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summoning Norway...

Of course. Who else but Kotaku.

>linking to kotaku
there is so much wrong here

Polygon. SJWs don't have many options open to them anymore.

why cant some gays just be happy being girly sissy men and not women

>A shitty website hires a shitty person to edit their shitty "news" articles
I wonder if TB will stop mocking Kotaku now that LKD works there, considering that he's willing to kick people out of cons for "her".

Kotaku, Polygon, and Waypoint are the land fills of the internet, collecting all the garbage in concentrated spots so its easy to avoid


are those really the best pictures they could get

I don't get it. What's so funny? Why are you mocking her?


Maybe she will get rid of the number of blatant ad articles and rubbish like this.


I am

Revolting, can't believe I used to like Kotaku. Trannies are fucking filth


lol (unironically)

Wait, this is real?

are you done pushing your shit thread OP?

"So what are your qualifications?"



Isn't xzhiye the one who """leaked""" some Pokemon stuff for attention whoring purposes

You guys are just jealous that she's a successful woman working in the game industry. I'm personally proud of her.

Kotaku is so progressive offering dilation breaks.

>mental illness

fuck off laura

>wage gap "exists"
>men become women but retain pay to normalize the gap


Yes. 99% of her "leaks" are bullshit.


There are reasons you guys can criticize trannies other than just saying "lmao they call her a she". Try to come up with something original.


OP knows this is the only cesspit on the internet that will agree with his 1950s heavy conservative rhetoric. So here he is.

Stop posting this, it's all lies.

All my trans empathy went out the door when I learned about dilation.

A person who chooses that fate willingly can't be of sound mind.

Fucking pieces of shit! I bet not one of you could pull off the look Kate has.

She has a vagina.

Mamma de er slemme på internett igjen!! :((

Show vagina(inside out penis)



At the very least vary up your post formate for more efficient trolling user

Nah, that's hilarious. Because it gets under skin. It's like calling someone a homosexual as opposed to gay or lesbian. Doesn't bother some people, but the people that it does bother overact like crazy.

Are traps gay?

are we talking about an actual vagina or a mangled cock

>Neon colored hair
These are all red flags.

>(inside out penis)
That's literally what every vagina is.

It was an entire screw of Nintendo NX/Switch leaks which were (apart from Mario Rabbids) entirely wrong or so vague anyone could come up with them (e.g. Retro games working on Nintendo project!). Thought they were the fucking Watergate journos with 'Im the Switch leaker AMA's and then went into massive damage control mode.

When did Kotaku become so based and redpilled? Are they /our guys/?

>it's a "Sup Forums gets outraged that people are different from them" episode

Someone post the webm quick!


Would you date him (her) if she paid for all your vidya and gave you an allowance of 1k a month

so if i cut my tongue in half and get artificial scales on my body and believe im one, i can be a snake?

Explain. I don't see how dilation fits in with trans madness.

just because he got his dick chopped off and left a gross hole does not make him a woman. the guy was born with a dick end of story.

>people are different from them
Maybe you mean mentally ill?

someone still needs to explain to me why asians can somewhat pass but in the west fat guys just put on a wig and dress and call it a day

"it says here you're a tranny, is this correct?"
"you're hired"

Yes, but real snakes will hate you for it!

t. kotaku

what does "date" mean?
do I have to stick my dick in it or do I just have to hold its hand every now and then while it does shit I don't care about?

> That's literally what every vagina is

trans people actually believe this

>mfw s/he grew teeth in their vagino

he was making fun of the dudes who get their dicks turned inside out and have to dilate the wound to keep their created vagina from healing/closing up.

2D no, IRL yes

>man mutilates himself
>he's just different!

>38 unique posters
>57 replies
God damm I hate newfags

Asian men have low testorone.

Is it fair for Trannys to compete against actual women in contact sports?

I'm not a fan her. And an actual SJW wouldn't use the word "trannies" since it's considered a "slur".

That's true, but none of them probably post here.

No because they're men. That's why they literally check females before competitions.

Literally anything they want sexual and plenty of public displays of affection

Who fucking cares? Stop giving them traffic, nigger.

Also I wasn't trolling, that's my real opinion. The other guy definitely was though.

I don't know why you think it's lies, maybe cause they deleted their reddit account out of shame?
the account did exist, i saw it with google cache


Let it go, and move on.

Shitlord Joe Rogan oppressing wymyn.

>That's true, but none of them probably post here.
As long as there is discussion in favor of trans there will be the opposite side of the coin. Moot point really.

you leave rogan alone he did nothing wrong

>Let it go
You said the same to your penis

Laura? Kate? Which is it.

What video game is this?

I could probably kiss it and wash my mouth with soap but that's about it
1k a month is a lot of money but fuck this

What a dynamic duo, he and Junkrat tranny will make Kotaku great again!

tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J485v08n01_03 "Prevalence of Childhood Trauma in a Clinical Population of Transsexual People"

>In our study of transsexual people, 55% reported experiencing an unwanted sexual event before the age of 18, with the average age of initial sexual contact being 13.

journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885 "Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery"

>Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.

>Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.

>internet celebrity bullshit
Off yourself OP

Every SJW cunt eventually gravitates towards that shit shot.

Didn't Carolin Petit, the Marshal from HIMYM looking tranny, end up there as well?

I stopped my friend from taking hormones and testosterone blockers. We haven't talked much ever since he stopped. He started acting weird and we got into arguments nearly everyday after he stopped.

I don't regret what I did, I think it's all for the better in the long-run. I just wish things didn't have to be like this currently (they'll get better over time). I just didn't want my friend to ruin his life


>reputable surgeon

>I am a normal human being that is why I decided to cut off my genitals

that's all there is to it, really. no amount of delusion will ever make these people into the opposite sex

thank you Sven

Thailand is the capitol of the world for sex reassignment surgery, for obvious reasons. Rich people who want it fly there.


At least Dana already said that thing will never compete in the UFC

Of course he did, he tried to shame and vilify a proud woman who hid 1 little secret so she could compete in the UFC and fulfill her dream of smashing in women's faces and get paid for it.

You did the right thing.

That's called withdrawal.
Thailand is actually the best and cheapest for this procedure. In most other countries, you will have to go some form of tests like psychological if they even offer it while in Thailand you just have to give them money then they'll do it.

his life was already ruined the instant he became mentally ill.

I mean I think it's a mental illness... or is that a shitlord thing to say?

>ugly tranny who is consistently wrong about everything
>still more successful than Sup Forums

the salt is real.