Video games were a mistake
Video games were a mistake
They do this shit every year, who cares?
are poptarts and rockstar owned by the same company? doritos and mountain dew made some sense because pepsi owns frito lay.
>70-year old executive smoking a cigar with his feet on the desk
>what do the kids like these days...fidget spinners...pop tarts! Yes, pop tarts! the tasty snack the whole family can enjoy!
There's only one sip that counts.
sippers ww@
is the filename god or good?
fuckin KEK
My friend hates poptarts but is totally fucking enamored with destiny, time to piss him off.
This is capitalism. Deal with it, peasant.
This is from the perspective that this is done to sell Destiny. It's actually done to sell RedBull and Poptarts and It will definitely work.
When you think about it, it's pretty messed up that an entire generation has been brainwashed into drinking "energy drinks" on the reg (aka liquid candy).
That's just semen.
Proto-sipper reporting in
>getting mad at a non-issue
You retards just look for any reason to be mad
Only poorfags don't even own the limited edition Halo 4 Mountain Dew and Doritos box.
>Destiny 2 is rockstar now instead of Red Bull
>lacking morality and loyalty even in product advertisement
I remember someone told me last week that games publishers would never sell out to pressure groups to add feminist / black / jewish bullshit in their games.
What a corporate whore.
You know as scummy as X Box was being with their marketing, at least Doritios and Mountain Dew was a decent combination to eat together. Who the fuck eats Pop Tarts with energy drinks together?
>I have to look at a shit game every time I eat my midnight snack of rockstar and poptarts
>semen slurping
>liquid candy
most candy doesn't have caffeine, especially levels comparable to multiple cups of coffee
Fuck that disgusting crap. And fuck Tesco extra for deciding to exclusively stock it instead of the god tier blue monster ultra. Who even came up with the thought of making a gross artificial tasting lemonade energy drink?
>defending the consumption of caffeine, a diuretic only useful for idiots who hate themselves
Sleep deprivation is a real issue, and anyone who isn't getting at least 7 hours a night is a fucking retard.
Caffeine is alright as a very occasional thing, it's purely detrimental on a daily basis.
I fucking love Pop Tarts tho.
>defending caffeine
who did that? I was defending candy from being compared to energy drinks.
I only like monster rehab and coffee monsters. Carbonation is for fags.
stop eating and drinking garbage
>takin lifestyle advice from a murderer/church burning edgelord
>drinking anything but cool, refreshing water
I can understand the odd snack here and there, but liquids? They're just empty calories.
what about the ones without calories?
Then you're just subjecting yourself to shit that heightens hunger, and carbonation that rots your teeth.
The only winning move is not to play, fatty.
Oh wow two businesses promoting one another it's not like this has ever happened before how terrible
Used to be mountain dew and Doritos
Now its rock star and poptarts
That race car driver one "The Doctor" or some shit is actually perfection. Khaos is good too.
That was an accident/nothing's wrong with that
>he's never been on a liquid diet
gatorade, ensure and broth are godsends
>mfw the codes end up being the same as the Red Bull ones and people manage to generate them for free again
Ewwww. At least make it Nos if you're going to ditch Redbull.
ripper is best imo
>bragging about drinking water
why are there so many faggots on Sup Forums?
Do you brag about breathing air too?
Why is the video game industry so determined to give their target audience pancreatic cancer?
>Gaming franchise
>Second game isnt even out
Thats like saying this cardboard box is the biggest database because it contains nuke codes
>The limited edition Halo 4 Doritos and Mountain Dew
This has always bugged me, but what is the owner of such a valuable and rare collectible supposed to do with it exactly? Do you... eat the chips and drink the soda?
But it has such nice packing. Is it right to eat your collectibles?
Rockstar energy is fucking gross.
I actually like energy drinks generally (once every couple of weeks or so, like any other soda) but the rockstar ones taste like ass. Monster blows it out of the water taste wise by far.
>nice packaging
do you just tear into things like a fucking bear or something? how does the packaging of mountain dew and doritos get ruined if you consume it?
Redbull > Bawls > Venom > Amp > Monster > Full Throttle > Rockstar > NOS
Oh no you poor thing!
Don't have Bawls or Venom here, but I disagree.
Monster > Redbull > NOS (original flavor) > Full Throttle > Rockstar > NOS (every other flavor)
Full Throttle and Rockstar both feel very cheap, even though they tend to be the same price as monster. They just taste lower quality and cheaper.
As long as we can agree Full Throttle and Rockstar belong in the trash
>Destiny sold more copies than the first Call of Duty of first installment of the Halo series
No, but making them mainstream was. Now I know how hipster feel.
water > all
First sip of the ever here. It's actually pretty good. Tastes better than I expected at least
that first sip of the day tho
>Rockstarts are the new Dewritos
It could have been worse, I suppose.
> look for any reason to be mad
Why else do you think we're here?
Rockstar > Monster.
>Multiplat juggernaut built on the name and goodwill of a decade-old beloved franchise with one of the largest marketing budgets ever
>Outsells the first installment of an exclusive launch title from that same franchise which had a tenth of the marketing and none of the recognition
How can anyone take this shit seriously
Red Bull > Both
"The Doctor" is Valentino Rossi's nickname in MotoGP
>yfw when advertisers even use deliberately misleading marketing tactics on themselves
No such thing as Destiny or Halo water. Checkmate, water-pleb.
You're a fucking freak. Take your degeneracy elsewhere.
>try one of these for the first time
>tastes pretty good
>can't sleep till 10AM the next day
back to water
You are actually not meant to eat or drink them.
S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7
They have less caffeine than coffee and as much sugar as any other soda.
Purely psychosomatic.
Should have gotten the regular one, those zero sugar/zero calorie ones aren't nearly as good.
>destiny sold more copies than the first call of duty
Coffee and soda don't typically have excessive taurine
But it's not a true SIP if it's not the zero calorie ones. also, it's the only kind the store had
Who /brown sugar cinnamon/ here?
yes but they count candy crush and farmville as games. the 50% console owners I can buy, but there's no way 61% of americans play vidya.
because almost nobody outside of africa drinks straight water
and since water is the healthiest that makes you dumber than a bunch of shit hut dwelling niggers
I guess they already burned through the colossal 500 million dollar marketing budget if they're desperate or greedy enough to team up with fucking Pop-Tarts of all things.
I mean if you have that much money specifically set aside for marketing from the outset with Destiny 1, then needing this for your sequel to turn a profit is a very bad sign.
Activision-Blizzard is involved, some of the biggest jews in gaming. If they see an opportunity for more money they'll take it.
Everybody knows Arizona Arnold Palmer is the best and healthiest gamer fuel that isn't water.
>When you can't get the Mountain Dew and Doritos, so you go for a knock off.
Capitalism was a mistake
That looks like a presentation you would do for a marketing class in college
How can you people seriously drink energy drinks? I'm afraid of getting a heart attack even without drinking it, I think I would explode if I actually drank one, and you fuckers spill three or more cans into you each day without any remorse or thought put into it.
Cross product promotion is totally a new thing fucking capitalism
What are pop tarts? I've never seen the things here in Poland.
We don't have weak, failing bodies
If I made a game I'd only advertise:
Crystal Pepsi
Arnold Palmer
Smart Water
Taco Bell
Chik Fil A
I only drink them when I really need to be awake, not just so I can play longer which basically means I drink maybe 3-4 small cans of them a year and even then only one store specific brand since I don't much like the taste, too plastic and artificial.
Disgusting highly processed garbage
Kind of like mini pie crusts with filling and frosting on them. They're made to fit in a toaster.
Packaged artificial flavored Pastries you toast
80% of people don't toast them
Pastries that you put in the toaster, they're filled with different kinds of jams.
Who water+coffee here?
Generic pastries with a ludicrous amount of sugar.
>Smart Water
What's your justification for that?
>taco bell
so rockstar, mountain dew and doritos just like everyone else? they're all owned by pepsi
I never understood coffee
Teas more my jam