Is SFV even salvageable at this point? 18 months after release and the game is still mediocre as hell...

Is SFV even salvageable at this point? 18 months after release and the game is still mediocre as hell. Let's say Capcom does announce a Super Street Fighter V, what are the chances they still manage to fuck it up? I say about 50/50 since modern Capcom is absolutely terrible at management and communication with fans of their games. I whole-heartedly think SFV could a an amazing game, but Capcom's incompetence is holding the game back.

I'd say 90% chance for trash, considering Disney Vs Capcom looks terrible.

No hope. The core gameplay is fucked, there's literally nothing they can do to fix it outside of making it a different game. Maybe they'll figure it out for SFVI. haha just kidding, MvC:I proves they don't know what they're doing anymore

I lost hope for MvC:I the moment I saw Sigma was day one DLC. I can't believe they actually made two main villains and then cut one out of the base game just to make an extra buck.


People keep saying the gameplay in MvC:I is good, but I wasn't feeling it in the story demo we got to play.

Considering what they did with SFxT where they held off completely finished characters on disk to release up to nearly a year later with their season pass, I believe it. Still though, I'll probably pirate MvCI to fuck around in training mode and stuff. If I like the game enough to want to play online, maybe I'll get it. Jedah, Venom, and the return of Dante have me interested enough to give it a chance.

God these characters look like shit

Agreed, I can't put my finger on it but it just didn't click. It felt a bit slow and disconnected I guess? And a lot of the effects/presentation were underwhelming.

I imagine the bad PR for MvC:I will have a negative effect on sales, like SFV, that they will be forced to release a Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite. I'll most likely just get that maybe by then the roster won't be so disappointing.

Everyone talks about saving Capcom saving SFV as if they wouldn't have already if they had the money, time, and resources. Everywhere I go I hear, "man, if Capcom added 'X' character, or more supers, or more more V-triggers, SFV would be saved." Truth of the matter is that it's all just hopeful thinking. A never ending circle where people get their hopes up thinking Capcom will magically fix SFV after this year's Evo or Capcom Cup, only to be disappointed when Capcom announces costumes and one new character every two-3 months.


I don't like the core gameplay, and they're not going to change that, so there's no chance that I'll play it again.

Can they get casuals on board? They'd need some good single-player content and good tutorials. But Capcom is notoriously cheap when it comes to producing anything other than a bare bones product, so I doubt it will happen.

A lot of Capcom's games seem to be underwhelming lately. If MHW ends up being shit Capcom will probably die and and I'll probably kill myself as well.

Everyone was praising SFVs gameplay before release. Now same people are saying it sucks. Dont trust the shills.

Yeah I try to avoid anything FChamp says about the game.

Stockholm syndrome, man. People feel obligated to support capcom because they feel like they're supporting the FGC in the process. It's a half-truth, but they definitely set themselves up for disappointment every time. Also laughing at everyone that thinks SFV is gonna be saved eventually. The game is intentionally designed to always result in a clusterfuck slugfest for artificial hype. It's never gonna change.

Honestly, if the going leaks are true and we get Super Street Fighter V that gives us 6 returning DLC characters that are all fan favourites, and SSFV brings massive, sweeping game play mechanic changes and fixes, it'll be a good start.

There's no chance in Hell that giving us 6 old characters + arcade mode will suddenly fix the completely broken netcode that runs on Capcom's mobage servers that was coded by one man though.

And it's not going to fix the currently existing and boring cast that all play the same.

It's not going to make everyone forget about the first two dumpster fire years of Capcom shitting on all criticism and letting John D run his mouth

It's not going to make everyone forget that Capcom paid top players and popular players on social media to shill SFV and Marvel as hard as humanly possible

It's not going to make everyone forget that the EVO 2k17 grand finals were hype because Punk was a poor 18 year old black kid that was going to be America's first SF champion or Tokido was finally going to get his title he's worked years for, not because the games were fun to watch (because they weren't)

It's not going to make everyone forget that MvCI has no X-Men or Fantastic Four characters, all currently existing X-Men and FF characters got recycled into other characters, and that the first two years of DLC have been leaked and nobody is interesting, and whoever is interesting is just a frankenstein of cut characters people actually want in the game, like Black Panther having X-23, Wolverine, and Felicia's moves and animations.

It's not going to make people forget that MvCI is Street Fighter x Tekken 2 instead of Marvel vs. Capcom 4, and that it's just all the bad parts of X Tekken, MvC3, and SFV rolled into one game.

It's not going to make people forget that every top player says they don't think SFV is a good game and that the only reason it's played is for the money.

It's not going to make people ignore the hideous characters like pic related

God damn user. You hit the nail right on the head.

Reminder that due to licensing issues this will be the first MvC without any X-men and possibly no spider man characters.

But hey, we got that dumb shit racoon...

>leddit spacing
Kys kappakid

Spider-Man is already confirmed to be in, they announced him with Frank West since they're both photojournalists

Venom is also a DLC character

Nice spacing, fag. I agree though. Still, if they change the game to the point where it makes playing the footsie game and defensive neutral worthwhile, I'll go back. It's not gonna happen though, clean neutral and zoning is "boring" for spectators that don't even play fighting games, and inconveniencing spectators isn't on their agenda (for the lack of a better word, thanks John D). They can make the game as stressful and volatile for players as they want though. Characters that can stand roundhouse into v-trigger for consistent comebacks on full health opponents (because one touch before a lucky v-trigger activation can instantly carry you to the corner and shave off half your health while also setting you up for another mixup which will likely stun you) don't matter when you know that your playerbase will always support you. SFV has the FGC held hostage.

I honestly think Street Fighter 5's major problem was going with a "Games as a Service" model. I think if it just released as a full game and didn't have FUCK TONS OF DLC then people wouldn't mind or care and might even overlook the flaws of it's gameplay, but because of the "Games as a Service" thing, and their general shitty business model for the game, they fucked it up.

Though, I enjoy the game. Especially because it's on PC.

SFV biggest mistake was making 09ers believe SF4 was anything but trash


They're even nerfing zoning in mvci. Nu-Capcom hates zoning apparently.

>Muh kappa boogeyman
Go suck james chens dick a bit harder.

Most likely this. Capcom probably focused more on how they where going to support the game tell 2020 that they forgot to make sure the game was not barebone on features and functions.

Nah, I think the gameplay is ass. I don't care how consumer friendly games are anymore too much. I mean I'll talk shit about bad business practices but as long as the game has at least one thing I like about it I'll play it.

I can not find one thing about SFV that I like, and I tried for the entirety of season 1. When season 2 made the game even worse, I dropped out. There aren't any fun combos I can grind and show off, Guile came close but those corner combos barely even happen enough to make the character fun, the game is volatile and offensive as fuck to the point where it becomes legitimately stressful to play because the comeback can happen anytime your opponent's v-trigger goes up, the characters have too similar gameplans to the point where you could say SFV has somewhat of a "universal" playstyle (but that was probably intentional to make the game more accessible), playing the zoning or defensive game isn't even viable most of the time unless you're playing against grapplers, and the netcode isn't even good.

They don't hate zoning, spectators do. And they're nerfing it because they want to pull in more spectators. It's not hard to understand. E S P O R T S

dumb kappaturd poster

>He's still mad a respected FGC member called out his little circlejerk sub

Companies and Devs pushing esports is probably one the worst thing to happen to online games. Smug came out and said that people only play SFV for money, well at least pros do. It would be nice if we could go back when people played games because they enjoyed them.

The problem is that you have to admit that the game need some serious improvements before you actually can get to the core of the problem.

Capcom are only interested in reducing the loss at this point. It doesn't really feel that they are trying to boost sales with good improvemts. They are after the quick 4$ they get for shitting out another Chun or Ryu costume while ignoring Jarring graphical errors such as clipping which is a simple animation loop.

Called out for what, being too negative about SFV? He also said that r/kappa only sponsors players so they can look like they support the FGC, like its a conspiracy or something.

I enjoy Street Fighter 5 though.

>Venom dlc
Here we go with this bullshit again. Like Lei not being in Tekken 7 unless dlc.

Fighters are dead anyways so whatever

That's fine and you have every right to enjoy the games you want to, but SFV is a cleary flawed game that could have been fixed a long time ago. People are being negative and rightfully pissed because people keep bringing up problems and Capcom has done jack shit to fix them. The fact that the netcode is still garbage is really disappointing.

When the fuck did spacing out things so you don't have to read in giant clusterfucks a bad thing? Are Bullet Points bad now? Do you go into an office meeting and shout LEDDIT at them too?

SFV dying would result in that, I feel. It will kill the e-sports and "fighting games as a career" dream for a lot of people though. There are pros and cons to both results.

I have to admit though, as I'm working on Guilty Gear to reach the competitive level I'm still having thoughts about going back to SFV really quick just to maybe have a piece of the e-sports pie. It's enticing even though I think the gameplay is actually trash. Still, I also don't want fighting games to become something extremely accessible and oversimplified like overwatch and hearthstone just for esports recognition. It's a cynical and shallow result for a genre that I actually like for retaining its hardcore status for so long.

I don't SFV will actually die. Fans and pros are to invested into the game for that to happen. Also James Chen saying that if it were to die then the FGC will die as well probably got many idiots to keep supporting the game even if it's boring to them.

I also find myself wanting to play R.Mika since I really like her characters, but I can't force myself to re-download SFV. It's just not fun with that garbage netcode.

Super Street Fighter V will save SFV the same way SSFIV saved SFIV.

IV was fucking garbage at launch. Fuck Sagat.

Chen called you faggots out because you're low effort shitposters who love fg drama.

At least vanilla 4 had strong characters that were different from eachother. You will never see a dedicated zoner like Sagat in SFV. Not enough twitch "hype"

>You will never see a dedicated zoner like Sagat in SFV. Not enough twitch "hype"

Sagat is heavily rumoured to be in the next season of DLC characters. But yeah, you're right, the simple idea of Sagat in SFV horrifies me because of how strong he'd be just by being a dedicated and ridiculous zoner.

>Urien if you're playing a scrub

If you zone with Sim, your asking to get wrecked once you get knock downed. Sim can't zone anyway close to Guiles level.

Wanna play with projectiles and win? Play guile. Want to frame trap with corner Bnb? Play the rest of the cast with the exception of Juri.

You never want to play Juri.

>You never want to play Juri.
But my dick loves Juri ;_;

Nobody is gonna stop playing SFV
>its street fighter
>best prize pools of any fighting game
>money attracts "top players" and their dickriders to keep the game popular
How the game plays has nothing to do with whether it's salvageable or not as long as it pays out and gets support from capcom. You'll never see bamco or arcsys pay out anywhere near as much

>dhalsim, chun li, fang and necalli all play the same

youre retard

You don't play Fighting games with your dick.

That sounds like a challenge.

Their normals and specials differ but the gameplan is the same; get in and stay aggressive. It's the only gameplan that works in this game; zoning, defense, and neutral all take a backseat to slugfests.

well said kappa bro

I always feel like a bad dog when i play SFV. Because all i do is sit in the corner and take the beatings from a huge negro yelling about money.

Abigail saved it for me.
The season 2 should have been day 1, since they're the most unique.
But I admit it still is a bad product, and I woudn't recommend it for anyone that don't want to get a little bit serious.

Xian single handedly makes SFV look good when he uses lesser-tier characters

Really high-level FANG gameplay looks awesome

chun lis normals do not allow her to get in and stay aggressive. everything she has thats + on block is incredibly short range. after throws shes even at best, and her only way to get a knockdown off of a stray poke costs meter and is unsafe. on top of that, her damage output is weak compared to everyone else.

Flowtron said "Sagat and Sakura are season 3. Just don't expect them to play like they do on SF4".

>It's not going to make people ignore the hideous characters like pic related
Ibuki is meant to be average though, e.g. a myojo. All of her character evolves around normie wannabe who want a normal highschool life and a cute bf. Say what you want about SFV, but they're capable of making great 3D models like Chun, Juri, Karin, Cammy, Kolin. Not all female characters need to have supermodel faces. The only in-universe acknowledged stunning hotness is Chun Li, so you would imagine other girls should look more or less average.

Which is why she's mid to low tier. In spite of her weaknesses you still won't see a solid player zoning or trying to maintain neutral with her.

>Just don't expect them to play like they do on SF4

I am glad that Cody will never ever be in the game. He was my favorite in Alpha 3 and my second in 4 (After Gouken).

Some times it's good to play as a character no one likes.

>Just don't expect them to play l8ke they do on SF4
I really hope they don't butcher their playstyle like they did with Juri.

Her face isn't hideous, it's just the angle/lightning.

How would you buff your mains if they even need a buff?

I'd give Alex charge heavy attacks like urien. A fully charged hp becomes an overhead that leads to a full combo. A fully charged hk pushes the opponent back further and becomes insanely positive, allowing better corner pressure.

But fuck as an Alex main ill take anything. He just doesn't have shit compared to most of the cast and he's the only character I had fun with in this shit game.

doesn't save those eyebrows though

>mov never tries to maintain neutral

you're full of shit.


Abigail is fun, endless EX-smash.

Sakura was a mess in 4. Her tatsuloop was so stupid online. I always picked Dee Jay against her and went full Ghetto-Vortex.

cody was/is among the most popular non-females in the series. At least way more so than gouken.

if it wasn't for ibuki i would probably play gg fulltime. glad i stuck with her through s1 when everyone thought she was trash. if they ever gut her imma just go gg fulltime

Is anyone going to take guesses on how they do play?

I'm going to guess sagats v system is fireball oriented. V skill is a strong but unsafe tiger shot, down plus v skill shoots a low hitting one but is even more unsafe. V trigger will be a worse version of kens.

Sakuras v skill will be a charge move that makes her hadouken more powerful similar to blog but its a projectile so they will inherently make it shit. Her trigger will likely make her specials more safe and more capable of mixups, changes her super but goes away when super is used like ryu.

Alex: Better oki or safer elbows and better tracking on the stomp/headbut. I dropped him because of the fucking tracking.

Mika: c.hp reverted to season 1, or at least +1 on block. Longer distance on her Clap -2, -8 is too fucking much since you don't even get something out of it midscreen. airbourne again. I didn't care about it until I fought a Rashid, and everything he does is airbourne.

Abigail: Too soon to tell, but I don't like how long his recovery is on everything.

I see why people may like Abigail, but I have no interest in playing a giant fucking retard. His announcement at EVO was just disappointing compared to everything else.

>His announcement at EVO was just disappointing compared to everything else.

And yet, you're here instead of talking about Geese on a Tekken 7 thread, on a Blazblue Tag Battle thread, or a DBFZ thread.

Don't forget that they censored the game. Refused to use GGPO and the game is currently $40 still, when it offers to unlock characters and skins for real life money. The base game should be $10.

>dhalsims gameplan is to get in and stay aggressive

full retard

Characters are free.

Honestly, i think that Alex main issue for now is the lack of a solid reversal. Also, i would like to see more use of the V-skill outside of certain matches.

I feel that i only use the V-skill against characters with a bad dash and/or Crush counter.

Also, due to the lack of reversal i have to spend V-bar on the V-reveral, so in matches against a character like Balrog, i don't get the chance to use my Trigger that often (Which is bad, since it's great against Balrog).

Not him but it is

Dhalsim doesn't play like he does in the older games

That is sims gameplan depending on how much of a comeback factor the other character has. Some characters you simply can't zone that well with Sim.

But I was in the BBCTB and DBFZ thread the other day. Am I not allowed to talk about multiple games?

Did seinfeldspitstain design those models?

>The core gameplay is fucked
This. Worst in the series by far. I'd say wait for 6 but I don't know if they'll make it at all or if I'll like it judging by how many retarded decisions they made with 5.

I talk about dbfz, this, and mvci almost anytime they're up. There's no reason not to post in multiple threads if you have multiple interests in fighters user. I'm personally hype for piccolo and hope he's a good foil for vegeta cause if so my team will be trunks, piccolo, and vegeta.

thats always been the case. only in other games, sim just outright lost those matches because he had no other tools.

sim is still better off zoning against most of the cast. just because now he can put on the offense when he gets a chance doesn't mean thats his main gameplan.

all dlc characters so far are unlockable by clearing the single player content on easy and normal

the censor is 2 changed camera angles. The game is still pretty lewd especially since they constantly have to change basic coatumes at tournaments

you are just full of shit

And even when sim does go in, it is typically just for a short burst before moving across the screen.

If the rumors of Super Street Fighter V are true then yes, there's still hope

Then you're a good guy.
Just don't hate on Abby because of Capcom fucking up.

There's only one thing they have to do to salvage it

Reversals in general are fucked and only recently got any sort of half assed fix. But they've been shit for so long that people don't even bother cause its so ingrained that only ex reversals are worthwhile if you have one at all. For his v skill I just spam the fuck out of it if they try to keep away since they buffed its speed.

If Alex had anything like that it should be on his grab. Hes the only grappler that doesnt have anything going for his ex grabs while everyone else gets at least grab invincible on theirs.

Jesus christ, If I was a capcom employee my dick will limp after reading this.

>yfw you didnt buy SFV

Vega's v-skil (tap) should be fully invincible and not punishable. Otherwise I think he's got an interesting design. Also, if they brought back close normals then his poke game would only benefit.

I would like to see Alex get a hit of armor on his grab.

Just fucking do it Capcom
Make him real

I hope SFVI is espn friendly at least.

I enjoy the Blacked DON'T WORRY one, personally.

>Is SFV even salvageable at this point?
As asset vehicle for SFM?

Don't worry sathi, next year we'll make it more halal for everyone to enjoy.

Says you. My dick is attached to my arcade stick.
