky in the sense that you had to be 18+ to buy it.
Stores really started to enforce ESRB at that time. Prior to it they didn't give a shit if kids bought M rated games.

I'm not sure Rockstar would go that far below

I'd say it's unnerving.
definitively one of those games you have to play before you die. There were times I genuinepy felt afraid of the faggots chasing me, due to their banter and sfx and what not.

the fucking pig sure was

Sounds like farcry 5

The uncensored digital version of 2 is still on Amazon digital for anyone that wants it. No clue why they haven't put it on steam yet.

It got an ARPG sequel on PS4, of all things.

Fucking this.


Manhunt scared the fucking shit out of me
I played it when I was a child, basically

There's a censored version? What had to be cut out?

heads and limbs

It wasn't scary but it was intense, unnerving and horrifying. The first game has got atmosphere like none other. The second one is pretty bad in comparison.

every execution was filtered to shit

it had its moments

It could happen, but not by a AAA company. Outlast 2 had dead baby corpses you stepped upon.

I'm waiting for the "Postal 2" of hatred


>son of Not Important at some shithole of a town doing very menial tasks
Would be amusing to see.


>go to piss on dad's grave
>here lies Gnotim Portent

It was a lot of fun

Did you even play Manunt? Hatred lacks gore on that level of sadism, what made Hatred its own pool of controversy is the fact you can kill innocent people in it without remorse like a true mass murderer.

You know what Rockstar should be doing...GTA Rockstar.

Hear me out:

- If you want to play a stealthy killer you get Manhunt inspired move-sets
- a city-wide gang war that is inspired by The Warriors including all the masquerading, group gatherings and violence.
- one of the main protagonists is kid and when we play as him everything is inspired by make him a special needs kid that recognizes all that adult action around him as nothing more then kids goofing around.
- racing events ala Midnight Club
- and for the niche audience we switch out the killing sprees with an invasion mini-game like State of Emergency
- another character is a schizo cop who either gets the job done with logical mind games (LA Noire) or goes in drugged, guns blazing and with a neat bullet time skill (Max Payne)
- and since I'm running out of ideas the last of the main guys is a straight up cowboy who finds himself in a new timeline that is in dire need for a hero with a gun.

Now make it fucking happen!

this sounds like a total mess in a good way

Yeah. The enemies are horrifying in their immorality.

It's mostly just the idea of that world being horrifying than it is the game actually scaring you. That said, when a hunter pops from around a corner ( before you know the game back to front ) it's pretty unnerving knowing you're going to be beat to death if you don't run.



Not that guy but I think Manhunt 2 is inferior in many ways to the first one.

- Soundtrack
- Enemy designs
- Story

All pales in comparison, Manhunt 2 looks like it was made thinking people only liked the executions in the first game thus making then even more sadistic in the second, that was only part of the appeal for me, the atmosphere of first game was just right, your character, Cash, was a real death roll criminal taken by a lunatic director trying to make the best snuff film ever made, hiring different gangs to hunt you down, that was original at the time.

The bizarre mind experiments with literally Fight Club mixed in Manhunt 2 was just not good, the soundtrack was basically non-existent and the enemies were all boring.

How the fuck did this game both predict the future so accurately and still hold up gameplay-wise today?

They knew they couldn't get the game to look good no matter what they did, so they focused on level design that actually took advantage of the rpg mechanics.

Because back then game devs actually played games instead of blogging about politics on twitter in their free time.




redpill me on this game Sup Forums

how did this get a wii port at all? i know it was censored to shit, but i'm surprised it was allowed to exist on wii

Did you forget MadWorld?

Not for lack of trying, unfortunately.

A stealth game without visual hints like a triangle that shows you who is about to detect you. I remember it started with SC: Conviction but then even Hitman and MGS had it.

Decent stealth game with varied ways to kill an enemy to fuel your edgiest fantasies, soundtrack very reminiscent of slashers fromm the eighties. That's the first game, the second doesn't quite pass the same feeling but it has more gruesome executions, if that's your thing then you are at home.

SH2 was boring as hell.

It wasn't as if the game left you blindsided though, heartbeat sounds were used and the enemies started acting visibly different the closer they were find you.

To be fair I think manhunt 2 was so wrapped up in controversy that the game suffered for it.

A game where all the villains want to either impregnate you or rip out your vagina.

>How the fuck did this game both predict the future so accurately and still hold up gameplay-wise today?
The Lone Gunmen

You do understand most "evil" games usually has people way worse than the one doing the killing spree or as an optional route. No AAA game lets you be the unapologetic monster unleashed on the population. Hatred scrubbed all of the satire required to produce such a game

Except for hentai rape games like Kuroinu. But who cares about those?

I'm talking about something that would never be released today, not about manhunt.

>what is hatred
>Gamergate the game

>manhunt 3
>you play as a feminist

The idea of being abducted just so some fucks can have fun hunting you is pretty scary; and then there's the piggy.

I'm actually genuinely curious how much extra gore and sadism they could get away with if they used this premise or if the esrb would still tell them to fuck off

People don't remember it, cause it was fun to play.

I know it's cod shit but Black Ops 3 had decent Gore and it was only 2015

Punisher remaster pls

>manhunt 2 had to cut a certain death because violence towards women is somehow more adult than beating a guy to death while suffocating him with a plastic bag
I don't get it


>flopped and shit on endlessly for being edgy

my Nigerian

>No one posting pic related.

Ya'll a bunch of fucking idiots.

I was 11 when I played it and it spooped the fuck out of me, but I loved it.

Now, not really, but it's still a great game and vastly underrated as an actual GAME rather than piece of unfounded controversy

Where and how?
The monochromatic filters on the executions are neat but that is fucking grisly

I agree with this.

I want to add that Brian Cox does the voice of the director and he hams it up pretty well.

>tfw no manhunt 3

>tfw cant get manhunt 2 to work on windows 10

oh fuck that

I've lost hope for most studios but I don't think Rockstar would stoop that low, at least not yet

This game is underrated as fuck. It's one of the best movie/license tie in games I have ever played, and indeed is a fantastic shooter all on its own. Hell, I might crack out the Xbox and play this now or see how the PS2 version emulates.

Emulate PS2 version.

Punisher game with decent gameplay pls

The executions were rad, but the game itself was the most generic and underwhelming third person shooter imaginable.....and in a generation where fucking EVERYONE was shitting out pretty reasonable third person shooters, that's unforgivable.

there is a pc port.
Don't know if it runs on Windows10. I remember playing it on Win7 but don't know if newer drivers fuck it up.

Wow, I didn't even know it made it to PC. Thanks, user, will look into it.

Surprised no one posted it yet

>Thread is about games that "couldn't be released nowadays"
>Most of the games posted have had sequels released in the last 5 years

Nah. Its reboot-sequel was cancelled in 2015 due to studio lazyness, the cultural environment was already like this. So yeah, a clone could still happen, GLA and all.

Fact of the day - was created by the Saints Row devs

I'm going to play SR now

Right now we're fighting a culture war for survival of races, but in the 90's the political landscape was very different. The damage from the Hart-Cellar Act hadn't actually reached critical levels, so people were still debating over political and economic viewpoints rather than ethnic ones. The battleground was split between right-wing libertarians, and people fighting for a globalist world order.

The lead writer for Deus Ex was one of the libertarians. He took all of the predictions that his side was making during that time, extrapolated what they would look like in the long-term, then included them in the story. This encompasses things like global centralization of political power, the weakening of the nation-state, the growing influence of multinational corporations and NGO's, the rapidly-widening wealth gap between the rich and poor, the collapse of the middle class, and the gradual destruction of individual rights through domestic security programs. Most of these predictions turned out to be correct because there was a lively movement of politically-minded, anti-globalist activists who were closely watching these things come about in real-time, and most of them had even common sense to see where it was going.

Fast-forward to today, though, and that libertarianism movement has been subverted and dissolved into backwoods "muh Constitution"-type preppers and bottom-left-quadrant "legalize weed lmao" naïfs who lack the clarity of thought to acknowledge who caused these problems in the first place.

>Saints Row was awful
>Punisher was awful
>Same devs

Makes sense.

what's there?
never played it

>He took all of the predictions that his side was making during that time, extrapolated what they would look like in the long-term, then included them in the story.

Actually, what he said he did was browsed the internet for the nuttiest anti-establishment conspiracy theories and incorporated THAT into the story.

Deus Ex is fiction, user.

Sauce me on both of these statements.


No, that's what Warren Spector said his team did. If you've been paying attention at all in the past 15+ years you'd have realized by now that Warren Spector is a hack who thrived off the competency of the people who worked for him.

Yes, the team used popular conspiracy theories of that time for the superficial aspects of the world they built (aliens, genetically engineered animals, black helciopters), but the core of the story was heavily influenced by the political realities of the time.


Far from being prophetic Deus Ex was literally retelling decades old shit, just with a sci-fi spin. Most of is not just not original, it's a cliche. For example, Aquinas wasn't predicting fucking Snowden's revelations like I always hear claimed, it was referencing ECHELON a government telecommunications spying program from the fucking 60s.

Postal felt like a George Romero tier parody of modern society. But with crude humor and gore instead zombies.

IN Manhunt you only kill other murderers

Is it still a cliche if everything it's talking about is correct?