Hi, how was your day?

Hi, how was your day?
Are you looking forward to seeing me dance next year?

Is this Fuuka posting some sort of new meme? Did I miss anything? Stop posting the same thing over and over again.

A-user... I'm sorry...


God, just seeing you pisses me off.

Why not relax with a cup of tea, user? No need to be angry!

Persona is fucking shit

Will you be my ai gf?

I dunno but I love this cutie so it doesn't bother me



This is the only good lewd of Fuuka we'll ever get.

The Fuuka thread!

>mfw they revive door-kun through the power of dance

>Door-kun comes back
>Wearing new headphones in his art/model
>Their the ones Fuuka made for him

>he then proceeds to dance so hard he dies in the next scene

really though does anyone know when this takes place?

It's literally one mentally ill faggot who waifus Fuuka to the point of obsession, you can tell by his filenames. Glad he finally put on a trip so I could filter

Fuuka is love.

Well I mean love is an obsession in its own right


Days good so far. Did anyone even ask for a dancing game?

You'd think not, but Persona 4 Dancing sold about 300,000 units. That may not sound like much but that's fucking huge for a low budget Japanese game.

Persona dancing games are unironically the best spin-off from the series

Are you forgetting?