Roblox thread #2

New Roblox thread last one got old
Press join game

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on the way check out my ebin fedora

self bump


don't they force you to wear pants now?

Post 'em and rate



Now they wear a short if they don't wear anything

Here the shower simulator I mentioned in the previous thread

Read the description if you need info

>they deleted a bunch of sub forums including Off Topic
What the fuck?

No shitposting allowed


Fuck it, since nothing else is happening, let's play Adventure Forward 2.

it's an absolute kind of real fuckin cancer goin on right now

Things really slowed down,I don't think this thread is going to stay long enough

dude reddit lmao

>thread is already filled with autist

please add me so we can play games

rate my dude

hows mine?

Holy shit. This game reminds me a lot of old roblox. And it's actually popular too.

Should've used the superior hat.

Are Phantom Force players all tablet fags or something? Literally everyone I've played against are absolute garbage

Do you think there's enough interest to start up another Roblox general on /vg/?

why are we listening to country music

Depends. Honestly, it'll probably die during off hours and we can just create it again when someone finds it gone.

Are we playing in any games right now?

>nearly 100%'d two worlds so far
>15/16 red coins on both of them keeping me from 100%
This bullshit but its pretty gay

where everybody at

There's another server full of Sup Forumsirgins

My username is "pexei", add me and give me enough robux to get a name change.


>tfw this game is the same once you get a few epic chests
Although it's cool to find out what there may be. Apparently the ones that look like stone are the strongest, because they last forever. Only issue is none of it is showing the stats or the name. Super huge game flaw.

They're mostly teenagers or kids, user, what do you expect?
>tfw a bunch of teens were talking and were also doing better than me at the game
Feels bad man.

refund pubg

Wait that game is actually PUBG? I thought it was some prison escape game so I never tried it out. Is it as good as Salvage, another PUBG game.

>35 player lobby
Holy shit, is this the biggest roblox game yet?

Honestly, I don't think kids would appreciate the effort it would take to do that. Everyone I've grouped with just threw blocks everywhere and pressed go. It would also lead to everyone minmaxing their boat which would take the fun away. It's great to make it when you have no business doing so in a wood raft.

I thought Sup Forums was joking when you die in 1 second.

>hides in one spot for 30 mins
>dies in 1 sec

this shit bugs the fuck out for me constantly. unbreakable blocks so my ship gets stuck, or it doesn't move at all.


I've had that a couple times too. I think it has to do with not loading the blocks properly. Whenever it happens, the zone in front of me doesn't load either.

I want that hat and necklace, but I'll never have millions of irl dollars to buy them.

So does the wheel do anything at all?



Nope. It looks like cannons will be functional soon so it might do something eventually.


>look into the forums for old times sake
>most of the forums are gone
I wasn't expecting this kind of feel

come back



build a boat with me

Literally just built a platform with the weakest material on the inside and the strongest on the outside. All that matters is you survive on a block, but you still need your boat to be able to break rocks.

But it's fun building things that shouldn't work and really don't work. Like this fish someone put tnt on.

That looks like it would work though. Almost anything that has more than 40 pieces to it is likely to work. Before that you're rolling on RNG.

Cannons and mines destroy stone in one hit. This thing is fine until it gets to the explosion stages.


Anyone know where the scoped rifle would be in Prison Royal? Killed a guy and got it before, but I've never found it myself.

is it a game pass?

Post your boats

>Only a few weeks of dev so far. I update the description each time we have an update.
How did they make the game so quick?

These people literally commission professional coders for thousands of dollars.

What game are you playing? And why isn't it boat builder?

Guns and Magic. And because I already beat that shit. It's not like the other build a boat game where you can go ham on the design and actually have to battle other people.

join someone's team and mess with their builds

>tfw you will never play old roblox again

Good morning lads

hee ho.