DQ11 Western Release

What are the chances of an orchestrated OST and some VA? Literally all I want.

>wanting VA

God fucking dammit she is cute

No VA, but I do want orchestrated OST.

>some VA
If they add VA it will be in English only, the worst dubs in the world, so no.

Who cares desu? It's not a deal breaker either way.
Just be happy SquEnix I'd giving us DQ again.

DQ VII and VIII on 3DS lost their orchestra soundtracks when localized so not very likely.

DQ is so fucking shit

Thank you for dropping by

>Who cares desu? It's not a deal breaker either way.
The soundtrack kind of is though. I've been watching footage of the game and the MIDI sound gets grating so quickly. Doesn't help that there's like only 5 tracks too. Can't imagine playing for extended periods and listening to that.

>The soundtrack kind of is
No. It isn't. It's the same as it always is.

Would orchestral be nicer? Sure. But we're probably not getting it, and it's more important that were actually getting it at all so I can very easily deal with it.

>Wanting VA


DQ8 had one of the best dubs ever faggot

I like the game exactly how it is

to all those who says they want no VAs
you are a minority,if square enix panders to you then no one would buy the game

remember,people bought dq 9 because they liked dq 8 so much

You're not going to buy the game anyway faggot and we will, so kindly fuck off

I'm indifferent to VA.
As for an orchestral soundtrack though I'd say the chances are pretty good. Sugiyama is recording for a symphonic suite a couple days from now, so at the very least we won't have to worry about an orchestrated soundtrack being done in time for localization. It's just a matter of footing the bill for it (or however that works, I'm not entirely sure) to be have it included in the localized releases.

If they don't include an orchestrated soundtrack, that problem can be partially remedied by just hacking it into the 3DS version. Nothing can be done about the PS4 version though.

i will if it has VAs and so will most people on this planet,but not if its an indie game with no VAs

whats with you retards hating voice acting

Either you're a fan and you'd buy the game regardless, or you're not and you won't buy the game anyway. And if you'd really buy a game just for voice acting, you're an idiot. Prepare for the biggest buyer's remorse of your life if you've never played DQ before

>i will if it has VAs and so will most people on this planet
Just like everyone bought DQVIII 3DS, right? It had VA after all.

Fuck off shitbird, you were never buying these games anyway.

you and me both know that you are a minority

no one expected anything more from it being a 3ds game but people will object if a high budget ps4 game by square enix of all people having no VAs and you know this too

She is cute as fuck.

Whats the OST like?
Any good tracks?

No, dumbass. VIII on 3DS DID have VA and still sold like shit.

VA has never been a determining factor in the sales of DQ, only marketing has.

PS4 version will get VA and orchestra, while 3ds version don't even get translated.

again,it as a 3ds game,no one was expecting much from it especially since it was also available on phones
this is a very high budget game and for it to not have VAs will be a huge turn of
whether your autism prevents you from getting this is on yourself but the fact stays the same

He's actually talking about the PS2 version, which came far before 3DS and iOS.

The only reason it sold any copies in the West at all is because it had the FFXII demo.

>VA shitposting
>console war shitposting
>censorship shitposting
>soundtrack midi shitposting
>some tripfag whoring for attention when he doesn't even play the game
There, that's a summary of all DQXI threads until 2018.

No one will give a shit if it has VA or if it doesn't. The determining factor for sales will be whether Square markets it.
If they do, it'll sell well. If they don't, it'll sell like usual.

VA is literally a non-issue.

>to all those who says

Fuck off, Reddit.

don't forget the "dqxi is casualised and i desperately care about how casual dq of all franchises is" post

although i suppose that falls under consolewar shitposting

now thats jsut you spouting shit outa your mouth

the moment the game releases with no VA's is the time you see how much it flops and then you cry why no dq game is successful in the west
but knowing your autism here,i doubt you would still accept it

Can't marry the ponytail girl. Only the generic blonde, sigh

someone post more pics of the girl, i'd like to fap before i go to bed.

No, anyone who follows the series knows DQ flops in the West because Square treats it like the redhead stepchild of FF. It gets next to no exposure and then performs as such.

Surprisingly, DQB did better than expected in the West and that didn't have VA either, so again nobody gives a shit about VA.

then lets wait and see which of us is right

don't forget the one guy who is going to claim that FFXV is better than this despite being wrong

the jap one?

Isn't she related to the hero somehow? The ponytail girl i mean

cant believe you're still alive