What are the essential comfycore games, Sup Forums?
What are the essential comfycore games, Sup Forums?
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better watch out, some faggots gonna get mad triggered cuz you said comfy
i would recommend nier and okami
Unironically minecraft with the right texture pack.
Cities Skylines
Reddit's that way kid
You already posted one of the comifest. Rune factory and Stardew valley are also good
Later Animal Crossings are better, but this one is the most comfy.
I haven't played it, but Chulip seems to share its atmsosphere with some Harvest Moon games, but a bit weirder and more urban.
Don't forget this, can't be comfy without having one of these bad boys firmly up your ass.
Walking through the school on a rainy day on Persona 4 is the comfiest I've ever felt playing a video game. Any game that turns off the bgm when its raining gets bonus points too.
When did "comfy" became a meme?
Autists can't grasp what a game being comfy means.
Does Pikmin qualify?
But I already saw threads full of autists understanding concept of comfy, it must be some new development.
Before you and half the posters here were born.
those looks like games for autists and I'm talking about real autism.
Winter wasn't very comfy. It was kind of spooky.
The first few hours of MHFU is probably the most comfy experience I've had playing vidya.
Beginning of Mafia II is my favorite. It is so comfy.
Leaving a pot boiling on the stove unattended is not comfy.
Not really. You can't go anywhere without being attacked every 60 seconds outside of the towns.
This. Mafia II and Sleeping Dogs (when it's raining) is top comfy.
Breath of the Wild is pretty damn cozy.
hey user you're a faggot
>tfw you will never get to build another garden and send shit back and forth between you and a bro's garden.
I really hope they make a third one.
Oakvale music a best
what are some similar games where I can buy a house and marry someone in a town, and murder people in the town at will