Is this any good

Is this any good

Worse than any cod campaign

It's very good.

Metro 2033 is the best worst unoptimized rollercoaster from the post-STALKER era. It's worth a play, if it can be played on the cheap.

Only the non-Redux version.

Fantastic main menu, though.


>post-STALKER era
What does this mean?

I'm glad I got the original on my Steam account, the new one with LL engine and assets just isn't as good

>just isn't as good

That's an understatement.
It's a literal downgrade in most areas, especially where it's important namely gameplay.

It's Stalker for sapes.

Shit really? Playing redux for the first time and liking it a lot

My favorite single player campaign, finished it 5 times in ranger hardcore, cant get enough. Remember to buy filters user


Its phenomenal, I also liked the book

It's not too late to play the original.

Maximum atmosphere


I just assumed stuff like that was present in the original. Any other comparisons?

Got a couple

Non-Redux is good.



I think the only reason they added those animations was to make it easier to complete the games without killing anyone.


Agreed. I felt that even though Redux improved gunplay, the changes they made from the original (for instance, replacing the armored/albino nosalises with spiderbugs, not letting you carry as much ammo as the original, not letting you buy one of the two suits that were at Armory station so you could prepare to go through the warzone between the Reds and Nazis, etc) were completely unnecessary and detracted from what I liked about the original.
Disagree with the gameplay bit. Redux's gameplay is a lot more refined and fluid than the original's. Also the stealth in Redux works much better than in the original.
If you like Redux you'll like the original even more. I personally liked every installation in the Metro series, Reduxes and all. Can't wait for Exodus.

You can do this without even touching a single human enemy.
The main reason are controllers.


Fucking controllers ruin everything

The combat is super boring, weapon sounds sound like absolute horseshit, the animations for guns is very poor.


This. The redux shits all over what made the original so great.

t. only played redux and LL

it's phenomenal

>The combat is super boring
Please consider suicide. The original 2033 is great fucking gunplay.


Yes, it's video game kino.


As someone who only played LL and thought it was just okay, what's better about 2033?

Wow, it's hardly lit up at all.

No forced handholding for hours to start, no epic hawt female snipers xD, better locations that still gave you some choice with how to attack them, and better gameplay if you can get your hands on the original version. LL was "we want the cowaduty audience" of the series.

>The original 2033 is great fucking gunplay.
Please consider suicide. The original 2033 is shit fucking gunplay.

Care to elaborate? Or are you just here to meme with your reaction pics while being contrarian?

2033 doesn't have stupid ham-fisted boss fights for one and it is far more atmospheric than Last Light. Plus the vast majority of 2033 is based off of the book of the same name while Last Light is a completely new story made by 4A with a little bit of help from the author of 2033, 2034, 2035 (you get the picture). The writing, environments and gameplay of 2033 were a lot better than LL and the characters in 2033 are far more memorable.

Like you elaborated

LL is missing some mechanics like throwing knives bouncing off of armor and metal from what I remember.

I've heard mixed things about the stealth.

Some say it's Far Cry 2-tier. Is that true?

They go on sale for like five bucks during sales, I'd say they're worth it at that price. Imagine a Call of Duty campaign with less explosions and a little bit of STALKER thrown in

It looks better than it plays

I wasn't the one who made the original claim it was bad, now was I? You did so hoping for (You)s with no explanation. But fine, I'll spoonfeed since you obviously have no evidence of the original having bad gameplay to discuss.
>"QTE" takedowns instead of free aimable, equiptable knife
>worse AI
>only two visibility states (seen or not seen with a delay on detection so you can play peekaboo with no detection)
>terrible screenshake recoil instead of only armshake like in original
>less environmental traps in levels
>throwing knives ignore armor (bounce off in original)
>mutants have invincibility frames during some animations
>attachment system makes searching for weapons in levels pointless
>overall shitty animations and feeling of weapons
>ruining atmosphere with more lights in some levels and removal of volumetric fog in others
>lots of little details and TECHNOLOGY is gone
All of that was changed in the redux, so yeah, since you're underaged and probably never played the original you probably would think it has bad gameplay.

The original Metro 2033's stealth is shit. Miss one throwing knife and everyone within 10 miles knows exactly where you are. The Redux version has more serviceable stealth but it still has other shortcomings.

Its excelent, both games are extremely enjoyable in harder dificulties, because of the linearity, they feature a lot more "desperate moments" where you cling to your last mag while trying to survive the mutants, ignore the "redux is bad" fags, mich the bundle and enjoy the ride.

LL was a mistake
It was Metro 2033 remixed for the Call of Duty audience

I enjoyed parts of it that weren't on rails shooting sprees (like the part when you first meet the shrimps). Walking through the dead city with the dark one and making your way to the spartan church were pretty atmospheric and enjoyable but yeah the rest was pretty fucking shitty compared to 2033.

I would kill for a new Metro game based around Polis as a hub from where you mount expeditions, surface runs and recon ops and shit like that.

Real ranger shit.

Closest thing you'll get to that is one of the DLC's for LL

>not rocking the mag to lock it into the magwell
this always triggered me in S.T.A.L.K.E.R too

Yeah, but you will get some shitty Far Cry clone instead. Enjoy.

Play with mods.

If it isn't shit, then shouldn't it be fine without smacking it around?

A man can dream, you faglords.

It would be great. Sadly I doubt we'll ever get anything similar to it or a new STALKER game. If we did, it would chalk full of PUBG shit or whatever gaming trend is currently the golden goose.


>4A Games was formed in Kiev, Ukraine in 2005 by Oles Shishkovstov and Alexander Maximchuk, former employees of GSC Game World.
>Metro 2033 : 2010

Exactly what is says on the tin. Metro 2033 was made by devs who probably worked on the first STALKER game and released a year after the last STALKER game was released. It is literally post-STALKER.

It's really boring.
I can't put my finger on why, but I can't play more then 10 mins before im bored to tears,

There are no QTE takedowns. It's simple "press button to kill/knockout" button.

Worth a single playthrough. Nothing more

They really went out of their to lighten up dark areas in Last Light/Redux by adding a bunch of ambient lights which gives everything that ugly bluish/greenish tinge. It really ruins the games aesthetics tbqh.


GSG was pretty sure that the 4A founders stole the X-Ray engine for Metro, which they had worked on while at GSG.