honestly i couldnt care less if she was black, but the first line she has is something like "WHAT YOU DOIN HERE WHITE BOI" and she is UGLY AS FUCK
seriously there is no way to make a character more hated then make her immediatly a dick to B.J. and have her call him "white boi"


P-please I'm not used to ebonics so I can't understand you. May you speak a little bit slower? j-just don't kill me please.

Why is Sup Forums so racists and sexist?

why do they all look the same


What do you mean?

>Sup Forums

You can't criticize it, it has POCs in it. Do you hate POCs user?

I'm black and most of us hate girls like that too. You don't have to be Sup Forums to find that shit annoying.

Because they are all flash and no fury.

>game has a black girl
>she's neither cute or sexy
>just angry and mean

Yes, I hate niggers.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

Seriously, why don't the mods get on this shit? I don't come here to see RACIST HATE SPEECH forced down my throat.

What did they mean by this

Ah, a fellow connoisseur of Sam Hyde, I see. A tip of the fedora to you.

reminder that when you have absolutely no goals or interests in life you start talking race and racism is for the smallest of brains

i dont give a shit if you hate blacks whites or latinos or asians, fuck off. they´re all people to me and equal. not better, not worse.

Blame culture for all degeneracy


>Try to make games more diverse by adding black females
>Add the same caricature to every game

Isn't doing this racist in itself?

Black women can look different than "attitude hoop earing lady with a fro"

>I'm black
Stopped reading right there.


>Constant Race Baiting Thread/Posts

>isolate in concentric circle
>add z-snap catalyst
>sassy black woman feedback loop initiated

I understand why EBT exists now.

reverse racism

why did you include a movie character though?

You took the time to reply though, so thanks.

>via the daily caller
>the daily caller is the one reporting this

They can't think of a way to make a black woman powerful without perpetuating a stereotype.

>They show the Pyramid in AC:O
You just cant make that shit up

Sup Forums spillover.

The russian girl in the battlefield 1 picture just has weird shading, she's white ingame.

I and I seen it all too many times.



how come blacks dont find their race being sold as a gimick racist?


I'm not racist but blacks sure can be annoying sometimes



Normal person + anonymity + audience = retard

That's your answer, user.

the trophy black girl of unoriginality

theyre not even that hot and i dont wanna buy these games they suck

>when maybe have legitmately problems with pandering

I hate this culture. I fucking hate you virtue signaling beta faggots who don't understand that maybe some people don't like being treated like idiots for identity politics. And people like you just eat that shit up while whining about Sup Forums. fuck off losers

>they still cant write black characters without resorting to racist stereotypes


although fighting with hair is apparently racist


>we put a caricature of a black woman in our game buy it you racists
fuckin hell

>we need some different races in our game
>cool, make them hot girls!

It really is that easy, no sarcasm.

because this isn't your safe space

No I didn't

Those on the right aren't black desu they're brown.

How can people be so racist?... Ugh it's incredible.

>let's get rid of my white people

I saw an ad for a netflix movie propagating autism. is mental illnesses and debilitation literally condoned now?


I agree with you and the poster you responded to, blacks are just more likely to commit crime.

b-b-but how will the real life women buy our game then?
attractive women make them feel bad

So if a black woman is attractive she's brown, but if she's an "afro rocking big lipped sista" she's black?


Is that why your men only want to fuck our women?

Funny how they're trying pander without realizing that they themselves are being racist by making only one type of black character. Because we all know black women have the same personalities and hair, no one is an individual. Westerners are retarded.

Reminder that San Andreas, a game about black guys in the hood has more charming characters than any of these games.

Make more videos Jontron i love you

Yes, if a dark skinned person doesn't exhibit any ape-like features it's fine.

Why are you all so offended about the white boi stuff? It's just jive talk. You guys never seen Shaft or any of those blaxploitation films?

why black women need to be ninja assasins and strong in all games anyway?
they´re not like that IRL, stop potraying black girls as angry ghetto dudes with circus clown tier accents

There's nothing wrong with having an ugly person in the game.

This isn't like NRS making Wonder Woman look like a man. Everyone looks beaten to hell in these games cause its war.

I don't how Sup Forums can be so retarded
Shes obviously supposed to be a walking stereotype

These people haven't been around actual black people so their only knowledge comes from that one class they took in college.

Pretty much the best part of last e3

i feel like mental illnesses have been romanticized
like its cool to say 'i have autism, depression, bpd, etc' and the person youre talking to is like 'oh cool i have schizophrenia, am gluten intolerant, anti-social lol'

I'm on it, user.

true, i just wish they didnt bring race into it.
I live in lousiana, and get called "honkey", "white boi" ect almost every fucking day
I dont wanna hear that shit in game too

>Sup Forums's bait has become so shitty that this image now has a promotional image from an actual fucking movie
>BGE2 is still the only game in this pic that doesn't take place in the 60s
>its still getting all these replies
How sad are you people?

>At first i was like, but then i was like

Calm down dude it was just a prank.

this gets me every time

that's exactly what it feels like. people are now identifying themselves by their selfdiagnosed illnesses.
Confuses me even more when trannys say "im a trans that-" isn't a trans person supposed to completely get rid of their past identify and sexual identity and just identify themselves by their new one? Saying "im a trans" is highly contradictory

Sup Forums is Sup Forums 1.5 now

Olivia is Hawaiian and Twintelly is probably North African from France. Blacks don't have straight hair.

this has got to be fake

>i don´t how
>calls others retarded
shieet cracka u some dumb shieet i mean like dat aint sentence lmfaoo fukkin get schooled amiright LUL #LIT
ima whoop dat afro and twerk dab bitch

Because it's not your safe space

Sup Forums was right.

white people think the 70s never ended for black people.

They were seriously bred to be a perpetual under class, subservient to the state and used as voting stock to enact marxist policies. They were made into an economic and cultural weapon by LBJ's great society and exist to serve the aims of marxist politicians.

Then don't play it? Shit man, who cares. You're triggering yourself for no reason.

all i´ve learned is jewish people run media is extremely racist so far

theyre like neo nazis except from israel

But I loved wolfenstein tno and the old blood
I wanna play the 2nd one, it looks fun aside from the story

except successful blacks being a thing completely ruins your conspiracy.

it's really obnoxious when these fucking morons are fake the funk; pathetic behavior that just diminishes the product.
now i would actually pay money for a blaxploitation game. like pic related but in the style of no more heroes, yakuza, sleeping dogs, etc. something silly and self-aware with a satisfying beat-em-up gameplay.

that'll never happen though because the people who care about putting black people in games are too scared of offending anyone. so you just end up with this anodyne pulp with a weather underground sticker and an afro slapped on.

No matter how they do it, they still will stereotype it cause NEWS FLASG, none of these devs who cry diversity actually know the culture they cry for

I've never understood this meme.

Chimps have thin lips, narrower noses, and straight hair. They exhibit more Caucasian features than Negroid ones.

>exceptions invalidate the statistical trend

its the 'trans' part they like
they dont want to be male/female, they want that specialness
people now want to be trans, they dont want to actually transition its ridiculous

>implying hipster devs actually watch movies with black people in them that arent capeshit or before 2000

I'm going to guess you live in the very south of Louisiana. I live there also but I can't say I've experienced the same. Maybe at the schools I used to go to.

It's a means of escaping into a victim class. Society is kept aloft by an ever depleting working class who are seen to be impeding the same progressive policies their tax revenue funds.
Identity politics are an avenue of escaping the responsibilities and ire of the progressives. Once you were a straight white male, now you're the most persecuted member of the progressive stack.
This too is a modern marxist tactic towards dismantling our former capitalist society.

Its the protruding mouth that people think looks the same.

Yes they do. The fact there are many blacks who are middle class and above destroys any story of MUH SUBVERSION.

Sup Forums BTFO!!!!

It's so weird. They wanna be this being that is two sexes at once. A male with a beard and deep voice that dresses and behaves like a woman and wants to be treated like a little girl. And it's always Male to Trans, you dont see any of this ridiculous shit when its a woman transitioning to a man

they glow in the dark. u can run em over with your car