Why are these perks so unbalanced? If you aren't using UAV Jammer & Deep Impact you're severely gimping yourself...

Why are these perks so unbalanced? If you aren't using UAV Jammer & Deep Impact you're severely gimping yourself, Perk 1 is the only one where you can pick anything and it wouldn't matter.

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Stopping power + dead silence

git gud you fucking scrub

You are very much overestimating the average pubbies ability to use the information provided by a UAV. Also you can just run counter UAV, or was that not in 4?

Either way juggernaut and stopping power are also good choices.

Stopping power is a placebo perk, it's all in your head. Jugarnaught is very real though and people who use it are shitters, smart shitters but shitters nonetheless.


dude it's literally spelled correctly in the image

>tfw 1000 hours in CoD 4
>tfw don't need to use any op perks because I still get the best k/d at every game


MP5 with double tap and steady aim is fucking lethal. It doesn't even matter that you show up on the radar, because you are running full speed and firing from the hip accurately at a bunch of slow motion ADS scrubs.

Any class where you can avoid ADS and still be accurate will wreck 90 percent of other players.

>Stopping power is a placebo perk,
literally wrong
it increases damage by 40%

Step up, senpai.

Balance is unfun

Ghosts was horrible

friendly reminder that CoD:MW killed FPS-MP-shooters until this very day

You shut your whore mouth, it was great.
People bandwagon hated because of some indifferent graphical errors.

yeah so what I still wreck your ass in that quake game of whatever you homos call it lmao

you could just run deep impact, uav jammer with the mp5 and just rack up kills on hardcore

All Jugg did was cancel out Stopping Power. It was a hard counter to snipers and its removal led to the rise of the xXx1337xxQUICKSCOPERZ that ruined Call of Duty.

I use bandolier, stopping power, and deep impact because I ain't no pussy.


They existed in MW and would have persisted with or without Juggernaut, friend.

i use whatever perk lets me teleport up to you and stab you quick

commando pro with lightweight pro and marathon pro and a pistol with tac knife attachment

Then play knife only. I used to get 30 kills a game in MW2 using just the Tac Knife and the throwing knife. The horrible balance is what made CoD bearable. Just wrecking shit kids with goofy classes was pretty fun.

>cod mw
simple but started the cod mp craze
still simple but added zombie mode
years ahead with all that content out of nowhere
not as great as mw2 but still good
shameless copy of mw2 but with some okay additions
start of the sci-fi bullshit but cool mp
next gen with a dog, died fast
a simple jump mod and buggy but okay
first class based game and it was fine
rip like ghosts

Not sure what ww2 will be like.

>all of these cod 4 madbads

olny perk that mattered was x3 frag

you spawn, throw all 3 into the opposed spawn because maps in 4 are that bad

get anywhere from 2-5 kills



any other answer is wrong and you get spawncamped by grenades

also this game is shit fyi

Who wins the award for most tryhard perk, last stand, martyrdom or overkill?

>not using Last Stand in Hardcore TDM so your teammates can kill you to prevent the enemy team from getting the kill

You're new, huh?

Not if you're playing with me nigger faggot. I stopped playing that game because I always ended up raping the admins and getting b&.

>30 man shipment servers

My only hopes for new cod is ability to play populated game in hq mode that isn't sci-fi bullshit.

>play mw online with my friend as a teen
>run into some guy in a clan
>he keeps killing us without a problem
>"dude how"
>"cause i can hear you"
>mfw realized dead silence was basically mandatory
Good times

Last stand. Martyrdom is for bads/trolls and overkill is for Spikes.


>new cod comes out
>50-100k players on pc
>all modes active
>month or two later
>maybe 5k daily peak
>only tdm and dom active
>a few tryhards left in S&D
Every fucking year.

The maps were good maps, It's just that grenades were fucking stupid. IDK why the devs thought someone could throw a 1lb hunk of metal further than Willie Mays could throw a baseball, not only that but they'd bounce like tennis balls.

Seeing how badly they missed the point in subsequent games by nerfing damage instead of throwing distance was pretty disheartening.

>Not running X3 frags, martydom, and sleight of hand with a tubed m4 for maximum explosions to fuck campers.

Mfw 2× claymore juggernaut and martyrdom

>Headquarters and Demolition are empty
>no more 100+ kill games

Demolition and dropzone was the tits.

I'd tell you to kys but that's part of your plan

Don't even remind me of this fucking game I'm feeling ill at ease just by looking at the perks

>Everyone swarms to team deathmatch thinking it's the best mode to rack up kills
>You barely scrap by ~15 kills a game because it ends too quickly with there being a KILL PERCENT GOAL

Where did this misconception even begin? It's in every online shooter now.

I just want a cod where they want the anime or bloodborne audience.

>Sonic boom
>2 nades

>He doesn't use juggernaut + last stand

It's like you want your opponent to kill you

Blue perks were all good except for bomb squad, starting equipment didn't matter a whole lot

Red Perks
Stopping Power was hands down the best perk

Double tap and sonic boom were pretty shite, double tap just being a clearly worse version of stopping power and sonic boom only worked if you had tons of explosives but in cod4 you're limited to 3 max if you pick extra frags

Overkill was kind of a meme, its nice having a second primary weapon but there was really no substitute for a quick-drawn pistol when you run out of ammo + if you needed a second gun badly you could just pick one up off the first guy you kill

The rest of the red perks are good in some way with sleight of hand being somewhat limited to shotguns and LMGs

Yellow Perks

Eavesdrop and Iron Lung are straight up bad

Martydom and last stand were good for getting shitters mad but really easy to avoid dying to these perks

Deep Impact is the best one for all around use

Extreme conditioning is good for sub machine-gunners and shotties that like to run around the map

Steady Aim was only really usable on LMGs and assault rifles, subs and shotguns had good hip fire and there was no use for this perk on a sniper unless le LEET noscope xD clan

I played this shite game like 8 hours a day for like 3 years until I got crazy scores like 50-3 every game on TDM and similar in other gametypes, so I know a thing or two

HC is for people who can't aim/control recoil.