is pic related worth it? does the base game have enough/good content? I've just started it and it just seems like a bootleg jap Dark Souls
Is pic related worth it? does the base game have enough/good content...
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play it and find out you retarded faggot, as if you've got anything better to do with your time
>jap dark souls
you mean dark souls?
The environments and enemies are far worse than Dark Souls, but the combat is much smoother and better.
The combat is deeper than the Souls games, the characters/story/locations are worse.
I love Nioh and the last DLC was pretty cool. The second seems alright so far. Still stuck on the second boss and haven't play it in awhile though.
If you like the base game go for it. Like I said before, it's just different from DS to actually be refreshing and it's also be it's own thing.
Odachi>Everything else
Yes. But you'll hate 2nd dlc cuz 2/3 of the bosses are from this one. And they're all annoying af.
(btw Sarutobi tonfas are sick)
t. 150 hr in game, 277 lvl
I like it. It doesn't have much staying power though, the story and environment doesn't really draw your interest compared to say Souls or Bloodbourne. The combat though is very smooth and fun imo, plus much more customization options loot and stat wise.
Odachi is good, but ninjutsu build + kusarigama is just the best game has to offer right now. Well, if you want to dominate bosses on Way of Demon at least
Its far better then Souls games in a shit ton of ways and in other ways just different. Its gameplay is much better. The major issue is the weak enemy variety in the base game levels up until bosses are just the same 4-5 types of enemies and some enemy types are rarely used.
If you think that way you're likely playing it wrong by coming at it from the wrong angle. The combat has far more options and depth than Dark Souls which begs to be delved into. The base game has a ton of content in it, but I've heard the DLCs are good for what they are, they add a region each and the weapons are fun.
The environments are great though. Them being focused on a real country's setting doesn't take away from how well designed the levels are and they look great too. Also the focused story and characters are nice and pretty well told, even if you don't know much about the history, though if you do it makes it even better.
>The combat is deeper than the Souls games
You tried
I didn't mean to imply that the environments or characters were BAD just that they were worse.
However, I'm a big fan of the souls games, so take that as you will.
Yeh, Nioh is better than BB. I'm still amazed by how they didn't fucked up equipment management and upgrading stuff/getting new one is enjoyable than even in Diablo. Well thought and balanced. Just bravo!
Yeah I saw some videos on Youtube of people utterly raping things with it. Does seem crazy OP.
I just love slapping shit around with muh big sword.
It really is in the sense that while every class of weapon has the same moveset, said movesets are highly expansive and adaptable. I thought the stance thing would be a gimmick at first but having spend over a hundred hours with it, it feels so natural to switch up and down the stances when needed.
>Implying its not
More mechanics , cannot just circle mash to dodge through anything and more stat types. I need not go on.
Souls games are as shallow as can be.
>More mechanics , cannot just circle mash to dodge through anything and more stat types. I need not go on.
You clearly never played a souls game. Stop shilling your game team ninja
Are you retarded? Souls combat is running around in circles, dodging one punishable attack and then hitting R1 a few times or just straight up running away and blowing everything to pieces with overpowered magic.
That's as deep as a puddle.
Try doing that in the real content of the games pvp. You can not do that in any souls game except the shitty ds3 maybe. Play DS1 faggot
> OP
not really since these assholes can 1 shot you and you still need some luck since some talismans were nerfed lately. Also starting from Yuki onna on way of the wise - this build just doesn't work anymore
drop to $20 already FUCK
It's shallow, repetitive, nu-fun. It's a rip off with nothing to stand on other than Dark Souls' superiority. It can't even match the depth of DS's combat or world.
Then you've never played Nioh. Nobody cares about developer wars. Go away and stop shitting up the thread if you've got nothing intelligent to say.
DS3 is the best in series. Fuck off, nostalgia cuck
Kusarigama + odachi is one of the best weapon combinations because it covers all weaknesses of kusari like weak crowd control.
I wonder what will be the new weapon in 3rd dlc. I believe it'll be out in late september. Odachi and tonfas were REALLY good
>straight swords only the game
DS1 has a wider variety of pvp builds than ds3 can even dream of.
I far prefer the interconnected map like in DAS and BB to level based game, but the stages themselves are quite good. The item system sucks though, there's not really any real reason to explore stages except for the odd hair locks and spare ammo, since everything is just random loot.
The existing enemies are all well designed too, its just the variety that's fucked. Bosses are pretty consistently unique though.
>real content of the games pvp
No anime girl is smug enough for this.
I'll be honest. I've been gone from Sup Forums for awhile (felt great) Is this the new and hottest in faggotry memes?
No one was even referring to PVP. It seems like more of a PVE convo. Don't be a dumb fuck.
I don't think they're worse either. They're just different. Having a fully fictional setting has it's own advantages just as aiming to portray a specific setting has them too. I'm also a big fan of the Souls games but Nioh does what it sets out to do in that regard very well.
It's funny, I get the impression you're trying to be sarcastic but what you posted was entirely true.
>crowd control
>a weakness of kusarigama
u wot m8
>Well thought and balanced. Just bravo!
How to identify a shill. No one talks like this.
I've been playing so far with sword, which is fun, but I wanted to try out a Ninja/Kusa build. Do you have any links to decent build guides?
Sounds really good, but my 2nd slot is occupied by Oninamida Muramasa (Iga jonin set). I can equip odachi when I find kusarigama from this Iga set tho. I just don't know where can you get it.. maybe some drop from Hanzo on the way of demon
>barely any moves hitting in wide ark
>existing ones (mid stance) are weak and slow
>blade spin was nerfed into oblivion
It's the best 1vs1 weapon but for effective CC you really need either odachi or spear.
>play it and find out
wow... I guess we should just close down this board
ninjutsu damage bonus is shit from what i remember
dash endurance is REALLY not needed
at best you need 3 pieces + yasakani magatama, the rest is better spent for getting to 200 toughness and getting some other set passives plus getting a weapon type that won't effectively overlap with kusari like 1kat does
>35 dex in a middle of a base game
>paralytic groundtraps instantly paralyze any revenant i summon
>can just chain finishing strikes on them to win
i love ninjutsu
The loot means any equipment you find is always useful though, since there's so many other things you can use it for, plus a lot of the consumable items are cool and interesting like those masks. It could do with some more enemies but the combat and them getting more attacks as time goes on is enough. It would have been even less of an issue had they kept the numbers that were originally in the game too, I'm sure they had umbrellas in more locations for example but removed them to make things easier.
Yeah, sword is fun but it got too repetitive for me as well
Basically just respec your character and put all of your points in dex, then skill. Some in stamina or strength - depends on the equip set requirments. Unlimited ninjutsu will be good later (30-40% will be enough), but you don't have to collect this bonus asap, so take your time. Also, I recommend to unlock all passive skills in weapon skill trees
Also, Kusarigama and tonfas are scaling from dex and skill
Sick as fuck. I love using that vault attack to apply elemental effects quickly.
>fun but it got too repetitive
Exactly, thanks for the info.
Mid stance is hardly weak or slow, it's almost the same speed as 1kat but with twice the range going in a complete circle and still solid damage, plus there's the slower but even larger and stronger skill available. It also has a parry, Backwave, Mind's Eye, the extreme range attacks that you can use to change position too, and the rapid attacks mean if you get the chance you can remove an enemy immediately. It's even really safe on most of it's attacks, outside of the ones with stupid range.
thanks for the tip. Why is toughness so important tho?
>to apply elemental effects quickly
Yeah, onmyo odachi is a pretty fun build given how fast you can discord shit and then rape it with stance dancing.
>Why is toughness so important tho?
It gives you a nearly unbreakable hyperarmour during attacking which means you won't get staggered out of them.
Also 20 in magic and 20 in guardian spirit. Keep in mind that some GS needs 30 lvl for you to be able to use all their abilities
Exactly. I just I realized what the "confusion" status was before I beat the main game. Broken as fuck once you develop a means of inflicting it.
Definitely not as good as dark souls series titles but base game is still pretty good albeit lacking in enemy variety quite heavily and uninspired level design makes it a slog later on the dlc seems to be very nlt worth it from what i have seen though
the retarded donkey already said he'd started it so why not play it and find out for himself
Is there a better farming combination than Gyokuto+Itokuri?
Fuku's pants are a miracle of the universe. Reminds me of the makai priestesses from Garo.
What the hell is wrong with Yata mirror drop? I can't get shit anywhere. Any tips, user?
> 100k points for this skin
what were they thinking?
Not really depending how you play its harder or easier than Dark Souls mostly cause even random fuckos can one shot you or stunlock you to death but if you wanted you could cheese your way through everything which makes the game just unsatisfying to play
Pretty sure hers is only 70k, Okatsu's is 100k
I suck at this game, and don't know how I should allocate my stats or which weapon would help me. How do I get good?
>shit unoptimized midgame build
>can already drop bosses with thrown weapons safely
I use him to grind mastery, he's kind of a joke fight.
>bootleg jap Dark Souls
How the mastery is calculated? Pure damage?
Honestly no idea, I just know he gives about 5k per kill on WotS
Just use what you enjoy or think sounds cool. It's fairly straight forward in that regard and everything in the game is powerful, overly so since they screwed the balance from prerelease to retail. The main key (pun intended) is to master using Ki Pulse to make the most of your Ki bar in offence and defence, as well as understanding the strengths of each stance and when you want to use them.
dude, kusarigama is like the idea weapon for dealing with crowds
mid stance poke attacks keep everything stunned and mid stance dash attack with nullify damage breaks the game
>not as good as dark souls
except in terms of combat, in which case it's better
>Want to play this again
>Waiting for final DLC to drop so I can run through the whole game again and get sets for everything.
Suffering, but going to be worth it when the final DLC drops.
Thanks, user.
learn to ki pulse and get it in muscle memory asap
pay attention to the scaling your weapons listed on their stat page as Change to Attack (stat) rating
disregard D+ and below scaling
>it just seems like a bootleg jap Dark Souls
it isn't
it's more mechanically complex and well thought out
At what point should I go full munchkin and realocate my stats into some disgusting build? So far my magic / sword / ranged Katana / dual blade build is doing me fine but I feel like I could be murdering more efficiently.
I'm at Uki-onna the now.
The crazy builds are only really possible at around 200ish from what I've seen
you get shit loads of reincarnation books, so you can respec any time, but minmaxing isn't something you really need to do until around NG++
Why nobody told me how crazy Blinding shells are?
I would use them over Sloth any day now and they are available since the first fucking level.
Only once you hit NG+++. The base game and NG+can be played in whatever way is most comfoetable for you.
it's not so much level as it is gear
you could easily clear WotW with a level 90 if you've got the right gear
>yuki onna
pronounced ice bitch
I couldn't beat ishida on WotW without them