Hey Todd here !

Get ready for some Bethesda hype, the best game in the world, Skyrim is coming to smart microwaves in 2018.

can't wait!

Excellent, I'll be sure to pirate before I waste my money. Thanks for reminding me Todd!

>still can't play skyrim on my coffee maker


My microwave is augmented

Now now don't get impatient because by 2019 you'll be playing Skyrim on your cofee maker but that's not all. We're working very hard at Bethesda to make you all very special shoes capable of running the most amazing game ever, Skyrim, just need to shine them and poof, perfect for the bus and car ride.

Audio Jack sold seperately.

When can I play Skyrim™ on my grandmas heart rate monitor?

I can't wait for skyrim on game driver.

Here at Bethesda we love families and think it's the most important thing in the world. However sometimes members of families have the need for fake body parts and have health problem and they might feel left out. And so we're working really hard so that pace makers, heart rate monitors, poop sacks, fake tits and all those nice things will be compatible with our newest Skyrim rerelease by 2022. This means quality time with everyone who's got fake body parts in the family, great fun !

I'm sorry user but I'll have to kindly ask you remove this from the face of the internet, that was supposed to be our next E3 reveal. This is a very serious offense, you better lawyer up.

>tfw playing 3DS and Todd tells me to play Fallout™ 4 or The Elder Scrolls™ V: Skyrim™ instead

>tfw you weren't playing either of those.
I should sue you.

Just dropping with Todds permission to remind everyone No Man's Sky is getting better everyday!

Sorry, but I'll be the one to judge.


but you don't have my permission

But Todd we're one and the same ! And... remember, what you told me... that night...

You stop that right now or we'll stop working on Vallenwood and trust me, you don't want that, the features of this game will blow your mind, unlike anything you've ever ever seen, the absolute best game ever, almost as good as Skyrim. It's possible to destroy the entirety of Tamriel in the game. Absolutely incredible.

Does that mean everytime I want to eat, I gotta go get something from a cave full of dragur?

Or, will my food require an unpaid fanbase to make it edible?

serious talk, Mr. Howard might like to talk about games in early development hyping things too much or just be caught in his usual enthusiasm about his work, but he never straight-up maliciously lied, and he always delivers
Sean Murray has various recorded instances in which talks about things that never existed in the first place, he not only failed to live up to his fantasies but his game is a broken, unfunny, piece of shit too

It seems our audience has gotten really stupid Pete lol.

But I want a new TES game Todd

Whoops wrong chat, Todd, you better erase this.

Are... Are you telling me you don't want another Skyrim ? Please Todd don't listen to him, I want Skyrim again !

Thanks Todd.

My favorite part about Skyrim is how the story makes ZERO sense unless you play as a Nord.

However, how come there wasn't any quidditch at the college of winterhold?

Ahh I agree, you've got Emil to thank for that, he's a genius. As for the College of Winterhold we thought it would make sense to make it the most boring awful place ever cause I mean, who even likes magic right ? That's how wizards are anyway, I've never heard of anything where wizards were cool. It just works !

I love Toddposting.

Me too.

I think I'll pirate this release since I bought every other version.

>Skyrim is coming to smart microwaves in 2018.
What a great idea Todd, maybe the electromagnetic radiation will finally kill all those bugs in the game

post rare Todds

pic related official in-studio toddposting art
not joking, look it up, it's one of the art assets of FO4

figures he would self insert as the manlet

>Napoleon's a manlet
>Todd's a manlet

>Napoleon's a manlet

>Napoleon was a manlet
Ignorant non-history buffs pls go. Todd a shit, naturally, but Napoleon was like 5'8

You're remembering wrong, Skyrim was never buggy friend. Don't you dare call it buggy.

>all these anglos

>169cm isn't manlet

Since you were such a loyal customer we were gonna give you a 1% discount but since you've mentionned pirating you can forget it.

What if I want to play New Vegas on my microwave?

>not a manlet
I live in Asia and even I consider that manlet height user.


How is 5'5 not manlet?

He was about 5'7 when he died, which was several inches taller than the average frenchie of the time.

The myth of him being a manlet was propoganda, the fact that French and English used different versions of the same measuring system, and Napoleon constantly surrounded himself with 6'4 goliath bodyguards who fucking dwarfed everyone.

Play what ?

>5'9 is average height in north america
>an inch shorter is manlet

You can 'consider' it to be whatever you want, but the word 'manlet' is typically used to describe absurdly below-average height males. Like 5'3-5'4 or lower.

>5'7 I-isn't small!
Fuck off, manlet.

Fallout New Vegas. The successor to Fallout developed by Obsidian.
And was famous for trying to mesh Fallout's roots with the modern gameplay and an actually genuinely dynamic storytelling and faction system with well written companion characters.
Was a pretty good game.

T. 5'8 "big boy"

Oh my god

Holy shit, 5'9 is the average height of adult Americans? Never knew I was taller than most of you lot.

I think you've played too much Skyrim, I don't know anything about an Obsidoop or something but all this faction talk is impossible, no one would be able to make such great mechanism, what you've seen in Fallout 4 is the absolute pinacle of what the technology and the best writting in the world lets us do.


I was thinking of picking up that post apocalyptic game everyone always talks about, is it good?

Only the 4, every game before that except 3 was shit.

Yes Fallout 4 is probably our most expensive and well developed game, never have we been so ambitious, it has a voiced protagonist, 4 meaningful dialogue options in every conversations, it is not broken and boring, the combat is not the main focus we really wanted to tell a great story where the player is in control and where he can change everything as he pleases. It's also very very very good looking, probably the best on the market.

Couldn't have said it better.

They aren't numbered so I just bought them all, should I skip shadow of chernobyl and start with clear sky?

come the fuck on now user
even the Todd himself admitted that the voiced protagonist wasn't such a bright choice

>still no tiger wrist game skyrim
Todd is a fucking hack
