Why haven't you played the best RPG of the year?
>be a viking
>invade britain
>slaughter christians
>raid monasteries
>faction reputation system
>companion permadeath
>good turn based combat
Why haven't you played the best RPG of the year?
>be a viking
>invade britain
>slaughter christians
>raid monasteries
>faction reputation system
>companion permadeath
>good turn based combat
I didn't like the ranged combat in Conquistador. The AI would snipe my weak characters no matter what I did.
You've tickled my interest
Tell me more
Vikings are arguably the worst, stylistically, weaponry, armor, etc out of historical groups like Pirates, Ninjas, Knights etc.
I liked it a lot. Pirated it, and bought it after I finished to backup the devs, just like I did with conquistador.
Great RPG, although it had some quest logic problems from mid game and up, and by the end I was encountering a lot of bugs. It's probably all fixed by now.
Based on their current popularity and your contrarianism, I'm sure.
i like it, but the temptation to restart early in the game was too much. i've got a couple of saved games (one for my original one with stupid dialogues choices, the other for what i wish i had done instead). cool game so far, got me back into turn based combat
> historical groups like Pirates, Ninjas, Knights
American education at its finest.
Is it fully voice acted with animated cut scenes and a strong focus on characters and story that changes with the players choices?
What kind of game is it, anyway?
>Playing as unwashed barbarians who could only raid defenseless people and got their shit kicked in by any decently equipped force
It's an isometric rpg with custom and original NPCs, branching story, resource management while traveling, a time limit for doing stuff and turn based tabletop hex style combat.
It's fairly well written, some quests are very very good and it has (almost) no fantasy.
Hum. I'll put it on my list, thanks.
Not sure if you're a shill, but I'll definitely put the game on my wishlist
>Unbalanced as fuck combat
>Retarded skills system
Interested but too expensive for a PC game.
I'll get it during a sale maybe.
no, only the last point
Are there many classes or weapons/skills? Being vikings with no fantasy it's hard to imagine that there'd be much variety
Put them in cover, give them the perk that increases their ranged defense by 5. Even your soldiers can function as cover if you do it right. Try out Scouts to attack the bowmen.
You have swords, shields, axes, dane axes, spears, knifes, bows, slings and unarmed combat. Then you have stuff like armor penetration, dual wielding etc. Its a pretty good system, dane axes can hit enemies two tiles away, special abilities to hit enemies three tiles away with spears. You can upgrade your characters so that they get special abilities like hard swings with swords to ignore damage reduction, shield hook with axes to open an enemies defense, throw enemies, throw rocks at enemies.
While there is no magic per se, the devs put in quite a bit of an effort to stretch the possibility of this, arguing that gods were real to the nords and christians back then, so you can have your characters cast spells like "blessed by Týr" for damage reduction, resitances or damage bonuses. Then you have poison and arrow attacks, moral attacks and even just blowing dust in enemies faces. It's pretty varied in the end and it really grew on me.
Real changes or telltale changes?
What this user said.
Most "magic" are moral effects. Also, there are no classes, it's a skill based system. What you can and can't do is set up by an xp cap and the character attributes, that can't be increased, except by some equipment.
Real changes, similar to conquistador.
American education at its finest.
That's pretty accurate actually.
You're so ignorant I'm baffled.
Maybe you should open some books.
Vikings aren't your typical horned-helmed muscular For Honor bullshit.
It's funny that the traumatized English-speakers still call the Norse Vikings, and all they know of them is a few of their raids in England. I wonder, do you call the farmers and fishermen on the peninsula Vikings too? Viking farmer?
really underrated game
the combat is imbalanced, but i had lots of fun.
I like it up to this point, despite all the shitty ass bugs which I cover up with plenty of beer.
Especially that they didn't force stuff like 17 foot tall giants and swamp goblins and that kinda fantasy shit on you.
It's got a lot of potential but becomes a rage fest once you get sober.
I wonder if vikings popularity the most impressive feat of romanticism
Well, the Romans started it.
What are you on about
what a shit ui for a vikings game, it looks lioke something thats supposed to be scifi
put it on my list, don't think i'd pay full price though. maybe 20 bucks
Do you have a specific question, uneducated one?
>I need muh curvy texts for muh historical ar pee gees
it was fun
>i-i dont c-care that it looks like shit!
He's right though
This is literally the last character I wanted to romance
this one was okay though, she probably washes her self
I bought it yesterday. I avoided it on release because I didn't like Conquistador but fuck, they took everything that was wrong with Conquistador and improved it. It gets that Baldur's Gate style "going on an adventure" feeling perfectly.
>1. No
>2. No (polite)
>3. Yes (maybe)
>4. No (rude)
Shit dialogue options, literally Fallout 4 tier
So I liked Vikings a lot, is Conquistador worth playing?
Is it mechanically inferiour ?
I have seen people also say the opposite, that Vikings is a step down from the first game, especially in terms of exploration and the fact that it's quest design is more traditional.
>be a viking
>invade britain
>slaughter christians
>raid monasteries
Was just going to post this. Just saw this game is $30 on GOG, fuck that, this is more like $20 or a $15 game.
He's making fun of you because not all Norsemen were vikings just like not all sailors were pirates. You can play the game as a trader and turn Christian at the end if that's what you want, but that's fucking boring
My main beef with Conquistador was the camping and resource management. They toned it down hugely in Vikings, no doubt as a result of negative player feedback. Imagine the mostly harmless camping and resource management system of Vikings, but now half the game is based around it with much more frequent negative random events, that's Conquistador. There was so much tedious camping bullshit in Conquistador I quit playing a few hours in because of it. Its a huge improvement in Vikings and allows you to focus on the RPG you bought instead of camping.
It's called roleplaying your character you sissy turd.
What you say in tone affects your companions morale, which also affects your companions effectiveness in combat
Also last time I checked you couldn't straight up attack a faction in Fallout without it ending in a game over screen.
Why play when you can live those things?
Join the Islamic cult
Because it was broken on release
Well you can't say "let's not fight him" because then you lose your position. This isn't a fallout choice of rejecting some random quest, it's people actively trying to murder you.
I like the lethal / non lethal toggle. It's a cool feature.
>75% on metacritic
Say, is this like Battle Brothers?
From the short time I spend with BB, I liked this more
Interesting because I loved BB. What does this game do better than BB?
>hear about Conquistador
>exploring virgin lands in mexico as spanish adventurers
>sounds fuckin sick, but end up never picking it up
>hear they're making an Expeditions: Viking
>think its going to be about exploring Vinland, fighting skraelings and eskimos
>sounds fucking sick
>nah its just danelaw :^)
wasted potential desu. Still looks good, but heres hoping for a North America expansion.
Actually, I'm not to sure, they are fairly similair, both are fun, I just like like the fact that this one is 3d. A bit shallow but Decapitating an enemy in 3d graphics and seeing their ragdoll is always satisfying to me.
Overall though this is more of an RPG than BB, which is basically a turn based mount and blade that gets stale much quicker.
Expeditions Viking doesn't overstay its welcome so I never really grew tired of the combat, can say the same for BB.
Keep in mind tho that you are usually limited to a party of 6.
Thats dumb. Slightly alternate history is much more interesting than fantasy history.
vikings werent a great nation of big barbarians
it was just a bunch of larger than average white people with beards playing rust irl
t. time travelling viking
>Overall though this is more of an RPG than BB, which is basically a turn based mount and blade
Thanks, that was enough to keep playing BB because I really love that aspect of the game.
The developers know their extremely obscure Swedish memes
Really? I got bored of that aspect in BB rather quickly, didn't play MB much longer either simply because it feels like such a grind after a while.
> at like a nigger
> get conquered
> cry
Hi varg
But vikings were much cleaner then their Saxon victims. They bathed often and combs and oils for hair and body were everywhere in their settlements.