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place was a breeze

it was creepy the first time and you know it

it's creepy everytime for me

Played for the first time a year ago.

Considered clearing the missions boring as fuck, so literally ran through the hotel fast as possible. Can't remember if I even had the sound on at the time.

Didn't leave much of an impression on me desu.

This game right here did very horrible things to my mind.

Best horror game I ever played, no doubt. Amnesia comes close.

>loud sound out of nowhere
>exit game

cheap faggotry

oh, and it's also free on steam.
Go check it out if you're not a graphics whore.

The Dahaka from Prince of Persia Warrior Within
>those fast heavy foot steps right behind your back
>the screen turning into a black and white filter nightmare
>That deep distorted backwards mumbling it did
>The Way it would warp forward quickly
>Motherfucking tentacles going though walls
Back then i was trash at the game as well, so i would have to stop and think about what to do next with that shit right behind me. I still get clammy hands watching the chase scenes

The atmosphere really gets to me. Going through the sewer entrance always makes me feel isolated after leaving the streets of santa monica.

>not playing it coop with your friends screaming "LAPD, GET DOWN!" while beating up people taped to mattresses and chainsaw killers with your police baton in the forest

but you can't play the main-story in co-op


Step aside.

You do but you're following in the wake of the main character and cleaning up after him.


If only I had friends that aren't graphic-whores and are willing to play that shit with me in co-op.


legit lol'd

I recently played VTMB for the first time and I hate jumpscares so much that I watched an entire walkthrough of that section just to see if there are any jumpscares

kek. glad I'm not the only one who mutes the game, goes third person, and plays meme music while rushing through the hotel

>covenant panicked, disorganised, barely even paying attention to you
>no radio chatter, no Cortana

Not exactly Amnesia but hey, I was ten

I was actually never scared of this. The only part that got me was the pot that flings itself at you, and that's only because it knocked off a third of my HP and pissed me off.

This shit right here.

Aliens vs Predator 2 - Marine campaign.
Pure horror


I tried to play this game but it crashed for me and made me start all over, and I didn't really feel like retracing all my steps

>focus everything to get enough food
>everyone dies from cold in the winter

Literal nightmare fuel for a 12 year old me. I had a pretty big hate of body-horror for a long time.

Jesus that was tense just watching. I can imagine how freaked i would have been. Nemesis used to fuck me up as a kid.

>always makes me feel ISOLATED

Somehow knowing that corridor is waiting for me down there doesn't make it better.

The hotel bothered me more.

that is the hotel you nigger

>Artyom, go help Miller get through there




I'd love it way more if it wasn't held together with duct tape and glue. Plus some of it's sections are really quite frustrating removing all horror from the equation.

After watching criken play it years ago i just cant take it seriously


>Playing fucking rayman 3 having a grand ol' time
>Level set in tombs of a pyramid
>enemies can't be killed
>they run after you yelling sick shit like

That shit turned into silent hill real fast

>no instant death rocket flood
get on my level

that coop level with the women who fall from the trees with their necks tied around a noose and give you an earful of earrape was bullshit

The entire game

the part when you find the helmet recording

>casually walk by and disable it
It's scary but it's not what discourages replaying. True PTSD is the fucking library.


Wasn't this that edgy tryhard Undertale copy?

the only thing scary about this level is that it's the single worst fucking level in the franchise and it causes actual physical, psychological, and emotional pain playing it because it's that fucking bad.

by the time I got to the basement on RHC I had 0 reserve filters and half of the one I was using, I lived from dead body with filters on it to dead body

no, not really. play the game, it's pretty good

What in the world? Lisa came out AFTER Undertale, so it can't be called a copy. Not only that, but both games play completely different. Or do you think all indie games play the same?

Fucking moron

no, it came out almost 2 years before Undertale. It's a story about a man who has failed his entire life to belong to society, and after his long journey that involves killing people left and right to protect the one he loves it ends up hurting that person even more. It's the ultimate phyrric victory in videogame form

Definitely this.

I just used the auto-shotgun to blow all those guys away once they started being everywhere. wasn't hard at all

I ignored the guns at Andre's both because they kind of ruin the game and the auto shotty eats ammo like a bitch but I did take it after the ranger station because I felt like Artyom deserved it. but still Duplet will always have my heart

>Lisa came out AFTER Undertale, so it can't be called a copy.

I've forgotten how good Tropico 3's OST was

Fuck this fucking place. Fucking tracking magic missiles and fucking water and fucking water demons and fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I had to kill each enemy enough to make them permanently despawn.

jesus christ you fucking idiot, read what the hell you are writing



What were they thinking?

all you gotta do is kickbro lol

keep El Presidente in your heart always, or else

>edgy tryhard Undertale copy

This, i imagine a lot of players, me included, didnt even realize there was a stare system.

never again


>i imagine a lot of players, me included, didnt even realize there was a stare system

They flat out tell you the stare system exists.

If I remember correctly it was claimed to be broken on launch and later fixed in a patch but considering people also claim stealth was "broken" the reality was it probably worked exactly as intended and was just too strict for some.

I was like 12, playing at 1 in the morning and was tired as shit. Was not expecting that jump scare the first time I touched one of the dead.

>tedious or boring levels are considered PTSD
Really now.

They nerfed that place so hard in SotFS. Changed the enemy placement so that at all times there is only 2 max shooting at you, the projectiles were tweaked so that you can dodge them by simply sidestrafing too. Such a shame.

I still have nightmares about him. In fact, I dreamed about him today. Thankfully I'd played stealth games yesterday so I was sneaking through the dream location where I normally encounter him. In the dream he usually spawns after a cutscene which gets triggered by a certain other enemy seeing me. Since that enemy didn't see me, the cutscene didn't get triggered and the Dahaka didn't spawn. In the next section, the cutscene didn't trigger because the previous one hadn't played so as long as I wasn't spotted by the first guy I could do whatever.

Around 7 years ago I actually started writing down my dreams specifically so I could recognize I was dreaming and take control of the dream in order to wake myself up, remove the Dahaka or give myself infinite sprint, invisibility or shit like that.

i got stuck on this part for 13 years

The effects were well used to really evoke the feeling of haunting. The first time with the elevator, I was completely off-guard. Good section.

My one complaint is toward the very end: I had a glitch that didn't spawn some heirloom and crawled over that floor for upwards of an hour. I don't remember how I triggered the event to get out

The first time you visit the snuff porn studio is the spookiest part of the game for me.

*10 minutes of collective slow walking and talking from Cortana and Squid Boy*

I only knew how to beat this because right before I got to this part, I was watching G4 and Cheat or Attack of the Show did a thing on MGS3 and they mentioned it


i just used a turbo controller

the most obvious and over the top ghost house ride gave you ptsd, huh

really makes me think... about you

nice try retard

I came here to post this.
Fuck that place.

Whoever thought a 5 minute run to the boss, through near total blindness, would be either fun or challenging should be fired

I dicked around when Melnik was leading me around that place and when I looked around he was gone and I was just in the dark like : Oh fuk. Got lost. Good times. Happened to me in the Polyanka DLC too.

>those two cats at the end are the only boss in the entire souls series haven't killed yet

The music for this place is so goddamn tense the entire time. Tried playing through it about a year ago gritting my teeth the whole time, but once I entered the inner part and something ran across the screen I NOPE'd the fuck out of there.

I eventually gave up and "cheated". I summoned the NPCs to use as distractions for the respawning reindeer and then legged it to the boss. I'll take the health boost they get, they aren't that hard to fight anyway. The summons have never made it through to the boss fight, that area is bullshit.

>slightly similar artstyle in the same genre means that games are exactly the same in every regard


>"edgy tryhard undertale copy"
>LISA release date: December 14th, 2014
>UNDERTALE release date: September 15th, 2016

Are you retarded?

I did that a few months ago for first time made me jump once or twice they did a good job with it

*appears behind you*

this doesn't do anything for me. It's just a chase scene with metal music
there's literally nothing scary in this.


I didn't know fear until I came to know the Submerged Castle.

>Turns the sounds off
>in a horror game
>then complains about it
That's like 50% of the experience, you scum.

Still the single best genre shift I have ever experienced in a game. Halo turned action horror for a mission so fucking hard I was confused and scared and couldn't beat the level myself.

Vampire is a horror game??

I only installed it because I was told I can RP my teenage Buffy fantasy and fuck girls.

It's a horror-comedy. Buffy was a horror-comedy.