Still the best experience of 2017
Still the best experience of 2017
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I agree.
>Of 2017
Excluding Undertale I can't think of anything that comes close in this decade.
Hell, I can't think of a better period.
PS: Before the shitposting brigade gets rustled, I'm not claiming Nier is the greatest game ever, just the greatest experience I had with gaming.
i have a feeling if it was a western developer that did this game, Sup Forums would shit on it.
2017 was so good lads
I would also agree.
>excluding Undertale
Nigga tell me you aren't fucking serious
Same here
Typical Sup Forums if Life is Strange were Japanese characters Sup Forums would love it and praise it everyday in waifu threads.
>mfw just completed Emil's Determination
I'm a monster.
Incredibly obvious bait. Shitposters have been trying to force comparisons between Automata and Undertale even though they're nothing alike.
Felt like it was bait, but it's summer so honesty I can't tell anymore.
God no. Most overrated game among weeb/virgin fags of this year
Or maybe people like the game because it's a sequel and they're invested in the franchise
Wow, you have a retarded theory that's based entirely in a hypothetical scenario that can't be falsified, congratulations.
Wrong, Persona 5.
>being this much of a virgin
I love Neir and it is my GOTY so far. Just pointing out how hypocritical people here can be. If Life is Strange had anime graphics, there would be daily waifu threads and praise everyday.
Hardly anybody cared about Nier 1 and still barely do for the most part.
Meanwhile a major influx of 2B ass-threads happen everyday.
You know it's true.
Not either of them but you're only perpetuating the blunt, asshurt-defensive weeb stereotype.
Protip: wait longer between posts so it's a tad less-obvious.
The undertale hate meme died one year ago already, you can stop and recognize that it was a fucking good game with some extremely touching moments.
Pacifist Ending is on pair with Ending E on "powerful moments in gaming".
Sounds like you're one of those fags who is incredibly susceptible to meta storytelling, nier is basically Japanese undertale in this regard.
What, aside from the last ending is meta about Nier?
You can thank the influx of secondaries for that, I don't like 2B ass threads either
Nier, GR2, Persona, Pyre.
It's been a good year.
Stop shilling this shitty game pls. I care a lot about the quality of this board.
if you truly cared you would stop posting.
Virgins are the only ones pretending Nier is a good game.
>westerner making a good game
Some things are just not possible.
Undertale literally had better writing.
Undertale literally had more varied combat.
And best of all, your precious Yoko Taro likes it and possibly took inspiration from it.
Have the fixed the PC port yet? I'm not gonna buy the game until they do
Aside from tits and ass, how's Automata as a character action game?
I really really liked it. Still on top of my OTY list, but I am hoping something does usurp it. The first chunk of this year has been pretty solid with only a few duds here and there, though it has petered a bit lately.
Hoping the final quarter ends us on a high-note.
>Mediocre action game with a shit story
>But it was made by Platinum and Taro and has a robot waifu, so we must praise it endlessly
This is bait an each of your comments are incorrect. He's never played it, he's only heard about it. Try harder shitposter-kun
>the community
It boils down to opinions, but sure, I respect yours. I'm not going to argue which masterpiece is better.
>And best of all, your precious Yoko Taro likes it and possibly took inspiration from it.
Source for Taro liking Undertale? Legit curious.
Not surprised if true though, it does sound like something right up his alley.
But I don't think there was much inspiration. the themes are way different. UT goes more balls-deep in the meta stuff.
I wish I could be as hate-filled and cynical as you, but alas I have this pesky positive outlook on life and wish you well with your future endeavors.
>community doing the devs' work for them
I already supported this trash once with DaS1 PC, I'm not doing it again
He tweeted that the game looks cool and wants to play it. This was a long time ago before the japanese dub was released and after Nier: A was made
He's right though, I was looking forward to automata but damn was it repetitive and boring.
It's pretty hard to play Nier with mouse/keyboard
I guess it's better with a controller?
If you're a fag, yes
It really isn't one. There are definitely similarities in terms of concepts and control, but it's much more accurate to call it an Action RPG, and more specifically a natural extension of Nier's combat.
The depth comes from weapon combinations, use of pod fire and programs (special techniques on cooldown), and chips (passive and active upgrades you can apply to yourself that vary in size and effectiveness).
As a giant PG dicksucker and also someone who played Nier well before this one was announced, I really dig the mix, and I do think it's one of the best games this year.
>Empty World
>Pisspoor Textures
>Stupid Anime Designs
>Fuck easy, even on the hardest difficulty
>Stupid as fuck forced hacking system
>Emotional and Resonant Soundtrack
>Beautiful landscapes complimented by fantastic and varied direction
>Amazing combat with varied approaches/playstyles that conform to the user's preference and skill level
>Weapons feel great and pod upgrades give the combat an extra layer of satisfaction
>Fishing minigame is relaxing, unlike original
>Mech portions are fun and fast paced
>Heartbreaking story about loss and suffering
>Fantastic dub, which was really off putting despite Rina-chunky's bitchy 2B voice
>Unforgettable experience almost on the same level as Nier 1
I was gonna try to go with the Sup Forums mentality and blast it for becoming popular but I honestly can't. It's a fantastic game, and there isn't anything else like it.
But unfortunately not the best video game
>Stupid Anime Designs
You haven't seen true stupid. They were completely ok, blatant pandering included.
>giant PG dicksucker
You can fuck off then
Sad that there's many people like you out there, with this much shit taste
I barely played Bloodborne this year and it is immensely more enjoyable than Automata.
>wanting fishing minigames as braindead easy as Automata
Come on, every fishing system is shit compared to Dark Cloud 2's.
I played the demo and thought it was incredibly boring. Is the full game significantly better? I know some good games have bad demos.
It's solid. Nioh is probably my favorite this year, though.
I'm with you on that one.
What game do you consider GOTY for gameoplay alone?
not bait just curious
*blocks your path*
The game is considerably slow paced compared to the demo. More akin to OG Nier than Bayo to give an example
kek obv bait, doesnt know undertale ripped off nier with its twist.
To me it is.
For fuck sake at the end you get acess to chapter select and debug mode tl make all kinds of scenarios. Thats the most videogamey shit ive seen in years ans the fact that I can jump to my favourite parts of the game makes the game even better for me.
I actually just started playing this recently. It's pretty neat. I'm about to do the mission with the ocean colossus machine as 9S, so I'm interested in seeing how the story unfolds from his perspective after he's separated from 2B.
Also, we do get to learn more about A2, right? In 2B's story, she kinda just fucks off after her boss fight.
Get out of this thread right now.
K. Thanks for the warning, user.
Automata was the most video gamey video game I've played in a long time. It felt like I was playing a ps2 game and I mean that in the best possible way.
someone xplain to me what the appeal of this was supposed to be
>The combat was shit
>The Main characters were shit
>The main story was shit
>Required to replay shit you've already done to get other endings
Outside of the music and the sidequests/side characters I was miserable playing this shit. I don't even think I want to go back and play Nier 1 now.
Yeah, it felt like the designer was like "remember video games?"
really loved it
It's a real shame HK went out in the same year because it's certainly the best metroidvania of last 10 years but it just can't compare to the experience Automata gave me.
Were on Sup Forums so it doesnt matter if you call someone else a virgin we all assume of each other that we already are
>quest basically requires 9S to be a stealing asshole
>9S is the most humanlike and advanced android
It is only human to commit a sin.
>tfw my pics are in there
Automata is good relative to this year, but honestly it has too many issues to call it some GOAT experience.
Nier 1 was arguably better overall.
>play Nier
>given a clear objective to save your daughter right from the start
>every route has you fighting the final boss at the end
>every route after A that is the same thing cuts it in half to get straight to the point
>lots of unique bosses and gameplay shifts
>play Automata
>go places while on the job as an android with special events just happening
>no clear objective
>makes you replay the entire game again from start to finish instead of getting to the point
>Adam and Eve fights over and over in between the actual good boss fights
I'm finding it difficult to finish route B of this game. I loved Nier but find Automata boring.
Undertale was only the 2nd best game of 2015 though. Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon was better that year.
Replay the entire game from start to finish? You don't know shit user.
Stick with it. Route C is where things really get interesting
Route B has exclusive sidequests worth doing and does have extras like NieR route B. Also in Automata you don't have to replay the second half 4 times to get all endings
Meant to say 3 times
>it takes 20 hours for a game to get good
As the guy disappointed with Automata, I've actually already put 40+ hours into the game without having even made it past route B. Is my boredom just from wasting too much time exploring/doing sidequests?
Nioh is definitely more fun
You might as well blast through the story since you can come back to the sidequests later, but yea its only in route C that the story actually starts.
This game has some really questionable direction calls, but the ass saved it lol.
I played both demos and Nioh sucked, Nier made me get the game.
Nah, I'd say that title goes to Prey so far.
Loved automata, though. Hopefully they follow through on that Nier HD release.
Nioh fell apart because of the stupid Diablo inventory, everything else was fine.
Undertale is Western Nier, and its a blatant rip-off of NieR.
I've been saying this since it launched.
Probably, I dropped it for a while during Route B. I had to will myself to play through it and then didn't stop playing 8 hours later during Route C until I got the true ending
all games are MGS2's children
>yfw you hit Simone the 2nd time and see her progression into beauty during the hacking bits
Yes it is. And with critics starting to turn on Zelda, hopefully it'll win GotY like it deserves to.
Automata made me realize story - no matter how layered and thematic it may be - actually does not matter in games if the gameplay isn't even that interesting.
I should have gotten the lesson with MGSV, but now it's there.
Thanks Taro.
I always found impatient retards like you amusing. I mean, you didn't even hit a second half of the game, and that's on top of assuming that Taro's method of storytelling stays the same between games. Feel free to stay in this thread so people can spoil the shit out of the game for you though.
You posted the shittiest boss fight in the game yet try to act all haughy. Get right with God user.
Yes but he's been making weird games since the PS2 era.
Gameplay alone in 2017? Honestly nothing released in 2017 is anything that I'd call goty in gameplay terms. This year has been pretty lackluster so far.
The only thing that really stands out is BotW and that has some issues of its own. It'll probably end up being Sonic Mania which I don't really count as a "new" game per se.
I feel the complete opposite. I was turned off by the sex fanservice and cinematics of Nier, while enticed by the minimalistic storytelling and challenging gameplay of HK.
>he actually considers this a boss fight instead of interactive cutscene
>completely disregards the emotional buildup before it and sheer hyper of actually controlling a Goliath
You have a legit brain damage user.
More like you eat shit and congratulate yourself for it, for some reason.
Ironically A2's POV was the best part of the game but it was rushed as fuck. She was better off having her own standalone DLC and cut away from the rest of that shit.
best lead up to a boss fight ever. From an objective standpoint it wasn't all that great pressing a few buttons. But subjectively it was enjoyable as fuck, so much so that my inner /m/an burst forth
>stays the same between games
But the method of storytelling being different here is precisely one of the problems. You have no goal, no real objective. Things just happen.
And I already had the game spoiled for me after the PS4 version of the game came out. I was waiting for the PC version, so I got fucked.
Even Drakengard 3 gave you a set goal: Kill your sisters. I don't understand how you can call me impatient; I can put up with weapon collecting in Drakengard 3 for fucks sake. Just not this.
Automatafags like to pretend to be sophisticated just because they delete their save file lmao.
Anyone who has experience with Taro's games knows Automata has issues, and honestly I think he's been losing his touch ever since Drakengard 3. Both DoD1 and Nier 1 had much more compelling stories than their sequels.
Well there's no helping your massive amount of shit taste, user.
9S going nuclear was vastly superior to any moment of A2 you can think about, and no, you won't get her DLC you shit eating waifufaggot.
Excuse me