Has a fanbase ever fell out of grace as hard and fast as the Souls fanbase?
What went wrong?
Has a fanbase ever fell out of grace as hard and fast as the Souls fanbase?
How assblasted do you have to be to make this image?
Assblasted enough to think that people are serious when they say DarK Souls is hard, which means he thinks he's not only actually bad at Dark Souls, but that people actually give enough of a shit about him to try to make him feel bad.
Most of that part of the community (I'm referring to people like OP, not the boogeymen he's referring to) spawned after the PC port of Dark Souls was announced, which completely destroyed all the console gamers that were defending their poor choice of platform with legitimately great exclusives like Dark Souls.
PC was a mistake.
The Smash Bros Melee fanbase.
the one guy who made a save with everything unlocked like 5 mins into the game because pvp players refused to raise level they pvp at or actually play the game
Can't beat the Bell Gargoyles, friend?
Aren't they a much less noisy crowd than many other game fanbases?
It's hasn't been common to see a sincere post regarding DS as a hard game for years
That image among the first results when you google "souls fanbase", you idiots. It's old as fuck.
>What went wrong?
an influx of filthy casuls like you
I don't even play these games but it started after the PC port
>What went wrong?
It became popular
>What went wrong?
Sup Forums found out about it
Prepare to Die Edition made the franchise popular with obnoxious normalfags and with that the fanbase went downhill.
Sup Forums Souls community became shit after PC release. /dasg/ used to have so many fun events and even Lucy and that other trippfag were tolerable. Post-PC release is where the cancerous boi-pussy, git gud and other faggotry invaded. Also the faggot one-trick pony OnlyAfro pooped out the lel giantdad pls parry me build. Also, the only good PvP streamer ended up getting banned from twitch, think he was a chav by the name of D_invader oor something.
Since when do fanbases have grace?
BB is console exclusive and the fanbase is still cancerous. Kill yourself.
>Assblasted enough to think that people are serious when they say DarK Souls is hard
This is why people say git gud, people know it's easy, so when people complain they get memed instead. Git Gud gives them more reasons to keep playing.
It really isn't hard once you get the mechanics and ideas of the game down, but how does git gud give more reason to keep playing? I can see wanting to play to succeed, obviously, but having someone meme you when you want help is probably discouraging.
I suppose it's negative reinforcement or something along those lines, those players know this game is popular and plenty of people beat it so they most likely will continue to play it. It's like prodding you, git gud, over and over and then you finally do.
souls toddlers are reddit
git gud kinda devolved from people constantly explaining to newcomers that the game is hard, and the only way to beat it is to keep trying until you get better at predicting attacks and getting the most out of your build.
When you have to explain the same fucking thing over and over, people get tired of it and just shut newcomers down with a sly "Get good" remark to a probably genuine, if ignorant, question or critique. Then in true Sup Forums fashion, the memelords try to be the first to reply to such posts with "git gud", often en masse so it's effectively spamming.
Fair enough, it was always kind of a scathing remark to me until I finally powered through Anor Londo and the rest of the game, then it felt good to say 'huehue i got gud'
>What went wrong?
they never had grace
The absolute worst thing Dark Souls did to video games is that it fostered a culture where calling someone bad at a game because an accepted response to criticism.
You can't critique anything about Dark Souls (or any moderately difficult game nowadays) because cretins just spurt out "GIT GUD" and get their backs patted by the legions of idiots who infest the fanbase.
It's a great game, but I wish it stayed unknown like Demon's Souls.
>What went wrong?
it was ported to Steam
i still dont see why people think that dark souls is a "hard game" but okay
In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:
>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights
>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build
>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks
>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again
Correction: It WAS easy.
Demon's Souls and Dark Souls were easy game presented obtusely enough to give the illusion of difficulty. I thought Demon's Souls was impossible when I first started playing it in 2009. After grasping the mechanics, it got easy, and now I can sleepwalk through the game. Dark Souls is the same way except I had already gotten gud in Demon's Souls.
Dark Souls 2 was the start of the horseshit. Still easy for the most part, but that's when they started putting in shit just to frustrate the player. Bloodborne is a bit harder, but also more fair because you're faster, stronger, have more healing, etc. Dark Souls 3 is just pure horseshit trying to fuck the player over every two seconds. The basic gameplay is still easy, but they've just designed the enemies and levels to be as unfair as possible.
Dark Souls 3 ruined this franchise. I think because Miyazaki didn't want to do it, he made it deliberately suck, just like Kojima did with MGS4. And in both cases, the babies in the fanbase ate them up anyway.
>lol you have an issue with any part of Dark Souls? obviously you just suck xD
I like Dark Souls but you're proving OPs point that Souls fans are absolutely retarded
melee is harder than dark souls xd
>game is difficult at a certain part or is actually broken in some way
>calling it out is met with "git gud"
>honestly can't tell if they're being facetious or serious
DS2 just had ADP once you understood that then it becomes just as easy, same with 3, vanilla 3 is the most stupidest shit ever because of the easy stun lock with fast weapons, I dunno if they changed it now.
>ds2 over anything in entire existince
>What went wrong?
PvP. I can already see people bitching about muh PC release ITT but those people are looking at the past with rose colored glasses and don't remember all of the straight up cheating that went on in the PS3 days. People coming into your game with mules and abusing glitches with the express purpose of ruining your fun gets real old real quick and by the time DS3 happened covenants were straight up prohibitive to unlocking everything and PvP balancing had fucked up the weapon progression you'd expect to see in an RPG.
>Heavy exile gs is better than FUGS despite weighing 70% as much and having half the statreqs
>Astora ss is worse than the longsword despite higher statreqs
Tying PvP to PvE always makes DLC stuff godly and results in cool shit getting nerfed.
That's just being unreasonable.
The realization that most are one and done faggots.
>NG+ absolutely same as NG with few new rings lying around
that was worst part of DS3 for me, replaying same shit twice to get all chievments with nothing different to entertain me
Normalfags literally ruin anything good
Somehow the situation keeps getting worse with every iteration of the series
>Unfinished second half
>Not Bloodborne
nu-multiplayer / tryhard community took over
This is probably the most annoying that came out of dark souls in general, and that has sprayed in the entire video game industry. People thinking that 1) a game must be stupidly difficumt for it to be enjoyable and where anyform of tutorial is "handholding" for "casuals" and 2) where any negative opinion or criticism is mostly due to the fact that you "suck" and that you need to "gitgud"
I played Bloodborne as my first soulsborne and am halfway through DS3 rn and I'm blazing through it no problem.
DS2 moved up in ranks, the meta has changed.
I think that by you he meant "one". Common mistake made even by native speakers.
Dark Souls was always a casual franchise. The only punishment for death is losing souls, something easily replaced. What exactly is hardcore about Dark Souls?
git gud casul
>make games open world after first game
>first game is still the least linear after 4 fucking sequels
No it didn't, a bunch of memers fishing for (You)s saying it's better doesn't mean it moved up
That didn't start with Dark Souls. It started with Ninja Gaiden on Xbox. I fucking hate that game, and to this day, any criticism leveled against it is just met with "ur probly bad lol." I never even understood why, when everything dies so fucking fast in Ninja Gaiden that you basically spend the whole game spamming the same actions over and over, and literally HAVE to do that if you're going to a high score. Compared to DMC, God Hand, etc. Ninja Gaiden is not very hard at all, but every single time I say anything bad about it, it comes back around as "ur bad."
I think this answers OP pretty well. They think the series is way way better than it actually is. Bloodborne is an 8/10 - it played it too safe, was too formulaic, and was too derivative.
Opprutunities to do something actually different like beastbood and frenzy/insanity were completely squandered. The bosses really aren't that great and lack variety. The music is hit or miss. The audio engineering leaves something to be desired (which they almost fixed in DS3). I could go on.
PvP meta fags and streamers.
The game is old, the memes are played out, the gameplay was always overrated.
Move on, maybe make a better game from what you've learned.
Nothing. In fact, if the game was released 15 years ago or so, it would be considered a regular game.
Players changed, so anything remotely requiring skill or thought is deemed hard. Almost all games made 15 years ago were as hard or harder than Souls games. It was the default.
The fact that people call Souls games 'hard' and act like it's the main draw for the games are either really young, or they suck at videogames. Probably both. Souls games are piss easy if you don't gimp yourself by doing meme builds and just use what's strongest, as well as summons. Any game where you have to gimp yourself intentionally for it to be hard isn't hard at all.
I agree 100% with you, and let's not forget NG+ actually does something in the game, but the game feels so sluggish and looks so shit that I can't really enjoy it. I wish they used the same engine they used in DaS. It would easily make the game the best in the franchise.
>but those people are looking at the past with rose colored glasses and don't remember all of the straight up cheating that went on in the PS3 days. People coming into your game with mules and abusing glitches with the express purpose of ruining your fun gets real old real quick
I distinctly remember mules not being possible until later in the game's life.
Nasty glitches weren't discovered until later either.
If you want an actual point then mention TWoP.
Learn how to use a PC for more then games and it will never disappoint you.
it just became popular and Sup Forumseddit hates that
I mean there is no substance to the criticism it's just strawmen like Op's post.
You're right, Ninja Gaiden used the hardcore gamer meme to sell copies.
Dark Souls was released on the XBox.
All downhill from there.
Yeah sorry didn't reallyknow when it started but you seem to get my point, and honestly you don't know how much i hate that shit too, self congratulated egocentric elitits that want to be seen as "-hardcore" are among all different types of game now and it's really annoying.
For example, last time i was saying to some people how of a shame it is that tekken 7 doesn't have any proper tutorial for newcomers and i was told "just go training mode" "tutorial is handholding for casuals" " i'm tired of the casualisation", this shit pisses me off to no end.
>it's hard because I can't facetank everything like a musou game on easy
You can literally facetank in Dark Souls 1, though. That's the ONLY game in the series you can do that in, but you CAN do it. In fact, it's the most popular way to beat 4king.
>My flawed game is perfect
>Anyone who disagrees with me is slow and dumb
>I distinctly remember mules not being possible until later in the game's life.
>Nasty glitches weren't discovered until later either.
People discovered an infinite souls glitch the same month DS1 dropped outside of Japan.
only real answer right here
>Distinctly remember being able to facetank things in DS1 given the proper build
>Replaying it recently
>In Full Havels most strong enemies kill me in two to three hits
>Bed of Chaos fucking one shots me
>Tomb of Giants quadrupedal skeles kill me in half a second with their flail combo
I don't remember any of this
Artorias is significantly easier than I remember though, thats for sure.
Are Dark Souls streamers really that bad? There's tons of awful Youtube shits out there, but the handful of streamers I've caught are beyond any petty git gudisms. Lobos is probably the most popular one, right? And he's super cool. He even straight-up said his first experience with Demon's Souls, he gave up at the red eye knight in 1-1 and just declared the game an unbalanced POS until a friend convinced him to play Dark Souls years later and it hooked him. It actually surprised me to hear that because that was the exact same experience I had with the series.
PvP faggots are cancer, though.
>Are Dark Souls streamers really that bad?
they're as bad as the autistic fanbase
Souls Level or Vitality are too low. HP is way more important than people give it credit for, and natural defense increases with SL. In either case, you can never survive for THAT many hits, but the poise allows you to just brute force it and heal through whatever comes your way.
Once you get the rite of kindling, everything can be facetanked.
Only the PvP-metastreamers. The anti-soulsfag community is more autistic than your average streamer with any popularity playing these games, ie. people like the ones who don't realize how OP pic is satire.
People streaming invasions and playing cheap tricks to inexperienced people is what the PvP was designed for and the ones focusing on this are just fine.
>what went wrong
A bunch of casuals who grew up on 7th gen games thinking they're hardcore because a slightly punishing game came along.
stacking defense matters
it's not always as straight forwards since sometimes poise is what allows you to get chained for damage in the first place, and you obviously trade in your agility for it.
midrolling is viable but fastrolling is still makes avoiding damage in the first place far easier through at least three different advantages and you can't stack very much poise like that without having all havel ring, fapring and high endurance, popular in PvP but not that big on pve plays
the kindle limits are a problem though, and 60fps hack on PC also makes healing/tanking easier
It all went wrong with the so funny "I'm 14 and proud of it"giant dad memes.
how many of these were already in DS1?
It is for any fanbase that labels itself as "old school difficulty". Hell most of the time the difficulty is just unfair bullshit like FTL and darkest dungeon but fans defend them to the death.
op needs to git gud
That wasn't a nasty glitch you faggot.
It was hilarious seeing ghosts of soul dupers phase in and out around bonfires. It was even better when one decided to barf up prism stones or firebombs instead.
their arguments are as braindead as the gameplay
as much as I love onlyafros' videos, I think he's responsible for a lot of the faggotry that goes on
>What went wrong?
They became furries, bronies, etc. Not in the animal fucking, but in the complete inability to shut the fuck up. Oh, and warhammerfags. Soulsfags are like Warhammerfags. Unable to shut the fuck up about how hardcore their garbage is.
Someone post the chart of google searches for various things like git gud spiking upon the PC release
about 11/17 separate elements
>B-but it was OK because it was funny!
Yeah OK dude.
>What went wrong?
PC release
>finish game/get all achievs
well that took a while, but it was a good challenge
>No fun allowed
Please, tell me where the harmless glitch touched you.
>mashing is an effective strategy in every entry, especially bloodborne
Any time anyone glitched up a ton of souls and bought fancy gear and the means to upgrade it fully.
BB is only on consoles and it has way more cancerous fanbase than DS.
just about any gear in DaS1 was buyable in das1 with very little grinding and their price was never the intended way to control their availability in PvP, rather than their requirements
>all these shitters crying about the "git gud" responses
you have to be educated in the thing you're criticizing or you'll expose yourself as the retard you are
it was too much for the old souls fanbase, this game, until this day, is being bombarded by memes, it was overwhelming, too many memes turn good men into retarded beasts, they didn't deserve that, demon souls player s were good people