Who is the most important?
Who is the most important?
Crowd control
Nobody. Everybody.
DPS, without them the boss, tank, and heals just keep battling indefinitely
No one. The games are designed like that on purpose.
Depends on the type of content. Are we talking about 4 man dungeons? 24 man raids? 72 man pvp? 8v8 arena? what's the specifics here you dumbass OP.
There is no one who's more important.
Dumb fucking anti-filioque nigger
All equal. Remove one and you usually have a problem.
That picture is literally set up like that because all three are just as important as the other.
Tanks are more just as important that the others.
Healer. In theory you could run an entire team of nothing but support classes provided everyone can stay healed up.
That's coming from a DPS shitter.
If it's not possible to damage race, healer.
Otherwise, DPS
This. Quit making shit threads.
I miss non-healer support being a thing, bring back bards.
healer because "games" with this shitty mechanic have no skill based way to reduce damage, meaning that without healing its literally impossible to win
Why aren't there more MMOs with supports?
Tank and healer, the DPS is only there to speed things up.
They are equally important. You will not be able to efficiently clear a dungeon if you're missing any of these 3 roles.
You should have made your thread about which is the most difficult to play. That would of course be the tank, due to aggro management and cc.
it's called the holy trinity for a reason. remove one from the trinity and the whole system collapses.
>without a tank, boss one shots everyone.
>without a healer, boss will eventually kill tank which will one shot dps.
>without dps, you fail to meet the enrage check meaning instant wipe or the tank/healer runs out of MP/cooldowns and dies
>he's never played a single game where a single enemy is capable of healing itself
Jesus, what's it like in your retarded hugbox world?
Rift was probably the last trinity-focused game to come out and actually have that fourth role.
the one whose good at their job
They're all equally important. No healers means the tanks and DPS all die. No tanks means everyone gets one shot. No DPS means the tanks and healers hit enrage timer and die.
Tank/DPS hybrid is the way to go
>tfw holy trinity used to be a dismissive term for bad game design
EverQuest's Holy Trinity was Cleric, Warrior, and Enchanter, because of the 14 classes in the game, you were required to have all 3 of them to progress reliably.
How do we fix the trinity or is there anything to fix?
How do we make support more interesting? I always thought a sort of "resource vampire" would be neat. You steal enemies resources (mana, energy, health) and then give it to yourself and your allies. It would play similar to a DPS but you would have to sort tie yourself to your team or select team members to help your team. Make it time sensitive so you have to give damage boosts at certain times or leech resources right before a boss does some big move.
non healer supports are the laziest slot in the party. they only exist to handle 1 mechanic then do mediocre damage.
the tank and healers would eventually kill the boss tho (unless we have boss enrage timers). Healers can dps on downtime and tanks do low dps.
Prob this, but it also depends on if the boss can 1 shot a healer.
It really depends on the rules of the boss
>enrage timers
>1 shotting healers/dps
>tanks can heal themselves
DPS is rarely 100% necessary, they are there just to speed things up
For tanks and healers it depends on how well they can do the other one's job
tell that to City of Heroes. Debuff/Buff/CC supports were 100% better in all scenarios than pure healing.
Holy fuck that's it
Depending on the game
Usually dps are comparable with burger flippers, you need them but you can fire one and find someone better anytime you want
>can't last without a healer
>everyone will explode without a tank to hold aggro
>dungeons will take an unreasonable amount of time without DPS or be downright impossible if DPS checks are a thing
I could think of situations where you wouldn't need a healer or DPS though, but they would be just for challenge
Support, when balanced well, increases the overall DPS of the party far greater than just adding a DPS class would. Whether it be from debuffing mobs, or buffing allies.
depends on game mechanics, which role is most important varies wildly. if we're talking about barebones tank and spank fights then dps are least important because they only exist to speed up fights. if we're talking about a fight like Susano EX in FFXIV then the least important role are healers. they only exist to meet heal checks like uhehi which need lots of area of effect healing. if you have enough red mage DPS in the party they can easily heal through it.
DPS with lifesteal and evasion.
waiting for someone to post the superior version
DPS is the only one that requires actual skill.
Tank and Healer are just "click click click click click click click"
The bards.
Unironically DPS.
they're all equally important, that's the entire point
you need dps to not take 2 hours doing easy content and to not die to enrage in hard content
you need tanks to not make the healer's life hell in easy content and for obvious reasons in hard content
you need healers for obvious reasons
if one role can be considered better than the others then the game is shit
Whoever there are less of when there is a queue
Tanks are generally most important.
Like in WoW, a blood DK (self healing tank) can solo most of the dungeons that don't have mechanics that specifically require multiple people, while overgeared healers and DPS generally can't even take down trash solo. If I get one hotshot player, I'll always choose tank, because that's going to make the run easier than having more DPS or healing.
It's also a more important job, because if a DPS misses a cooldown, you can recover from it. A healer goes AFK, and the others pick up slack, and everybody pops a potion. But if a tank fucks up and turns the boss the wrong way, everyone dies.
There's also the fact that there's usually only going to be one or two tanks, where you might have ten DPS and five healers. Losing a tank is going to be an auto wipe, but everyone else has some degree of expendibility.
This is coming from someone who only plays heals.
The only correct answers in this thread. It depends on the content and mechanics. You could get away with 4 Rangers in PSO episode 1&2 because they all have the ability to use items, heal, and ressurect others.
According to scientifc research, people born under a certain zodiac are good in these roles:
>Melee DPS
>Ranged DPS
>Dumb Healer Cuck
Does this describe you perfectly, Sup Forums?
>requires actual skill
clicking macro 1 or 2 is not a skill
dps are so brain dead they die from standing in AOE for too long
tank needs to act fast and have eyes open at all time
healers need to stay alert and use the right heal/skill depending on the situation
Unironically yes.
t. aries roughe
I'm a Leo and prefer to shoot big fucking guns at enemies. My main in City of Heroes was an AR/Devices Blaster.
Healers can take some damage, do some damage and heal
Tanks can take damage and do some damage, but not heal
DPS can take some damage, do damage but not heal
Healers can do all 3 in some capacity
Ranged dps
Naw not really
I'm cancer but I always go for tank and dps. Healing is for women and gay people.
Taurus tank confirmed.
I'm aries and I always play casters. I guess if I HAD to pick something else I'd play a rogue.
Pretty sure during the FFXIV fanfest, players got to fight one of the bosses early, and one group beat, i think it was omega or shinryu or something, with a group of only tanks, but this was still when warrior was OP
Guild Wars Enchantment Monk is the most fun I had as a non-healing support.
This is a terrible "trinity"
Because none of the quest content is designed around it, and it doesn't work in PVP.
Tank quests aren't quests where you're with a group of faction NPCs, and tank damage. It's DPS quests where you kill wolves and get their tails.
Tanks don't serve a clear purpose in PvP, as why would an enemy group bother attacking a tank? They'd just attack Healers or DPS.
Healers quests aren't quests where you go with a group of faction NPCs, and try to balance their health and buffs. Healer quests are DPS quests where you kill wolves and get their tails.
What fucking retarded mmos have styles in any of those respective sizes?
Healer because after a fight and everyone is exhausted and depleted we like to force our heal slut to the ground, shove our cocks down their throat, and pump them full hot, thick mana
General importance:
DPS > Tank > Healer
In 99% of encounters having good DPS makes it easier, its why world class guilds gear up their DPS first over tanks and then the healers when it comes to shared pieces.
Ever played FFXIV or WoW?
ffxiv for one
Have you ever played an mmo
>Who is the most important?
The entire problem is that no one is.
Tanks soak damage.
Healers heal the tanks.
DPS makes sure people don't fall asleep because tanks and healers deal no damage.
It's a shit and heavily flawed system devs fall back on because they're lazy or incompetent.
>Main Arms Warrior
>Secondary Blood DK
>Thirdary Enhancement Shaman
WoW has none of those sizes
The point of MMOS is, when you stop playing wow, to STOP playing MMOs. Why would you- ON PURPOSE- go and play another one?
Role importance changes dynamically based on the conditions of the fight encounter. Example: a Red Mage damage dealer can take over the healing responsibility of a White Mage healer. However as soon as the fight introduces mandatory AoE heal checks then the Red Mage falls apart.
>Healers keep people alive
>Tank keeps the boss from attacking anyone else
>DPS actually kills the boss before enrage mechanics kick in
You cannot remove any one of these roles without making the encounter impossible.
>Being this autistic
Lmao at your life
>It's a shit and heavily flawed system
Not necessarily disagreeing but what better system is there? I don't think I've ever played an MMORPG that doesn't use it.
okay user, I'm gonna blow your mind
to play a better one
DPS = lowest value since biggest supply
Healer = Highest value since lowest supply
there is none
it's either that or a messy pile of shit a la gw2
Non-healer support buff class obviously.
Tanks are higher value if FFXIV is anything to go by. If a dps or healer leaves a group, the spot can be refilled in less than 2 minutes. If a tank leaves, expect to wait at least 10+ minutes.
WoW sucks and there's objectively no other MMOs better than it. The entire genre is a rotting corpse. If you combine ALL of the players from every currently running MMO on the planet right now, it would still not equal wow's playerbase, and before you complain about Quality>Quantity of players, let me note that there's no such thing as a Hardcore MMO, as the very playstyle rewards tedium rather than efficiency.
Now I'll ask again, why would any SANE individual ever play another MMO after playing WoW?
I play dedicated healer on GW2 and it wins a lot in PVP. When there's no "holy trinity" people don't expect someone to be belting out heals.
>there's objectively no other MMOs better than it
wowfags are the gift that keeps on giving
If they are all equally important, why are tanks useless in PVP?
Why are tanks and healers useless in quests?
I wasn't complimenting it, I was insulting it and all other MMOS while conversely also insulting anyone who thinks that their MMO is better than wow, which it NEVER is and NEVER will be, because the entire genre was ruined by WoW, and when you emulate failure, you get double failure.
fucking lol
I was talking about mmos not a microtransaction sim.
All three are important.
Quit being a faggot OP.
>Stop liking what I don't like
Not him, but he's kind of right. Not only are you playing an MMO, you're playing a bad one, in a game mode that gets shitty balancing, while playing the constantly joked about "Gay and also a cockslut" role.
What currently released MMO doesn't have microtransactions at this point
GW2 isn't that messy, though. Everyone is just responsible for their own survival for the most part.
There's a system of "threat" in the game which is based on proximity and amount of damage done too.
In all fairness, I have fun with the game, I recognize its flaws, and take literally nothing Sup Forums says seriously, because new Sup Forums has the shittiest taste of any fucking community.
Then I respect your decisions. Self awareness is the only thing that can save the world.
There are also encounters which choose their target solely based on the amount of toughness that players in the group have, prioritizing the highest toughness.
no way I am deathly afraid of tanking
I'm keeping that.
Also I'm being genuine.
Nothing happens if the tank isn't there. The only role that truly matters because it can still pick off opponents if the healer is there.
Also a tarus, also a tank. Always pegged myself as a ranged dps a la mages but over time I realized I'm better at tanking.
FFXI had the best system. No holy trinity nonsense. No job had a 100% defined inflexible role and you didn't necessarily need any of those 3 things, and there were more than 3 anyway (buffers, debuffers, etc.) and any job could change their role from one party to the next depending on situation since jobs could all do many different things instead of one things (hybrid jobs etc.)
Without a tank, you can't progress at all.
Unless the MMO is 100% focused on PVP then tanks only serve to be annoying and are not needed at all. Just burn down the healers, then burn down the DPS/tanks.
FFXI had some interesting mechanics but it's a shame that all those mechanics fall apart as soon as the population of your server dwindles. That's why modern FFXI can be done mostly solo now.