What's the worst thing he's done?

What's the worst thing he's done?

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>killed physical PC gaming
>TF2 hats
>paid mods
Take your pick

Steam Greenlight

The biggest cancer to the gaming industry of course.

Left valve completely directionless and incapable of actually finishing any projects

banned james

Not make half-life 3

Popularize cosmetics & microtransactions

attempt paid mods

made "games as a service" an accepted practice.

Portal 2 microtransactions.
Not necessarily bad but just really fucking stupid.

Half life 2

Steam. The worst form of DRM to ever grace gaming. Ruined the freedom of PC forever. We are slowly starting to return to glory with things like GOG and private launchers though. I hate monopolies. I want total divestment from that marketplace.

If it was just a retailer that would be one thing, but Gabe can literally steal your rightfully owned games anytime he wants. And based on his long history of theft to build his empire, it will happen one day. He's a hooknose by trade.

>Early Access
>Paid Mods
>Killed physical PC gaming
>Micro-transactions in every game
>In-game sprays are now something to be sold
>Loot crate gambling to get kids hooked
Pick one

That new shit card game


Good intentions, TERRIBLE execution.

Don't worry senpai, just set your profile private to hide your cheater faggot shame.

Fucking this. For every good early access game, there is thirty bad ones.

user, before Steam GFWL was going to literally kill PC gaming.

Go to sleep, you have highschool tomorrow

Make that 300

>user, before Steam GFWL was going to literally kill PC gaming.
My sweet summer child. Steam came out 14 years ago, I was PC gaming at the time. It was nightmarish that you had to install an always-online DRM just to play Half-Life, and it grew from there exponentially. This was like... 5 or 6 years before GFWL even existed.

It literally ruined PC gaming. Before you'd buy a game and activate it with a key to play it from the disc. The disc was the DRM, if you didn't have it inside you couldn't validate ownership (that or you validated with just a key). It was glorious. You could resell your PC game to anyone or share it with your friend nextdoor.

Go to bed.

Create Steam.

that is part of what's killing tf2

When Steam started it was a mess, but PC gaming was slouching hard. Low amounts of release, lots of doom and gloom news, and Microsoft was aiming to pretty much corner the market and make it an extension of their OS as part of a walled garden.

Steam's resurgence ~2007-2008 is what ushered in a revival of interest into the market, supported the indie market which would continue to dominate onto other consoles later, and got rid of a lot of the shitty prices and inconveniences that were synonymous with PC Gaming.

Removed the barbecue pit from Valve HQ

Does it even change anything? For any good game there's 300 bad ones.

>thee hundred
Make that 3000

>made TF2 go free to play
>removed any sort of curation from the store
>introduced masses of paid cosmetic microtransactions
>tried to force through paid mods
>made early access a thing

Nice try, gabe. Fuck off


Nigger I don't need a history lesson. I've been gaming since before you were born, primarily on PC. Steam is the reason PC gaming was driven into a slump. Once they started the always-online check the rest of the market followed suit, and that lasted until around 2012 when FINALLY Valve allowed you to play your games "offline" but you had to be online for 7 days minimum before you could enter 'offline mode' to play your game offline. If the internet went out and you didn't already engage "offline mode" you were FUCKED.

The 90s for PC gaming were filled with timeless classic after timeless classic that set standards for all genres of games to come forever. Gabe Newall brought about the dark ages of gaming when he left Microsoft to start his own company.

He started it with the millions he made working at Microsoft, profiting off of John Carmack's rendering techniques, which he stole from Doom to improve the UI for Windows 3.5 and later 95. He even stole Carmack's engine (before it was open sourced) to create Gold.

He's the biggest hooknose in the PC world, and he's ruining gaming. I only wish gamers weren't blind fanboys. Steam is a neccessary evil today, but they take such massive profits from studios these days you either have to sell your soul to a big publisher or die after a few small releases where Gabe takes 39% of your pie.

No wonder that bergstein is so fucking fat.

>add cosmetics to tf2
>add crates to tf2
>do the same shit with csgo
>also make the menu of csgo a clusterfuck
>"the old and simple menu of cs source was just so BORING"
>every new mp game tries to copy them and throws confetti in your face

I miss the simpler time.

Early-mid 2000's PC gaming was nothing like mid-late 90's gaming user.

And Steam sure as hell didn't gain popularity in 2012, especially for something as niche and retarded as offline play.

For fucks sake, around 2012 was when Steam Sales started turning to shit and other competitors were already releasing competition.

Slightly before the Orange Box was when it was becoming what it was today.

Also lol @ profit share complaints and especially with the nu-Sup Forums jew insults. Devs earn lots of share on Steam and you can find plenty of articles of indies literally praising their revenue share and saying it prevented them from being homeless.

Additionally devs can make their own legit Steam keys for games on their store for absolutely free and no restrictions.

I can submit a game for $60 on Steam and sell it on my website via paypal, gaining near 100% revenue back if I wanted. Even then, Steam doesn't take much at all.

The way nu-Steam makes money is market place nerds and micro transactions. Their storefront is totally fair game.

Not releasing halflife3 while there's been a clear and massive demand for a decade

I never said 2012 is when steam got popular. I said that is when it became tolerable, when they introduced "offline mode" you hyper nigger.

If offline mode is what made it tolerable then you're fucking retarded.

Most games back then you could run without even using the Steam client because the exes weren't tied to the api.

Most newer games are tied heavily to the api now, but you can still find workarounds if you look around the web.

He didn't release HL3, the best game of all time

Being a shrewd and effective businessman. Hard to fault him for it. He's good. But crushing the hopes and dreams of so many people waiting for Half-Life to finally end is pretty cruel. Wish he would just come out already and announce that HL3 is cancelled instead of keeping me lit with even the faintest glimmer of hope.


break my heart

Lie to everyone for over a decade.

I bought my last PC game in 2012.
I had been travelling, so not been gaming for 8years, bought shogun 2 TW, took it home to play, didn't even realize it was online DRM.
steam wtf is that.
Installed it because i'm a cuck.
Don't even need the disc anymore.

So if I didn't need the disc and I don't need a crack wtf is this shit.
So I stopped buying PC games.

Itt: fucking idiots.

Buy a console plebs. Stop being dorky permavirgins. Pic related, PC gamers.

Anything he's done in the past 10-5 years

The more I watch this video the more I realize that Gabe just abandoned all interest in any famous IPs him and Valve own. This hurts me. I played the shit out of L4D2 and loved Portal 2. I just want another amazing first person POV game with memorable characters. I hate this fat fuck so much.


>grow up and buy a toy
>stop using a sophistocated tool that can be used to learn, produce, work and play
No thanks, I'm done hearing children scream over VOIP. PC is where adults are.

let this shit on steam

Valve is a 100% privately owned company. They don't answer to shareholders. Gabe Newall owns the entire thing.

So I don't understand why he doesn't allow porn games. It is a massive market just waiting to be capitalized on. A simple age check is all that they need. If you don't have an "Adult" account you can't see the adult section, and just make it so you have to make a conscious decision to even view that part.

I could sell my PC and buy 10 of those shitty excuses for a gaming platform. It's not my fault that none of your mom's 3 jobs pay her enough to afford a high-end PC, or for the very least a laptop. Until your mom applies for job #4 have fun playing on your repurposed NES. It even has the same graphics, too!

maybe he thinks he's just peaked and is has so much positive reinforcement that he's lost sight in what makes his games good and started to question his own merit based on said praise.

maybe playing it safe and working on the games that are already out is his method of coping with the loss of his own artistic license.

Aside from the Steam related stuff (and there's a LOT of horrible things he's done there)...

I'd say faking the Half-Life 2 E3 demos in 2003. Game journalists just swallowed that obviously fake and scripted shit.


Not him but I agree. I love PC gaming, pic related. Muh PC

made a well received video game

>/threading yourself
>console fag
>pretentious bullshit
Faggots like you are why I don't do console gaymen

>buying torrents


CS gambling


Why not both?

Only console I'll play are Nintendo handhelds. 3DS and Switch.

>it's a "anti-steam cuck" whines endlessly while no one pays attention to his shenanigans episode
get a job nigger

Good choices, though I'm waiting for Nintendo to do a re-release of the switch like they did with n3ds because I don't want to get fucked in the ass.

I mostly bought console games these past few years because I enjoy having physical copies and my PC is aging.

Only game I remember buying for PC this year is Overwatch. And barely used it to play games in 2016.

Agreed. Early access is the absolute worse!

he fucking monopolized the pc gaming industry

still better than that disaster ea calls origin

Well, you can only go downhill from there.

pretty much

I just don't understand how fucking hard it is to say, "HL3 is not in development at this time." Instead of leaving everyone in the dark for literally a decade. What's the reasoning behind this? It makes no sense. Just makes him a douche

He has said HL3 is not in development. Not only that, he said he has no intention of ever making a HL3. And the reason why is because they have no idea how to monetize it in the same way they monetize all their other games these days. Of course he didn't use those words, he said something like "We couldn't make a game like Half-Life today after learning what we have from TF2 and DOTA." The best hope we have is he said if a bunch of people at Valve decided they REALLY wanted to make HL3 and they managed to convince him they had a good idea for an ongoing revenue stream from it then he will okay it.


Raped and killed a kid in 1990


I forgot that was even a thing.


it never was


Getting born

Firing 2gd

Crates and cosmetics aren't always a bad thing. When they are added into a game you have already paid for it's pretty shitty. It's okay in f2p provided they don't go over the top with them, I know that was the case in tf2 and I think it is starting to happen in dota.

he did more damage by not doing things

no he didn't you retarded yuropoor. the only thing he did was become a major distributor. there wasn't ever a monopoly since places like diret2drive had better selection than steam did in the early days

Oh no did pwoor wittle bwabwy not get his wittle chwistmas pwesant oh no how will Gabe Newell ever recover.

Came up with the idea of loot crates

Besides turning Steam into Virtual Ancapistan?


>that transistor poster
whose art?

you are a fuckin retard dude.

fuck off jew.

Let slacks come near a microphone



please someone tell me this is true

That isn't a poster. That is the original piece by Jen Zee from the "Into the Pixel" art gallery tour in like... 2013 I think. Paid about 1300US for it. The Space Ghost on the right is "Are you getting enough Oxygen" and it is an original one of a kind too from the 1988 Gallery tour. I don't remember how much.

Both are one of one and autographed by the artist.

I think you can maybe get a print of my original somewhere online, maybe. Not sure tho.

Hating the number 3.


it is

>"before making little Charley take it from behind"

>viewing his image after death is against my beliefs

>killed physical PC gaming
and thats bad because ?

>b-but lending muh copy to other people
family share
>Before you'd buy a game and activate it with a key to play it from the disc.
games nowadays have limited amount of activations, so even if you had the dsic you acn activate it only one or two systems, ten you'll have to re-buy the game for more keys.

Steam wont exist forever.