
What are your thoughts on this game?
How does it compare to other 3D Platformers overall?
And how do you think they should change things around for the sequel?

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It's fucking shit.

Now, that's some constructive criticism.

It's kind of shit.

Just play the Crash remake instead

It's the shittiest shit that was ever shitten

Crash is the weakest of the entire 3D platformer genre.
It's like a B- game compared to A+ efforts of Super Mario 64 and two N64 Banjo games.

The worlds are too big and don't have that much thing to do in it. Also the gameplay was not "tight" enough, not sure on how to say that. Also, I know it was the whole point of the kickstarter but it was too much of a nostalgia trip.

I didn't hate the game but couldn't really invest myself in it either. Also even the tracklist doesn't sound like the best of what could do Kirkhope.

Not him but you can't honestly say that when 3D Sonic exists, which are most of them are either glitchy or really unpolished.

jontron did nothing wrong
(You) are going to reply

I forgot about those.
I don't really consider them 3D platformers in the way I've come to define them.
Even so, what I say about Crash being a above-average game stands.

It's a game made by numales for numales.

How is it with all the updates?

The only way to play the game without wanting to strangle yourself is to collect the bare minimum in each world to unlock the next world and the moves in it. Only once you've collected every move can you go back and complete the entire game without it going "no, fuck you, come back later. Fuck you for actually using our 'expand the world' mechanic". Unfortunately, having all the moves (particularly flight) then breaks the game wide open requiring some self-restraint on the part of the player.

Cut the expansion gimmick, instead just make two smaller worlds that share assets. One of them can be completed entirely with moves only from that world plus all previous worlds, the other can require moves from all worlds. The first half of the game can then be completed in a linear fashion (possibly skipping part of it) while the latter half can be entirely nonlinear.

This came out?

I played for an hour and refunded it, it just feels like a game that should have come out 20 years ago

Maybe this genre has gotten stale or maybe the game is just boring, I couldn't tell

They fixed some things, but they also added sign posts over Hivory Towers making it easier for casuals to not get lost in a tower that is very straightforward.

Wasn't perfect, but I liked it okay. Had a few problems.

Better than DK64, not as good as BK or BT

having only 5 levels that you have to back track to 3 times each, instead of 15, hell even 10 levels was a horrible choice.

They promised a new Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, that plays like a Banjo Kazooie/Tooie. With all of the games' strenghts,

but also all of their weaknesses.

A few hundred thousand people with nostalgia goggles forgot those weaknesses and would rather go the "All modern games suck! xD" route and forgetting all the quality of life improvements we got over the years, especially with 3D Platformers.

They delivered on their promise, and the backers were outraged...

>forgetting all the quality of life improvements we got over the years
outside of graphics, games have only gone downhill.
You can even argue graphics have gone downhill from the perspective of a PC gamer.

>They delivered on their promise
They promised a good game or at least that's implied. Not only did they fail to meet that, they failed to make a good game as good as Banjo.

Boring as fuck and the writing isn't even as good as BK.

>you can argue video games have gone downhill on every single aspect
Damn you have to really hate video games a lot. What was the last game you enjoyed? And, most important, how old were you when you enjoyed it?

>as good as Banjo
I think they got very close to delivering a similar experience to Banjo.

The problem isn't that the Banjos aren't good games, but rather that, if they would've released today, wouldn't be that great or didn't aged very well in terms of pacing, especially Tooie


Console patch when?

PC already got it and Switch version will release with them already updated

I'm holding off on buying it on my PS4 until the patches come and fixes it

Lots of baffling, poor design decisions really bogged the game down. They still haven't released the patch for consoles as far as I can tell - it's something like over a month late at this point.

I didn't have the highest of hopes, but I had to force myself to finish it. Was pretty disappointed.

Yooka Laylee runs on Unity.
While Unity is a great, powerful engine, and very efficient on PCs, Tablets and Phones, it has very severe performance problems with the PS4 and XB1.

Even lots of optimization from the developers can't really fix the deep complex problems within the Unity engine. Expect slightly better performance with a few patches tho, but it's overall performance won't get a lot better anytime soon

What went right with pic related

I'm aware

But better to play with it patched regardless

Lots of people seem to think this way that it shares its flaws with outdated games such as BK, BT and SM64 for better and for worse.

Personally, I played through BT for the first time just this year and I had a great time from beginning to end. I never found the flaws of any of these games to be significant enough to detract from the experience. Guess I just love 3D platformers.

Would I love YL given that I loved BT in 2017? I'm considering buying it for Switch

Besides Yooka-laylee?
Dying Light, DOOM, Titanfall 2.
These games are recent games, but they are not representative of the games we get today as a whole.
