This game is perfect

This game is perfect

I await your green texts

Sullying it with a prequel will un-perfectize it.

Suddenly the new, badly written context for characters will taint the original game.

Have fun with that.

I really love it too, but it's not perfect. The ending was kind of disappointing.

lmao, what? Even if the prequel is trash, it can't change the quality of the original game you fucking dunce. It will always be as good as it was on release.


Shitty game with predictable and try hard story moments to shock underage cunts who get easily impressed by anything because they don't know any better wrapped in social justice propaganda and ideologies. All together make an average linear story driven game that offers nothing original or deep, story and gameplay wise that lies to you when it says your "choices matter"

2/10 bait, try something more original

It was ok, though it suffers from the same issue most games of the like do, in that your choices don't really mean anything (especially in this case) and that the final episode flounders.

Also reminder that David did nothing wrong

Whatever helps you sleep

>all those selfies from people who clearly fit my description

Thanks for proving my point young user.

It's terrible and wastes every halfway decent idea it has.

>tumblr visual novel

>time traveling shenanigans
>no shaman girls
Seems like hot garbage to me.

Flawless counterargument.


>yfw be pulled aside by David for private after school lessons

>"I'm such a beta male"
this is a real thing a real teenager would say



It was interesting, but the dialogue was so bad it hurt. It felt like an old person trying to talk like a teenager, so much slang stuck in so flatly. If I had to hear 'hella' one more time I would have flipped. I was playing it with my wife and we both couldn't stop gagging at how 'fellow kids' it was. Maybe I'm just too old for it.

That's definitely not the case. I'm only eighteen but the dialogue was painful to listen to. It's just bad, no matter your age.

It LITERALLY (literally) is how high schoolers talk here in Oregon. You can hate their speech patterns all you want, but it's definitely accurate.

>calls out propaganda
>falls for Sup Forums propaganda

Chloe is a cunt and the worst part of the game

It literally is not how they talk.

I mean, I don't really know what to say to that other than "yes it is".

its boring, prove me wrong

Is there loli yuri?

Is it a game or a choose your own adventure book disguised as a game?

The lesbian love interest is a borderline toddler that needs a time traveling dyke to save her from herself.

The latter, except the choices don't matter, other than the very last choice.


>no gameplau
>more linear than a CYOA book

doesn't change the fact that she heavily hots for blue chick

It would be perfect if they were both dudes

Fuck lesbians c

I don't really know what to say other than "no it isn't."

>no VR support

This meme needs to stop

That's entirely player choice. Keeping them as friends makes far more sense too. Chloe would hardly be jumping into another relationship whilst the girl she was madly in love with was missing. Max should be pure, so Warren the cuck must be brushed off as well.

It's jut a regular book disguised as a game, a very bad book too.

gomen. I fixed the issue

I disagree. The story is well below average. It's more like a shitty teen-girl drama.

You beat me and proved your point, and now I need a source.

Stop making threads for your shit game.

It sucks and you know it.
The whole setting is like some rich old pedophilic bastard's mythology of what it's like to be a young american teenager in psuedo typical america who mostly took vague mental notes watching pre-2010 high school flicks and they do it in the most ungracious way possible. its shit story and success rides purely on its aesthetic.
chloe is nothing more than a nigger in a tacky tumblr disguise.

Well said my fellow kid.

it's barely a game

Me in the front, mad as hell. Stop being gay!

name 1 (one) where my choices actually matter

Sorry, all I got is the artist name: genkakuramune. It's on the usual boorus

lol, she still develops feelings for the blue haired chick regardless of your choices

No it's not afterward it's also confirmed by devs that it's powerful,ultimate relationship, blue haired girl already shows romantic implications for you no matter what you do.

From Max's pov, Max gets jealous of Rachel and indepenant of your actions she really means it as romantic way since she was being insecure about Chloe's seeing her in future, and phone background. She wants to kiss her or regrets that she didn't also writes this on her journal.

Even if you avoided from kiss which makes Max's feelings blurry, Max still takes Chloe's kissing with other people in nightmare as her fear, insecurity and still has guts to bring up love word and questioning it.


this game is shit and only serves as a lithmus test as to whether someone is a terrible person or not. None of your choices fucking matter in the end, and if you don't sacrifice Coldsteel the Lesbian, you're indeed awful.

Annoying characters. Not that great of story. Only choice in the very end actually matters.

This is true, when you read diary you're realizing everything.

Also I found out her changing background to Max's pic, Max takes it as romance point.This really shows her getting jelly over Rachel from Chloe wasn't only about 'gal pal' feeling.

>someone who saves a loved one over strangers/acquaintances is automatically a terrible person

>That's entirely player choice
nah nigga. it's really inevitable, only you can keep it subtle only if you don't read the journal and ignore whole dream sequence. max coming to realize those certain feelings doesn't matter if you get kiss or not
and yes game's developers confirmed that it's ultimate relationship which means canon and even their VAs talking about it in their interviews.

Kate is perfect.
Fuck the blue haired bitch.

>Only made like 5 things

Max is just a confused teenager trying to work out things like her sexuality, but there's nothing concrete unless you choose to make it so. It is objectively player choice whether she ever acts on those feelings, and since Chloe dies shortly afterwards, she doesn't. Unless you have shit taste and need MUH KEWT LEZBUNS because fuck realistic character development.

Pandering to the fanbase, since it's 90% Tumblrites who WANT that to be canon. But they also want saving Chloe to be canon, and only a retard would think that's anything but a shitty alternate ending, given how fast and unremarkable it is compared to the real one.

And here we go...

user I'm saying what's straight from the game, why are you being mad at me for god's sake?

actually i was saying it wasn't;and it was 'inevitable' even it was confirmed by developers so yeah,you need to calm down.

I'm not tumblrina but they are right, that's really what happened in-game

Shhh, don't look so sad you still have me.

I'm confused by a prequel when the original had time reversing found out in the first few moments of the game.

What, is the prequel nothing but story?

Sup Forums, redpill me on Chloe: how can anyone even like her?

>confirmed by developers
Shit like this pisses me off about the game.
What's the point of playing a "Choice your adventure" game when the Main Character already has a set personality that can't be changed? During my playthrough of LiS, I shitted on Chloe for like 90% of the game, and yet at the end Max still loves her because you're not allowed to deviate from the story. Like if you really want a canon to your game, don't make it a choice you adventure game. It reinforces that our choices mean fucking knowing, especially when no matter what the ending choice is going to be the same.

it'll show us Rachel Amber and will be focus on her issues

it would be good if chloe didn't exist, she ruins the entire game just by being in it like some kind of blue haired black hole

it's not even a game

I hate to say it, but Heavy Rain is the only modern game that actually has your choices have impact. You can choose who you love, who you save, what you do, etc. and there are 16 endings and dozens of levels that reflect that.

LiS, TWD, and games like its ilk are glorified visual novels.

I'm sure that the only people that "likes" Chloe are yurifags. You never hear about people saying that she's a good character, only that Max loves her, and you have to protect your waifu.

main character doesn't change whatever you do, you can't change her personality she has her own feelings etc. you are only altering the path but path you ended up with is the same, this was the point of the game.

it wasn't some kind of rpg. devs already wrote the story that they wanted to give you, you're changing road but you're ending up with same consclucion. and yes, whatever you do in entire game,reject chloe game takes her as Max's loved one. that's why stucking between those choices were a thing, and that's why Max dedicated her life to save Chloe in entire game.

It wasn't role-play game so.

choice based game =/= RPG game

Max is not supposed to be a blank slate for players to roleplay as themselves. Your choices don't affect her personality at all.

Play Until Dawn. Choices matter and there are lots of choices, and if you get a character killed, they're dead for the remainder of the game.
Probably my favorite PS4 exclusive


Chloe is very well liked outside of /vpol/

>Choices matter and there are lots of choices
They only in matter in regards to how many people survive the ending. If someone dies early or lives throughout the entire game makes no difference on other scenes or the story.

In Heavy Rain if a character dies early for example he won't bail the main character out of the police station if he gets caught. Or if the love interest dies in the final level you lose the section where you play as her.

Until Dawn had a good illusion of choice, but it really falls apart on the second playthrough.

You're choices do not matter in Until Dawn. Characters can die as a result of your choices, but they can only do so when they have outlived their relevance to the plot and the character personality page is completely meaningless.

>t.Sup Forumsly

It's so bad it made me turn it off and go outside. No other game has ever done that to me and I started vidya on c64.

mfw "Teehee I know what a tripod is, I'm such a photo nerd"

She's far from being my favorite character but I don't hate her either.
I wanted to save her but the price was too high to pay for it.

>that puregaming stream where charls almost quit because max's last name

Yeah, I never noticed that Sam and what's his face were immortal until reading up on it.
I thought I just played the game perfectly because until then, I got half the cast killed.


Guys anyone here played Fahrenheit Indigo Prophechy and can tell me how was it? I'm considering to buy it rn

Even Black Ops 2 has choices that matter. It speaks volumes to the quality of these these Telltale style adventure games that even a shooter that nobody plays for the story does a better job of having meaningful decisions than almost every game in this genre. I might be able to forgive it if they had good puzzles or stories, but they can't provide those either.

>Catcher in the Rye reference to show that this is a coming of age game
Most of the game is symbolism 101. The team googled "Deep and meaningful metaphors" and then added what they liked to the game.

It's good.

If Simon Says is your GOTY.

That game is absolute fucking garbage, Chloe is a fucking cunt and she deserves to die.

Total dogshit, but it's still better than LiS because it's so bad it's good, where LiS is just plain bad.

>Fucking Call of duty is more complex than Life is strange
Can't make that shit up


I loved 2 scenes in the whole thing.
Seeing crippled Chloe and the ending where I got to kill her.

Yeah don't get me started on this shit. All these modern "Choices Matter" game where choices don't actually matter, while meme games like Black Ops 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog make ACTUAL good nonlinear storylines.

It's fucking true.

Why are you so hateful?

It's a Medicare story railroaded game that centers around a LGBT relationship pure for cash flow.
Cloe is a shitty person.


The WaW trilogy was so fucking great, and then they had to go fuck it up with BO3.
Fuck BO3 so fucking much