The best game of all time is Portal

>the best game of all time is Portal
>games have been declining as a whole since then
nothing measures up

portal 2 was better

>Create a narrative masterpiece
>All anyone remembers from it is LOL THA CAKE = LIE XD
>Sequel goes for complete comedy instead of sardonic mystery scifi

Portal 2 was a mistake.
Wheatley was such annoying garbage.

portal 2 story and narrative wise suck balls

worst meme of all time

if there was one game that didn't need an interactive story it was fucking portal

Portal 2 was fucking great you plebs. This is a fact.

The paint was fun but everything else was worse.

If you can use the term overproduced for games Portal 2 is the prime example. The humor was lame as fuck too.

I dunno man, agree to disagree? Portal 2 was the best game of 2011 for me. The Glados reunion, Wheatley turning evil, getting to team up with Glados, the entire level of "The Itch"

Tell me at least you enjoyed the ending?

Even worse is I've never actually seen a girl play Portal. They just quote it to pretend to be a gamer.

all your favorite parts about it are story shit dude

this game is all about the gameplay

For me having Wheatley be the villain and GLaDOS become an ally made the entire two games up to that point feel... pointless?
Like, what was the point of my relationship with GLaDOS if this is all gonna turn 180 and change. The entire "oh most people would dedicate their pathetic lives to revenge, but I'm "better" than that!" thing, gone. The great villain we had is now a potato, and all for just the sake of spicing the plot up, as if Portal should need that.
I would've loved the game a hundred times more had it takes longer for GLaDOS to be reactivated, Wheatley died once she was and stayed dead, and the rest of the game was carried by her as the villain. Although having her be just killed again in the end would've been repetitive, so maybe you should really see her change to like you and let you go by the end, but because you find out her past as Caroline, and that should've been done with Wheatley as the first half of the game when you two are going to her chamber. Then the second half is GLaDOS, instead of her being the first half and the second an evil Wheatley (what a lame idea). Have her talk to you while you're exploring the ruins of old Aperture later when you try to escape because there's just something in her programming telling her not to check that place, but you eventually find Caroline out and once you're back at the surface you think she'll finally kill you or that there will be a final battle, but she deletes Caroline and lets you go for the same reasons as originally (sees herself in you, you helped her find out the truth etc.) and you have Cara Mia Addio and Want you Gone in the credits like normal.
I don't know, all this just seems such a more straightforward, "clean" and solid plot for me. I think all their decisions involving Wheatley and POTaTOS were stupid.
Also tone the humour down, a lot.

For me, it's sort of a toss up. 1 had more challenging puzzles, but 2 had a more interesting story with Wheatley, Cave Johnson, and the Borealis. 2 also had much more content. I liked how in 1, every other character you meet was against you, whereas in 2, you had someone on your side throughout the whole game.
I really enjoy them both, but I think I'd have to give it to 2.

While it's true that a lot of "gamer" girls just quote memes without ever having played the game, all girls i know who actually played it and loved it(about 3, i'm sure there's more) actually know their shit and hate the meme as much as anyone else who played the game.

Link their Steam profiles?

Red Dead Redemption was the last legitimately great game

Prove me wrong.

>The Glados reunion
story, not gameplay
Wheatley turning evil
story, not gameplay and kinda predictable
>getting to team up with Glados
story, not gameplay

Not gonna comment on the story as anyone is free to like it or hate it, but for a game to be a good game or even like you called it, the best game of 2011, you should argument its gameplay, not its story.
A game could have the most wonderful and well written story ever, but if the gameplay sucks, it's still not a good game.

I think the worst part of all these games was that Valve are a bunch of faggots that hate gamers now and won't make games anymore because they're gay. Every time I play one of those games from then I remember how gay earth has become.

All we're left with is what? Bioware and Ubisoft? Fuck me.

My favorite game is my favorite game because of its story, but I hardly care for its gameplay.


Favorite game =/= best game
My favorite game has an interesting story too, i love it and it kinda hits home in some ways, but the game itself is nothing great, a barely decent game with good ideas and poor execution.
I love it, but i certainly can't say it's the best game.

The first few hours and some of cave johnsons tests are great, it all goes to shit after that though

are you really this desperate?

No, I just don't believe you know 3 girls... or that all of them happen to be 'proper gamers'.

im not even the user you replied to lol

anyone have the facebook picture where the girl says she's only gotten to test chamber 4?

Yeah sounds like fantasy land to me.

Cherish those free (You)s, user.

portal 2 >>>>>>>>>>>> portal 1

You mean
portal 1 >>>> portal 2 >>>>>>>>>>>> portal 1

I think I'm might just have fucked this post up.

The Talos Principle > All

I loved that game from start to end and beyond(one of the few DLC in recent gaming industry to actually add substantial content), and its extended options(and great optimization) made it possible for me to play it on a super toaster while still looking quite good

>Best game of all time
>Easily outclassed by an indie platformer

Someone please post the mario thingy with all the years and next to them the sentence women say to gamers.
Preferably updated to 2017.
>2006: silly user and his games
>2007: why isn't anyone paying attention to me