is it over yet?
Is it over yet?
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What the hell is a performer?
The dev team? Streamers? Some bullshit?
The voice actors.
I shit you not.
People who got their cancer from creating this game cured
the voice actors
thats $450 million
"Performers" are paid what they are worth. The specific voice actor roles did not contribute to those billions being made. Voice acting can be done by any number of people. You're not entitled to a percentage of the profits simply because you did something for a company.
That seems like a decent pay for everyone involved. Considering most people probably had 5 lines mostly consisting of OSCAR MIKE STAY FROSTY MAN DOWN
Im sure the issue is much more nuanced than just thats. Fuck the greedy VAs.
Voice actors.
Not the over worked programmers.
Not the people who make the models, animate the models to match the voices.
The voice actors.
It's actually $4.5 million, $450million would be 3% of the total.
>You're not entitled to a percentage of the profits simply because you did something for a company.
Actually you are, it is simply concurrent with the level of your contribution. VAs are arguably not worth that much (especially in a game like CoD), but they do deserve at least some share in the profit for their contributions.
how much do voice actors actually get paid though.
i know real actors get paid BS amounts of money for the work put in. my brother was in a 5 second speaking role in a recent miniseries and got paid like $4,000 for it.
If they said "We'll pay you this much for this amount of work" and you agreed, guess what? That's what you're worth.
Uh so?
I'm sure they either negotiated or agreed to the pay they were offered.
Who the fuck plays COD for the voice talent?
Who fucking cares? It's their job, if you won't more money go do something else. You don't play games for the voice acting, all these idiots who have gone on strike will just be replaced and no one will really bat an eye. Best part is you don't see actually talented voice actors doing this shit, pretty sure guys like Steve Blum didn't take part in the garbage. People like Ashely Burch did this shit
>We have a job for you it pays $10k
>Game does well
Most the money waa generated for online.
Nobody plays for the fucking acting, and it's almost exclusively awful. Only good performance was kiefer in WaW and he probably doesn't give a fuck about the strike.
I was watching LiS prequel gameplay and the Ashley Birch replacement is just as good as her. If they don't end the strike soon they are going to be fucked. Publishers are learning quickly they don't need the Union.
They might have a point if they compared how much they made compared to programmers, modelers, animators, etc. and it came up lacking, but just slapping all of their paychecks together and comparing it to the total revenue the entire fucking series has made just seems asinine.
Come the fuck on, they didn't work on Tears to Tiara II. I'm sure that they got pay thousand of dollars for 20 soulless lines.
ITT: Middle class kids who've never had to work in their lives whine about shit that doesn't affect them in any way for no good reason
Cry harder fags
But doesn't cod use proper actors for all it's main characters now?
Voice actors work on a case to case basis like based on auditions and agreements. It makes no fucking sense to union up. You don't need or benefit from collective bargaining rights if you are a decent VA. If you get a role, you automatically have individual bargaining rights.
Publishers should go back to text only, or vocaloids and support mods for steamworkshop voice acting.
Pretty much summarises what I feel about all this. If you wanted more, then you should have negotiated better terms for yourself. You need to do this even if you're working a regular 9-5 job too, why would VAs suddenly get special treatment and be able to demand for shit outside of their contracts?
>You don't need or benefit from collective bargaining rights if you are a decent VA
That's what they said about IT in the 80s, now the entire industry is flooded with cheap poojeets.
4.5 mil, its still a ton of money though, I imagine per game the main VA's make 50k for a week of work.
>Actually you are
No you aren't. They have no contracts entitling them to a percentage of the profits and have not demonstrated any need for such. You're not entitled to money just because you feel you emotionally deserve it.
I hope COD can just reuse the voice assets from W@W royalty free. If that was not in the contract then activision is the biggest goy of all time.
You are blurring skilled and unskilled labour. And contract work v.s. Fulltime employment.
>The "Everyone should learn to code!" initiative going on the past few years
I see what you're doing there Corporate America.
Normies won't even notice. Sup Forums fucking hates them, publishers have replaced VAs for less since the beginning of voice acted vidya. Who the fuck do they plan on appealing to?
Who fucking knows.
I remember back in 09 there was some story about the VA who did Niko in GTAIV complaining that he only got like $20k for the job when the game made gorrilions, same deal as now only there was less talk of unionizing.
I mean think of it this way.
Headline "Ashley Birch won't be reprising the role of chloe price in Life is Strange"
Who the fuck is Ashley Birch? Chloe sounds fine to me
Wait so this is cheaper?
>Sup Forums
Good fuck Ashley Birch.
>Accept a contract that states you'll be paid X amount
>Bitch about not making a percentage of profits when the game does well
What a bunch of fucking retards
The fact that this strike continues and no one give a shit kinda proves how inconsequential VAs are to development and success, doesn't it?
I agree with you. A contract is a contract and If you thought the terms were unfair you shouldn't have signed.
At the same time, their fund allocation stayed fixed rather than increased proportionately, so marketing budgets and proffits balloon but quality and pay stay on par with a declining market.
The workforce is supposed to be an important check in a capitalist market, it helps keep cost of labor and cost of living balanced but in a society where you can be terminated very easily and replaced with someone willing to do the job for pay that doesn't cover their own expenses, the system gets abused.
The reality is, accepting lower payment for a portion of net revenue is a rare solution because in situations that it would benefit the developer (i.e. a small indie dev that would benefit from paying lower wages early and royalties in line with sales later) because the initial payment is often below a living wage and the prospects of decent royalties are dim. On the other side of the scale (i.e. most AAA games) royalties would dig too deeply into profits and often end up being the vast majority of payment for a project.
Another thing to note about royalty payments is you as the consumer would be directly paying for that royalty during every sale event after release.
You can't ask for royalties when you can be replaced by litterally anyone with a deep voice.
You don't get a special treatment if you're not irreplaceable.
Take the job and get an opportunity to discuss the remuneration, or simply walk away.
Dialogue heavy games are another problem entirely
>strike has going for almost a year
>nobody has noticed other a minor blip on twitter about ashley burch not reprising her role for life is strange prequel which everyone already forgot about
Fun fact its actually illegal in a number of countries.
See here is what I don't understand. If they really deserve it. They are directly responsible for game sales, it's character driven basef on VA performance right? Then they don't need a union. Have their agent fight for a cut of sales on the contract itself. If they truly deserve it they will get it, if not they won't. Look at Daniel Craig, he doesn't cry to union dick for more money, he said fuck off I'm not doing bond again, until they threw him a shit tonne of money.
It hurts union VAs in minor roles if publishers are better off not hiring because the cost is too expensive.
How is cod hate still a thing? I've met lots of oldfags and cool dudes playing cod 4/mw2, but I only ever run into autistic underage memers on any other popular fps (especially csgo)
And they only did .03% of the work.
Nigger made $100k from that gig user. Just reading a script over 15 months.
I don't care about the community it's the game themselves that are trash.
They aren't. Cod 4, mw2, black ops 1, even black ops 2 to an extent are all unironically solid games. But since muh mainstream fps its shit do I fit in yet internet nerd culture bros?
W@W and blops are perfection, 4 is tolerable and AW is not COD its closer to quake, good but in a different way.
Sup Forums is the least qualified group of people to complain about anything involving the strike, consider we'd be the first to bitch about bad acting in a game or a sub-par performance dragging down an otherwise alright game. Imagine every game is worked non-union like Zelda BOTW was, and how that ended up.
>when non-union VAs provide the same quality of work as unioned ones
really toggles my AO
>Have incredibly low standards for voice acting in games as long as the game itself it fun
>It can be "Fill you dark soul will light"-tier and I'm ok with it
I don't mind.
Provided the game is good of course. If not it's like a shit cherry on a shit cake.
We need more games to have less voice acting.
>CEO: "Okay, we thought it over, we have finally decided that you should get a proportionate cut of the game profits rather than a standard fee."
Performer: "Finally, I will get the money I deserve as an artist portraying an artform as deep and full as-"
>CEO: "Now of course you are also no longer legally exempt if the game does poorly."
Performer: "Wait, what?"
>CEO: "It's only fair that if your artform is responsible for success, it also takes responsibility for the failure. It says here you voice acted for the Duke Nukem reboot."
Performer: "Uhhhh...."
CEO: "Oh goodness. You owe six million dollars for the shitty job you did ruining that game's success."
Performer: "Uhhhh..."
CEO: "Will you still be phoning in a few catch phrases for this pile of Nickleodeon licenced games? Are you feeling confident about the tour de force that will be Sanjay and Craig: the Videogame?"
Being union doesn't magically make a voice actor good. Or vice versa. Good ones don't need the Union.
That being said i have shit taste and think animedub vas should do more vidya
I've enjoyed games with great gameplay and bad voice acting before but I've never enjoyed playing a shit game with great voice acting. Good voice acting and acting in general is a great icing on top of an already good cake but it's fucking nothing on its own.
they're demanding a percent cut of gross profits. It's an unreasonable, impossible demand. It'll keep going until they give up
Today VAs learned why publishers exist.
How do you even enforce it on contract work? Like agreements are made between publishers and the va or their agent. They aren't employees, how does the union enforce anything for that matter?
Libertarian bootlicker, I long to see the day when you are lined up against the wall and shot.
Entertainers specially actors and singers get royalties whenever their movies/music sell, voice actors are performers and want the same treatment from the game publishers.
Greedy or not, the talent can break or make a game. And voice actors are prominent, specially in the modern era.
boo hoo, they only made 4.5 million fucking dollars!
The master thespians of the voiceover arts
Pls share your information in a way that does not involve selling access to eyeballs, thanks.
Voice acting in a game like that is the shortest and most unimportant part of the game. They could gather up the programmers and graphic artist who spend months coding and crafting and have them record a few lines in a single afternoon.
Serious question how does a union work with contract work? Like who is the union at the table with? 500 different companies? Just the biggest publisher? How does any agreement become binding when many major vas sign individual contracts per job? I can't really comorehend the issue until this is explained.
Should wear a "Black Lives Matter" shirt and be black with an afro for the US version.
I'm not really sure how union laws work, but do they have to follow union guidelines if they hire a random person off the street? Having a big name actor for TV/Movies is one thing, but most people couldn't care less about that in games. Is there any laws stating you have to hire someone from within the voice acting guild?
VAs. It's funny, because they managed to make me dislike them more than I dislike streamers.
"I catered lunch for Sledgehammer Games on a few occasions throughout the development process making sure everybody was well-fed! Where's MY percentage?!"
>Is there any laws stating you have to hire someone from within the voice acting guild?
this is what I dont understand as well.
Typically in union agreements the employer agrees to terms for a contract, and all current, and future employees sign the same contract. But that's not how voice acting works, you aren't an employee.. And this isnt a single publisher they are talking to. what happens if say everyone agrees to their terms but say Squenix says fuck you? or EA goes and uses non union actors for a game? or hires someone via outside channels?
Or say you hold an audition for the part? nonunion people are surely allowed to show up. What prevents me from giving them preference?
>Dumb fucks asking for money upfront instead of a percentage
>ask for money upfront and get it
>game does well, don't get any extra
>ask for a percent
>game does poorly
This is nothing but an attempt to squeeze out the little guy. Now if you have to be part of a union to get work you will also have to be considered an "employee". Someone noticed there was no wedge between voice work and game production, so they wedged themselves in there to rake some coin in by fucking both sides.
>Imagine every game is worked non-union like Zelda BOTW was, and how that ended up
I didn't buy it until they patched in voice language selection, so I don't need to know how it ended up.
I hate the faggots that wanted proper VA in Zelda. Grunts and moans are enough for any game that isn't a 'cinematic' experience.
Unions are cancer anyway. The only positive they bring is keeping immigrants out of the club to protect current employees.
typically they pay you both.a cut of revenue is useful as a performance incentive to beat adverse selection and better allign incentives.
For example if you give Leo $10 mil to appear in a film flat rate nothing else, he might mail it in, he might half ass it, call in sick, or otherwise dog it. But if you pay him a percentage of film revenue he now has a vested interest in making the film successful, thus he is more likely to put in a great performance, and more importantly market it. He will go on Jimmy Fallon and shit, do a press tour etc to market the movie. it's the same with music, you sign a contract for royalties, not because the record company just wants to be nice to taylor swift, but because they want her to make the most commercially viable album and to market it herself. This obviously doesnt apply to vidya because voice actors A, dont actually impact sales and have no control over whether its a good game or not, no matter how hard they try. B, have no starpower to market the game, Jimmy Fallon doesnt want troy baker on, and hell even hardcore gamers would rather see lead devs, producers or directors talk about the game. marketing people even.
See above
>The only positive they bring is keeping immigrants out of the club to protect current employees.
Thats another bad thing.
>hire some builders
>agree to pay them hourly wage
>house is finished
>you furnish it and shit, looks great
>builders start protesting in front of your house to let them live with you
Only when there is an under supply in talent. Seriously when your immigration policies fuck over the locals you have a problem. Neo-Liberalism is nothing more than a band-aid fix to shitty immigration policies.
The way the guild works is that if you want to hire anyone who's a guild member then all the VA work on the project has to be done by guild members.
The idea is that if the guild can recruit everyone they can leverage their top talent to get proper pay for the smaller actors instead of everyone who's not the main character getting paid dick all.
Unfortunately if the price of work gets too high (royalties for all VA's) then studios won't be able to hire guild actors at all. We'll see more shit voice acting and games that only have one or two voiced characters done by top talent. The little guys won't get ripped off, they won't work at all.
thats retarded. a better one is
>be a burger joint owner
>make 10,000 dollars a week
>decide to hold weekly burger eating contests
>winner of contest receives 300 dollars
>contestants start complaining they should receive 1000 dollars since you make 10,000 a week
>not taking into account you have employees to pay and maintenance costs and ingredients to purchase
> Seriously when your immigration policies fuck over the locals you have a problem
Doesn't fuck over anyone.
Get a skill. immigrants consume to, immigrants make the economy grow not shrink. the problem lies in you wanting $15 an hour to unskilled retard work.
also, Liberalism single highhandedly solved world poverty you little shit.
>pic related.
I'm Serbian and the dude's voice acting was laughably bad, like really, irredeemably terrible with absolutely no positive aspect. He didn't even deserve whatever they gave him.
Okay, thank you for explaining this to me. Makes somewhat sense. This still sounds like a really terrible idea to me though. I get cali is really socialist, but that is only up until your paycheque is on the line. If Troy Baker starts losing work, especially work he would of otherwise been compensated really well for, because the publisher cant afford the other dead weight that add no value to their games, he might start thinking Nolin North is pretty cool. How does that one work btw? since North is scabbing do they just get free range to use nonunion actors for the minor roles as they please working with him?
How about:
>Own burger joint
>Hire person to put up wallpaper
>It's nice wallpaper, but nothing special
>Burger joint does well
>Wallpaper guy comes by
>Demands a cut of my profits for his work
Niko only sounds like half retarded at best. Clearly never met a real serbian.
>Builders want to put a percentage lien on your house for when you sell it
>they fall victim to a union that promises to apply the lien
>builders get less than half the amount the lien is for
>majority goes to union boss' mercedes
>rest goes to commie politicians
>crumbs go to union pencil pusher salaries
how about this one guys
>own publishing studio
>hire someone to voice a videogame character
>do a good job, but nothing special
>game does well
>VA comes by
>demands a cut of profit for his work.
of course memes aside this is stupid, they demand it in future projects as part of future contracts not retroactive pay for previous projects they already agreed to terms on. they even finished everything in progress to start the strike.
Not on their side, just hate food analogy retards.
not bad
who cares
voice acting ruined gaming much more than phones or dlc
It's actually $450 million
Wait why is there a whole guild just for Troy Baker? and why isnt it just called the Troy Baker Association? I mean I think there might be a female VA or something to, are they like partners?
Multiplayer has VA?
Fucking entitled shits.
i know your trolling. im not mad
No, it isn't. You have to divide any percent value by 100 to get the actual amount.
That's 3% you completely braindead fucking moron. How haven't Americans accidentally nuked themselves yet?