Cant see a thread on this it drops tomorrow, anybody interested?

Cant see a thread on this it drops tomorrow, anybody interested?

Other urls found in this thread:

Holy shit! That fight with the beast looks cool. Maybe the combat is not that bad.

Hyped! Game looks really great!


>make some boring as lara croft walking simulator
>have some fucking background whispering talk over everything like you're in a movie theater where people don't know how to shut the fuck up
>call it art
well done tameme

looks liek shit

>only $30 on steam right now

Wait, seriously?

I was but nevermind.

Ordering two copies now

they never made a physical copy to cut costs so they could keep the price of the game down

How obvious

God damn the narrator has a serious case of "ACTING"

>muh stronk female protagonist
>weightless flashy shit combat
>literally a voice in your ear constantly telling you how to fight

it's trash

I'm going to buy it just to stick it to character action fans, those fucks are pretentious.

Is tamtam paying for reviews again?

So many contrarians here. I just find it strange that you liked that Pyre shit for some reason, even though it also had a basic gameplay, but also had a shitty story.

You're sure showing them, paying for a bad action game.



You're right! This shit could never pass for an action game by anyone with standards or self-respect!

This is in fact NOT an action game. Now please leave the thread.

I don't want to.

>Ninja Theory


>Ninja Theory

killed any interest

and nice to see the people shilling for DmC are back in force as shown by

It's a Ninja Theory game, fuck off.

Give the game a chance. She was fighting a huge shapeshifting beast with a literal lightsaber. What more do you want?

didn't they change this game completely for it to have a female protag?


No. She's been an ugly chick since the first reveal.

oh wait, yeah,it's called "Hellraid"

Buy my game or I'll kick your ass

She's mentally ill and is only doing this for her lover/freind/family member

Wait, the DmC people are making a game that isn't action?
That sucks. Most people hated DmC but I thought it was pretty alright. So they just wanted to make a walking simulator?

>game is only 8 hours long

Just pre-ordered a few minutes ago. Kind of upset there is no physical release. Senua is attractive. Game looks great.

>What more do you want?

a game that doesn't look like ass

>Senua is attractive.

Everybody loves the game, except Four Chan. Huh, what a surprise.

Senua is not that attractive. That German girl is, though.

Btw, she is my waifu. Just saying so that you know you can't claim her anymore.

>Everybody loves the game,
do you have proof?

The fact that NT had to rely on Capcom's hand holding when it came to make DmC combat should tell us how they suck at it
>Everybody loves the game
Sure buddy, let us see the sales after the first 2 weeks and compare it to Dragon Dogma. Fuck maybe I will lower the standard and compare this game to Risen, Hunted or Ryse


Unlike you, my waifu's been with me for many years.

At least dragon's dogma was a good underrated game.
The shills here are going nuts for this game. Wonder why Lawbreakers didn't try to do the same thing for it's shitty game

Looks fun to me. I've enjoyed all the Ninja Theory games i've played so..

I don't particularly care for Ninja Turtles, but I will fight for indies to death. I will always shill and protect them, since they are the only ones who have the balls to try new things and create passions projects. Even if some of them fail miserably, I will love all of them equally.

>since they are the only ones who have the balls to try new things and create passions projects
This is incorrect. What's the new thing in Hellblade? The light puzzle?
>Even if some of them fail miserably, I will love all of them equally
Remember to buy 10 copies user

the only thing I'm worried about is tameme
but I bought it just because of the awesome tech behind it. Shit will probably last 5 hours but if it gets enough sales it might help drive improvement in vidya game graphics.

>just because of the awesome tech behind it
What awesome tech.
The mocap that pretty much any studio that has the dosh uses?

I'm not saying this particular one has come up with something especially innovative, but some other games did. Hellblade, I don't know, it has some interesting stuff going on with those voices and visions, but I'll have to play the game first.

even if the game is good you shouldn't buy it because its Ninja Theory

The mocap they used was consumer grade or some shit, doesn't look like what MGS V used or some other mocaped shit I've seen. Might have to rephrase that.

It might help indie devs look into graphics more than shitting out another 8bit game.
Its cheaper tech that can produce something decent.

Jesus you shills don't even try to fit in, holy shit.

Looks terrible

>"he likes a thing that I don't like!"
>"therefore he must be a shill!"
Fucking kids.

Tameem said numerous times that the game only needs to sell 300,000 (assuming at 30$ which is what it's released at) copies to break even: Meaning the budget is still roughly fucking 9 million$.
That's neither cheap nor something that many indie devs have as starting capital.

>Hey there guys boy o' boy does this game look neat :) I can't wait to play this game #HypedAF my dudes
I'm sorry that your new, but that's not how anyone talks on this site. After a while you'll start to get the lingo down champ.

>what is ironic shitposting like what you'd see in the thousands of todd posting threads
Still, Hellblade looks fucking great.

Okay, going to bed so let's wrap it up.

Thanks guys for all the (You)'s, I baited you for 3 threads straight. Now reply with
>"your only pretending"
if you want and give me a few more.

>Merely pretending
The difference is you can look at a Todd post with a wacky Todd Photoshop and it's obviously satire.
>You'll buy my game won't you user :(
>Insert Todd pic
You can't shill a game then say "well other people on this site do the same thing in an exaggerated and mocking way, so it's ok when I unironically shill too." That's not how it works.

How much is Ninja Theory paying you to basically shitpost on Sup Forums.

Lmoa dude (you)'re so wacky

i am not interested in games with ugly females

I'm just bored atm (and lonely).

Btw, I'm counting that as a (You), too.


>so desperate for human interaction that you are baiting for (you)s
Know that feels.

ye boy

There's literally nothing wrong with nt
butthurt DMC fans are spoilt faggots who'll cry about absolutely anything

>Ninja Theory
thanks, but no

>western "game" with female protag and tacky combat
when will this stop

Too expensive

>ninja theory
If I don't even trust devs with good work history, why would I trust them


I'm really excited about this game. Preordered it so I could get the PS4 theme.

I find her very aesthetically interesting.

>There's literally nothing wrong with nt

I say releasing nothing but Mediocre games count

It mostly look like a gimmick. The only thing I can get behind is the development angle. It may be shit by our standard but its proof that you dont need 100 million and a team of 500 to make an AAA game. Probably the only useful thing Tameem has done in his life.