
If I am interesting in horror is FNAF worth checking out, or is it totally stupid meme shit? Also, what are some good horror games?

FNAF 1 and Sister Location are the only good ones in this hellhole of a game series

Best horror coming through

I don't think you're that interesting in horror

The first one deserves all the praise it gets but I wouldn't know about the rest of the series. I wouldn't recommend any of the squeals though if the fanbase is anything to go by.

Depends on what you want out of it. The FNAF is all about presentation and atmosphere. They're fun to play and the atmosphere is top tier, but the gameplay/replay value is lacking. They're all short games, but worth checking out at least the first game.

The games are absolutely retarded.

the name of the game is also what it's like trying to run it in W7

>like the story, lowbudget, and atmosphere of the games
>hate that they're just 'micromanage to avoid the loud jumpscare'

If you play the first one, is it even worth playing the others, or does the first one show you most what the series has to offer?

1 and 3 are cool. I really didn't like 2 and I never bothered playing 4 or Sister Location.

1 is the best overall designed in terms of atmosphere and for what it is gameplay.

2 is the fucking worst, really enforced the cancerous "plot", fake difficulty and pushing the micromanaging aspect, and not even trying to have a spoopy atmosphere. perhaps he thought uncanny valley was enough to be scary but it really isn't even that.

3 goes on the opposite spectrum and while it's better than 2 isn't all that worth it. Fake multiple endings too.

4 A return to form actually having some level of genuine atmosphere, forcing the player to utilize sound was an amazing step up to increase the scary atmosphere.

SL Lore bait garbage not worth investing anytime in.

This. The games' biggest flaw is the fuckstupid gameplay.

Each game mixes up the mechanics of the previous game slightly.

1st is all about managing power.
2nd is about rotations.
3rd is about managing your tools.
4 is about sound.
SL is a big mixture of everything.

No, the games have been taken over by kids like Minecraft and the dev is one trick pony.

I keep a list of horror/scary games I find interesting.
Penumba, three games. Overture, Black Plague, Requiem.

DreadOut is pretty cool.

Cryostasis, based on the Thing, I believe, you're stuck in a giant freighter in the arctic circle and you try to not die of hypothermia or weirder things.

You try to find where your dad went, turns out it was a very cold place and everyone is dead or a monster.

What was the point of that spoiler?

Listen to this guy user, he's nailed it.

They aren't bad, but not that good. It's more about falling into a pattern to win most of the time.

The first game is good. Great tension, some genuinely good scares. Stop playing after the first game.
The sequels abandon horror, and literally start pandering to reddit. In the dev's attempt to focus on the story, he adds in a clusterfuck of retcons and plot twists. So if you like the first game, this actually means you'll hate the sequels more, while an average Sup Forumsirgin would look on them all with an equally mild level of disgust.

If you haven't played the first two Silent Hills yet, then I suggest you do that. And if you're into horror films, then you'll have much more fun with both Dead Space and Alien Isolation, as a cherry on top of an already great game.

This user put it best , each game has something different to offer. Even the atmosphere changes between games. First game feels like an Early 2000's horror movie, 2, 4 and 5 feel like different brands of 80's horror, while 3 has a Silent Hill/SAW feel to it.


Who else is hyped for the White Day remake?

Why can't horror games go back to how they used to be?

That's part of the horror!
Knowing that Microsoft don't give a shit about the past gens

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.
You're a detective and you investigate a bunch of cultists. You find some SUPER FREAKY SHIT and you forget the next 5 years of your life. You end up in a town to try to figure out what happened. Even freakier shit.

Why do you recommend only the first two Silent Hills?

Legitimate question. I've only played SH1.

Cryostasis is awesome, but my computer was such a toaster it was barely playable in most areas.

Yo really? That's pretty cool.


I thought the third game was fun

In case people care about the premise. The gameplay is fairly similar for most horror.

You really just ruined the game for me, though.


Oh fuck off!
You reminded me of the scariest thing in my childhood! Why user, whyyyy?
Lady ohara upstairs...

That fucking time limit.

I really just explained the first few minutes of both games, there's way more to than I posted.

It might just be an early spoiler like how in Resident Evil you explore a mansion and find out zombies exist?

2 and 4 are both lorebait , but I otherwise agree. Character design in 4 was dogshit though. Worst in the series.
Only the first and third games feel like a horror movie, with the latter being just barely, because of Springtrap's characterization being a potpourri of horror movie villains. The rest all focus on the "deepest lore" to a varying degree of obnoxiousness and story-ruining twists.

It comes out in a couple weeks if I recall correctly.