NEW Assassins Creed Gameplay
looks like shit desu
For real. The faces are so unconvincing.
>you acknowledge ubisoft shit business practices
>you still end up buying their shit cuz no one else is doing historical action-adventure games
>shit dialogue animations
>awkward buggy gesturing
>hand clips into arm
>same anmation keeps bugging out and repeating
sure is ubishit
I posted it again LOL XD
>black Egyptians
> doesn't know jack shit about classic egypt
> proceeds to point out color of skins instead of wrong weaponry for the period
I laughed, my point still stands tho.
they are going to shill this so fucking hard
all AAA games are having shit sales recently
I still don't fucking get it, is he a Kang or not?
Most gameplay I've seen he seems like a pure negroid, but from recent screenshots he looks "middle eastern-ish".
go ahead and post some fresh proof of black Egyptians since you're so confidant
who cares what color he is as long he's not white
>implying Nubians didn't live ancient Egypt
>implying there were no black slaves in ancient Egypt
These NPCs are Bioware-tier in terms of model quality and animations
black slaves, not egyptians
thanks for proving my point, now go back to
Look at these graphics, jesus christ! This was also made by the Black Flag developers, so it's gonna be a masterpiece no matter what.
I only pointed out that your knowledge of ancient Egypt is based on "we was" memes.
intentionally ambiguous
and where did i quote that?
You didn't, its just obvious.
It's set in the Hellenistic Period, not the Classical period
Looks good, and they actually made the combat more interesting
your "assumptions" aren't proof enough
>overused memes are Sup Forums
>calling em out is reddit
not really, some were but not all by any means
that said, blacks were very much in the minority and Egyptians then looked much as they do now. Maybe a little bit more olive-skinned than now due to less Arab admixture.
Modern day egyptians share like 80% of the DNA och ancient egyptians. IIRC recent tests also said that modern day egyptians have more sub-saharan DNA than ancient ones. They may be slightly darker because of that.
>>>/YouTube comments/
This meme has GOT to stop