This is the best MMO on the market right now, you can't dispute it

This is the best MMO on the market right now, you can't dispute it
>no shitty subscriptions
>decent graphics
>fun d2-like gameplay
>good atmosphere
>no shitty pay-to-play expansions
>better than d3 by a fucking longshot

brb downloading it right nao


enjoy user

>tips fedora: the game
no thx, even satanic diablo wasn't fedora tier

is it not massive, multiplayer and online?

Technically, it's a moba. It's multiplayer, online, you do battle, in an arena (the map).

>it's a mmo
>no, it's a moba

jesus fucking christ, summer is almost done at least

a moba? are you fucking retarded?

name one thing in multiplayer online battle arena that PoE is not.


It can also be classified as a third person shooter, since you are third person and you can shoot a bow and wand in the game.

So technically it's a MOBAMMOTPSRPG.

Obviously you have to add RPG in all of this too, guess we missed that one.

MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer, as in the numbers of players playing with you is massive. Not just that it's a massive game with multiplayer.

Everyone seems to have forgotten that nowadays seeing as every actual MMO out right now is basically a single player game with other people aimlessly wandering around that have no effect on your character and progress.

a moba typically involves an ARENA, nothing else

no maps to walk around, no loot to collect, a set team against another team competing to reach an objective

youre an actual retard if you think poe is a moba

what you just described is literally poe so you are also a retard

>no maps to walk around
literally the map
>no loot to collect
the shop? hello? you literally get gold from killing mobs and can exchange that gold for items that make your character more powerful
>a set team against another team
there's pve mobas, PoE being one of them.

Can't believe Dark Pact was supposed to be even stronger. Shits fucking broken as it is on the main client and I can see it being nerfed again

awful art direction

The recent trend of marking anything multiplayer as an MMO really activates my fucking almonds. It's just an isometric action RPG, you twat. WoW is an MMO, FF#whatever is an MMO, Guild Wars 2 is an MMO, Wildstar is an MMO. PoE is NOT an MMO.

But yeah, it's not a bad game. I think I'll redownload it tonight.

*sobbing quietly in a corner*

Every time i try and play this game i lose a lot of steam and stop playing around level 28~30. Act 3 is just so lame in the beginning..

Refer to this:

Act 3 is pretty good, act 2 is fucking shit though.

What's funny about Wildstar is that I liked it, but I've always played WoW so I just ended up going back. However, I still don't know what made me drop Wildstar; I liked the combat enough, the story was interesting enough, I loved the world and the mini-games and interface, etc..

It's pretty fun but some of the "avoid this or you die instantly" shit is lame and in spite of the massive skill tree you kind of just end up pathing to whatever "important" skills you want as fast as possible and then taking anything good in the immediate area.


Sooooo Diablo 2 was the best mmo ever?

Well, it's newest expansions is pure trash, so it won't be the best MMO for long.