What does Sup Forums think of ever oasis?
Ever Oasis
Good little game, although somewhat few of them were stocked in stores.
Has a good mix of town management, dungeons, and a cute little story. Uses the 3D pretty well too. Heard it bombed though, as expected.
>Heard it bombed
It did? I liked it although I would have preferred a longer game and some better post game but it is a solid game.
Yeah, pretty terrible sales. Not "Battleborn" tier bad, but still pretty awful in terms of copies sold.
It needed marketing.
can you fuck the lizard girl?
No but there is a village of them.
Where are the sales numbers? Do we have global numbers now that it released in japan?
>tfw I bought this game but haven't started because I can't think of a name for my light skinned, blue eyed chibi
I just picked the default name.
I want to but I feel like Tethi doesn't fit her as well as it would the default build upon opening the game. Tried Aphrodite but it sounds out of place.
Most names in the game are middle eastern influenced so tethi works.
Yeah I know, but she just doesn't look like a Tethi with the custom options I gave her.
Shallow casual game no one that's been playing video games for over a decade should be playing. So why are you OP?
Because I can.
I bet you eat baby food too
I like lizardgirl.
Also a decent Cute-Souls game.
Not as far as I'm aware, since I refuse to use vgchartz. Had 14k in Japan though.
It tastes fucking good. I also watch disney movies. What are you going to do about it?
Finished it a couple of days ago. It was a simple and fun little game like others have said. Not really motivated to play the postgame since it's an eternal grind for the rest of the villagers and shop upgrades. A bit of polish and some extra features would make it GOTM candidate for me at least.
Magic breaks the game.
decent game , the gameplay is better than fantasy life and the dungeon's puzzles were good
hope we get a sequel with more races, 4 party members and co-op
I sincerely doubt it given those sales. Would be cool though, maybe a bigger world too.
I want a larger world and maybe some streetpass and online abilities. The custonazation was good but a larger variety would be cool. I was hoping for something with those ships at each settlement for another continent or maybe going to other oasis areas.
lizard butt
Another game neglected by nintendo's marketing department in favor of switch shit, which is a shame because it's actually good
Literally the only 3ds game I've bought just so I could support the devs and stare at the boxart
Call it something stupid like Wew Lad. Makes the dialog amusing at times.
I did that in Pokemon
It's got cutie lizard girls
Fun little game tho
>$49.99 + 13% tax in Ontario
lol even Majora's Mask and Sun/Moon were only $44.99
I'll buy it when I see it for a reasonable price.
I've just beaten the first dungeon and gotten the blue Lumite; it's a pretty solid game from what I've played, I do like the mix between exploring and village management and I'm hoping it's expanded on later on in the game.
Haha, ontario.
I got it in Alberta but eh. Either they upped the price since they knew few people would buy it anyway, or it's just in line with Ninty jacking all their games prices in leafland.
You guys got Toys 'R' Us up there?
I got my copy for $30 because they had a '$10 off on all 3DS games' sale. Although I dono if it's even still going on
>artsyle on OP image looks cute and interesting
>look up game
>ingame looks like shit
>I refuse to use vgchartz
Is this Maple Story?
I beat this game a week ago. It's the worst RPG I've ever played, and I've played Shadow Madness.
>pointless ass Oasis level up system. Guess what happens when you reach 30?
>slow ass shit rock-paper-scissors combat.
>too much need for constant party switch. Hope your Daruk can dig AND Leaf Guard.
>random dungeons with PONR's. You can fucking softlock if you're not careful.
>terrible world building. What the fuck is up wiyh lamp in the middle of the sand ocean?
>labyrinths are just shit in general: shit implementation, shit tutorial, shit designs, shit gimmicks, PONR's. It's trash and there are zero reason to do them unless you are a completionist.
I had to replay Dark Cloud to wash the taste of shit RPG out my mouth. The only redeeming factor is that the seedlings can be pretty cute.
Where in AB? Fort Crackmoney here.
Ever Oasis should have been a Switch game. You don't introduce a new IP on a dying system. It's a good game but an expanded sequel on Switch would be great.
Near the land of hobos and businessmen, i.e. Calgary.
I guarantee it was just a pet project that wouldn't have gotten made if the 3DS were not an option. It's easier to dev for, and cheaper, and given how few copies I saw in stores, they didn't expect a breakout hit.
See this is because you've played video games for over a decade. You realize you're surrounded by casuals right?
I'm pretty sure it's less casuals and more of a "cute/animu characters" thinking-with-dick kind of deal.
At least in this case.
it gave me a warlords of draenor feeling for the town management so i really cant enjoy it
i expected something close to rune factory or harvest moon
i hate having to constantly switch your party just to get the correct skill
why not just give me tools to make me mine or dig up shit
exploring the scenery was really neat though
one of the prettiest games ive played in a while
That's because it's a hybrid town managing sim and rpg. Do you play Animal Crossing?
but all jrpgs have that.
But it's not even dying yet? A new model coming out, and many releases still coming well into next year.
I like it OP it's a nice game that is cute and relaxing to play. I have a pretty big backlog for my 3ds but I got addicted to this for some reason. It only had a lukewarm reception commercially from what I gather
That's no excuse why combat and dungeonering have to be so tedious. Have you tried to level up bloom booths? There are way too many quests that have you go super out of your way to complete. All you get is a little dance and more shit you need to farm. There's literally no reward to doing anything in this game.
How do we stop this man? He's been ruining games for longer than most of you have been alive.
I like it a lot actually. Waited to play the bulk of the game for 2ds xl.
I enjoyed the combat, but then again I've been growing a mite tired of turn based ones.
And that's what most town management sims are. You do thing, area is better, do other thing. Earlier ones just have numbers, it's not exactly an action filled or satisfying genre for people who are traditional jrpg fans (and it's not the same thing as city builder sims).
See how he completely ignores your point just to spout some common knowledge drivel as if it were a big revelation? It's the age-gap. You're trying to make sense to someone around the age of 14.
Wew, I didn't ignore his point, you're just being uneccessarily hostile. The genre itself is not one that provides the rewards he seeks when he plays.
>you're hostile
stopped reading there
I was looking forward to it but the demo looked and ran like hot garbage and the mechanics seemed overly shallow so it killed my interest.
Thanks for ignoring the point. I addressed his reply properly and addressed his issues.
Thanks you too.
What do you mean? You're being nonsensical.
Well you didn't give me much to work with. Terse reply with a cute anime boy.
>implying Adam is a girl
It's cute. Close to endgame, seeing how many bloom booths I can max out before I finish the game, I have a feeling I won't really play it after that so trying to drag it out as long as I can.
I have to agree I also hate having to switch my party members 10x during a dungeon, and multiplayer would also be nice.
Other than that it's a pretty cute and nice game.
>implying he has a gender
>implying all the media referring to "him" is wrong
I don't know why it had to be so fucking depressing. Every questline ends on a downer.
I liked how the villain was a giant asshole, even in the cute happy chibi world.
Him refers to both genders though
All I wanted was a game where you can play alongside quasi-furries, how come I hate this?
t. parliament
Most media generally assumes referral to a male with the term. This is in reference to some shitty anime media sites.
But that's true. Back to school with you.
What are you even trying to say? I'm not a shitty anime site.
If you're being pedantic, sure, you can technically use it for both. But 99% of people, sites, etc. use it to refer to males, and he's even referred to explicitly as a "boy," not even with just "him." He's a guy user.
There's usually a final quest after the 3 star quest when you fully max the booth that resolves the questline.
Yeah, if only Esna didn't die in the end.
I don't care what you 'specifically' refer anything as. These are basic scifi concepts.
Good for you. I am referring to him being a "boy," unless boy also means girl to you.
I'm just explaining why you have no argument. Why do you think you do?
You were arguing that the character doesn't have a gender, it's a guy. "Not an argument" is not an argument.
I got to the part where I found the scorpion people and got bored of it.
I just told you about you not having an argument. Why do you make me repeat myself?
And that's not an argument either. I raise you the same question.
>thread derailed by faggot 1 and faggot 2 arguing about literally nothing
Fucking stop
Can't save best girl, it's shit.
If I want a good adventure game on 3DS, should I go with this or Bravely Default?
>Sup Forums in a nutshell.txt
>beat it last night
>couldn't protect her smile
I was so sad.
This is a town sim/non-turn based-rpg, generally more relaxing and a lot of the content is optional. Bravely is a decently long traditional turn based JRPG with an entertaining battle system.
What sounds better for you? BD has a more involved plot if that's what you want also.
I would argue the game if it wasn't for literal toddlers
I had been hoping Ever Oasis would be a true spiritual successor to the Mana series.
I think BD sounds more like what I'm after
Pretty much
Shut the fuck up we don't need another 50 post shitting contest.
These are the toddlers I'm talking about
>Bravely Default
It is good until the repetitive parts that made many people drop it. etrian odyssey is good I hear but I have never played it.
It's made by those devs but it's more all ages and is intended to be more of a hybird game. BD is a very traditional JRPG.
If you're not going to post anything about the game then why are you here? Leave if all you're going to do is complain about irrelevant bullshit.
I explained it in the very post you're replying to read it again >
Etrian Odyssey is a completely different game than either of them, it's a first person dungeon crawler with a PnP simulating map system.
Good for you then, why not take your sophisticated taste and talk about a different game in another thread then, while leaving the peasants here to talk about their kid games in peace?
What's wrong with baby food again? You seem like the type to eat that daily.
This will be your last (You). I refuse to engage in this shit after you two faggots above did so for 50 posts.
Just asking. What vendor do you usually get yours at?