Filename thread

Filename thread

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mods are going to delete this
you shhhould name it
>ITT post video related webms or relating filenames


this is actually interesting, more?

Mods are cucks.


Almost got me to break my no fap. Almost.

It's fake jizz but I dont think you care either way.



Nice one user you sure made them look stupid

>ywn suck a cock
why live

>Delete Sup Forums culture threads.
>The e-celeb shit stays forever
They don't need my help to look stupid.

it should be no porn not no fap you and everyone that does it is retarded

please keep the shitposting at minimum

>chinese "people"

>doesn't share them with her co-worker


like a fucking clockwork fucking chinks subhumans

What kind of subhuman eats while working?

why would you link a woman sucking a horse cock


good protein

>why would you link a woman sucking a horse cock

Shadows of War microtransactions.

>armed pedestrian cheat activated


What the fuck


Drink your milk, or your bones will be silk.

I hate chinks so much.

Space Funeral was such a fucking shit game.

Literally lolsorandum the game.


>Space Funeral
>Literally lolsorandum the game
>he's so stupid that he didn't realize Space Funeral is a adaptation of Plato's allegory of the cave

how does it feel to be a brainlet


That kippah gets me every time.


Is this really any worse than eating factory farmed meat?

Why is it always China?


What is it with chinks and killing birds?


>libcucks will argue this is bad

>is eating edible food any better than eating a bird ALIVE

t. sub-human chink

>passenger does nothing to help the driver

yep, it's China.

>Sup Forumstards will bait this hard just to have a meaningless debate on a chinese picturebook web forum

I don't even think anything is wrong about that news story and I think you're a retard.


In the end you're still killing and eating the bird. It's just meat.

I always imagine Eurobeat playing when watching this


holy fuck


can I get a source on this please?

This has to be bait.

Would you rather be crushed slowly or killed instantly?

>Birds are eating our grain, better kill them!
>Oh shit wait birds eat bugs too fuck

How have chinks not gone extinct already?

They breed like rabbits.

I don't get it. Warframe?



did he ded?

oh no

is he dead or just injured?

Not gonna lie I want some too

So, what's the context of this?



Some guy probably wanted to kill himself and was a pussy who wanted to take others with him

I'm gonna kill you old style

Too be fair its not half as cruel as what you're eating. Shes taking the bird who experience seconds of fear and dies most likely during the first bite into it.

For your pathetic needs animals are kept in metal pens all their lives and force fed shit that makes them ultimately feel terrible and given non of their desired diet. Even fed to one another in some cases when some die on the line.

So before you question a chinks disgusting cruelty think about how you crave some greasy nasty chicken or something pork related and realize those creatures suffer 10x more a piece a day then those birds do in that brief moment.

ima make you a faggot when I find you

ty lad


>mistakes /k/ for Sup Forums

Dude woke up. Realized he was in China. Not Hong Kong, China. Mainland China. Decided it was either this or the escalator he'd have to use after he got off the bus.

delete this please

you know, what ever happened to manly tears? did he died?

Just end it at that point.


Bloodborne II is lookin good



He walked into some ankle deep grass and was never seen again

he's a moderately successful streamer on youtube now.

The woman is clearly biting off the head. Do you think the chicken you get at McDonald's is slaughtered any more humanely?


This has to be bait. Do you really think chewing is taking five minutes to take a single bite? One bite and the animal is just as dead as if you used scissors to cut it's head off then cook it.

just what I needed after finishing supper

Nobody cares you retarded vegan.

A lot of blacks are lactose intolerant. So are most races, actually.

White pride worldwide.

On /k/ this pic could work as

posh cunt



what do handlets prefer then? you guys have filename threads too?

america should've dropped the other bomb on china


I need the source for this by the way.