Best soundtrack in an entire franchise is from a mobile game

>Best soundtrack in an entire franchise is from a mobile game

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>Mobile game brings back characters that have no chance of getting into an actual crossover game.
Every time.

still a shitty p2w game
im rank 98 tho

>has more content than any modern ff game
>amazing music
>fully animated sprite art with good animations

Sup Forums tho:
>mobile games??? kek!!!!
>im too poor to afford a smartphone so its shit
>im "intelligent" unlike you sheep, so i dont have a smartphone, so its shit

>main ff will never have Ling

why even live?

So you pay? I'm only 61 without paying a dime and just pushed final form VoD's shit in.

>main ff will never have Chizuru

thank fuck

chizurufags... absolute worst taste

I just hate the gacha. Would have continued playing if it wasn't so bad

I could leave the main menu music on all day in the background while working. Wild Arms composer is underrated.

I don't mind the gacha aspect, though maybe it's because I've been pretty lucky even as a F2Per. The old inventory/resources limits killed me though. I've sold tons of items/units I didn't want to because I kept running out of room until they finally boosted it all across the board.

Best Girl

I did the same when i first started out. Accidentally sold good TMR units... glad they expanded it for everyone.

I remained F2P for a long time, probably half my playtime. I ended up getting great units like Luneth and Dark Fina that carried me through the game for a pretty long time.

I started spending money though only usually buying bundles. I have been playing this game a year straight pretty much every day, thats a lot more than I can say about a lot of games I've paid $60 for, so it deserves some of my money.


>10+1 Ticket
>Single Gold crystal
>Fucking Galuf
And that's when I quit.

I have so many fucking Rosas.

So fucking many goddamn Rosas.

FINAL FANTASY TACTICS : WotL worth $5.99 if I've never played a FF besides 10 and 10-2?

I just wish TMRs weren't such a dickpunch even with macros being "allowed" in global. You can't even whale them, you *have* to grind it out.

If you like strategy games.

yeah... but i would just emulate it on ppsspp, i dont think the mobile version is better

yeah they should make Trust Moogles a lot more obtainable.

>just emulate it on ppsspp
Can you do that on android?
I'm specifically looking for something on my phone/tablet but it has to be playable offline.

>too poor to afford a smartphone
literally no one

But not that one

yeah you can get it for android, throw in crisis core and the ff1 remake too while your at it.

there are people on this site that genuinely pirate because they cant afford games

(and then justify stealing with "but im poor and heres some moral gymnastics about "muh shit game devs" i play to convince myself out loud that stealing isnt wrong")

so yes.

I tried playing this game but it just seemed so fucking dull.

The events make it much more addicting honestly.

Fuck TMRs

So is Record Keeper kill?

Exvius brings the full asia-tier gacha experience.
I am still convinced Orlandu and Noctis are payer only.

super repetitive - gold digging piece of shit, end of the story.

No, but memes aside, it's not really that good. I downloaded it a couple weeks ago because it's been so fucking heavily marketed lately, and the only thing it has going for it is collecting series classic characters. But it's just a huge fucking grind. The gameplay is simplistic and tedious. The story is your typical JRPG fanfare. The presentation and music have always been good in every FF game I feel. ALl in all, it's not really worth a download, unless the idea of collecting sprites of your favorite characters is something you're really into.

Still going but not nearly as popular as Brave Exvius