I Just fought this as a boss and it took everything I had. A minute has passed and they're now regular enemies behind every fucking corner? what the fuck?

Yeah, the sewer part was... dunno. What were they thinking?!

Just leg it you plonker.

>Hey user do you mind keeping the zombies off them gates? BRB in 5
I actually punched all of them dead so I can sleep in peace at night.

Toreador bros check in

There were some deadline issues during developments so some later part of the game weren't implemented completely and noticeably disjointed. The china town fights were much more broken.

>not playing a female so you can let him fuck you so he doesn't have to leave for a hooker
>not playing a pimp malk and just bring a hooker along

I never had to fight the zombies.

Yeah, that was one of the biggest difficulty spikes I've encountered in any game. I mean, the clans that found it easy the first time won't have a problem with many of them later, but the melee fighters that had to go toe-to-toe with them will be unable to kill any more.

And it's a rare instance where you can't use a trick or exploit to beat them easily if you're pure melee. Hit and run doesn't work because their attacks are fast, moving to their side doesn't work because they have absurd tracking, and trading blows is hardly worth it considering their attack speed and damage.

The only somewhat reliable way of fighting them is crouching and sneaking behind them to get a few attacks in and try to stay on its back and keep attacking and hope it dies before it faces you.

What clan are you anyway? And what combat type?

>using guns

Guns are fucking awful in Bloodlines. You're a vampire, nigger. Go Raziel on that shit.

>The china town fights were much more broken.
you what now

Easily the worst part of an otherwise great game.

I was playing Brujah and fist fighting all the way.

I had some blood packs with me and was able to regenerate health between fights so I got through but it was like hell on earth

You can just leg it, if you have guns you can deal with them, or if you're using the fan patch you can skip the whole damn thing. You have options to deal with their bullshit, they are just BAD options.

Colt Anaconda is amazing

>Not sleeping with him so you don't have to do that annoying fight

>if you're using the fan patch you can skip the whole damn thing.

How? Is the shortcut at the grave yard unlocked right away?


No, there's a big door in the floor in an early section with a laptop next to it. Open the door and it skips you straight down to the warren.

>fist fighting
I'm so sorry.

With any melee weapon and melee stat investment, as brujah with celerity/potence you would've been able to make short work of them by spamming attacks. But unarmed... I understand your plight now.

All in all, I actually enjoyed the sewers exactly BECAUSE it was an endurance round, going through this hell on earth and making it to the ruin that was the nosferatu hideout made me feel like a proper vampire survivor, all grown up and ready to face anything.

the damage popping really ruins the fucking game

That's in the plus patch brainchild, if he's playing this game for the first time he's probably using the basic version, for good reason. The shortcut is for later playthroughs.

You can disable it in options, big deal.

That is a very fair point.

you can disable the damage floaters

Did I stutter? I said that it fucking sucks not that it sucks you can't disable it.

>2 seconds in menu turns it off

That isn't really ruining the game.

topkek mate get checked.


lol wtf

>dat 100 critical hit


What game? looks good

>get to that part
>freak out when I see them as common enemy thinking this part is gonna be impossible
>the monster just kinda stands there without moving
>punch his shit in
Despite this that part was still a total bitch due to the fat guys
I wish there were more games with the kind of atmosphere VtMB has

People only like this for the writing.

>not sleeping with him AFTER the fight to get rid of pent-up energy from zombie killing

and the soundtrack, the voice acting, the facial animation, the atmosphere, the setting, the levels, the disciplines and so on...

But yeah, you definitely got a point there.

Wrong, there's a lot more to like.