Every Danganronpa thread is now just pure shitposting

>Every Danganronpa thread is now just pure shitposting
Danganronpa V3 can't come soon enough

>Mahirufag can't handle bants

DrV3 wont save you Mahirufag

Kisses for Mahiru.

V3 will just bring shitposting into overdrive.

>faggots that didnt play it already or didnt get spoiled dont know about the most retarded twist in the past 10 years of videogames yet
Im going to enjoy the meltdown.

How bad is it going to be this time around

>most retarded twist

The first one came out within the last 10 years, what are you talking about?

Zero making a bootstrap paradox to become born while also making 6 Shifters gitgud and get motivated to save the world isn't thaaaaaat bad. Him being off screen until his reveal is bs tho.

Im not talking about DR exclusively, Im talking about videogames in general.
This is pretty dumb but DRV3 in my opinion is both retarded and extremely infuriating.

It's a better twist than DR3 at least. I'm just glad Junko isn't the mastermind yet again.

>all this waiting
>still over a month left until the English release

What would be the worst tweest beyond those last 10 years then? Pic related?

possibly, thats a good contender.

Bullying Chiaki is not considered shitposting
Time to bully Chiaki

I'm still upset that Chiaki ended up being a real chick in the anime instead of just staying an AI inside Hajime's head. She's pretty shit but that AI thing was a neat twist.

>Still 2 months away
Fuck. I am damn exciting though.

It's really not. I swear people just don't actually understand the twist. Or they are typical shitposters.

Actually, DR2 hints at Chiaki being a real person too. Nagito when gets the profiles does NOT know Chiaki is the traitor because she existed and has a profile

Mikan knows its her because Chiaki is dead.

What is there to not understand?
The game pretty much spells out what happens and the truth about the first 2 games.

Oh boy can't wait for the Cuntaede, cute prime minister meido TOUJO, Ryoma did nothing wrong, TULPAS, MIU literal shit, OUMA the Nagito 2, MUGI, Danganronpa 52 fanfictions, insane amounts of pictures of abused Kaito and Himiko gay memes,.

How does the twist ruin ANYTHING? v3 is not the same universe as the rest. That's absolutely acceptable.

It isnt, the DR games are fiction in the V3 universe, its not acceptable.

Monokuma made a fake profile for the traitor though.
Mikan knew who they were because they were the odd one out.
That's on top of all the shit about Chihiro being her "father" and AE her "brother" which the anime's explanation for is shitty.
Chiaki was never meant to be real before DR3.

Why ISN'T it? What's the problem?
Is it:
1. DR1-3 should not exist at all, never be mentioned and be 100% separate
2. It should be canon existing

DRV3 invalidates everything thus far, thats my problem with it.
Calling the other games and the anime fiction is the equivalent of retconning the franchise up to this point.

I love Mahiru

No... it doesn't...
v3 isn't the same universe...
For fuck's sake. You people are autistic. He told us way ahead of time that DR3 ENDS the story. V3 would be completely new universe.

It recons NOTHING. It changes NOTHING.
Everything that happens in DR1-3 happened in that universe.
DRv3 simply sees that universe via the medium of video games.

I dont think thats how it is supposed to be but ok, DRV3 was supposed to be a separate universe but thats not really the truth, unless you are saying that there are 2 universes where DR1-3 exists, one where they are real and one where they are videogames.
If not, they did retcon the franchise for the sake of the ebin twist.

>It's not the truth despite evidence pointing to it being true
But yes, your two universes is the right answer.
It's like the Twilight Zone episode where they bring people into their world from the TV shows and they continue to act as their defined roles.

Don't forget: DR2 was virtual reality. This isn't so crazy. And ZE series is full of parallel universes.