That one kid who would play video game music at the party

>That one kid who would play video game music at the party

>attending shindigs

>That one kid no one knew played video games

>implying anyone actually did that
>going to parties in the first place

>that one kid that plays early 1900s music with some gay ass trap beat behind it and horribly mixed

>that one kid who would play persona music at the party


>go to party once
>realise that I have more fun playing video games and shitposting

>posting super

>that one kid who would make their project about videogames

>that kid that actually went to parties

stfu redditor

>Some random TV shows used a video game OST in one of their segments
>Some random electronic store I passed by is playing anime music

>realize that I have more fun playing video games
actually happened with a friend once at a party. Me and him almost played Smash 4 for a good 10 matches alone with me saying "just one more match" each time. everyone else was playing CAH

>go anywhere with anyone
>would rather be home alone doing anything else
how do I fix this?

>go to party
>grab aux cord from some dumb 16 year old twat
>start my hotline miami playlist
>wow user what kind of music is that?
Normies are a dumb bunch

>that one kid that played Party Rock on loop

Play vidya at home with friends

hangout with people you WANT to be around.
>hotline miami playlist
good choice.

>Parents watching Arabic TV show
>Sound effects from Mario Sunshine and Harry Potter music

Unfortunately, this happens too much. To be fair, I do have fun if it's just hanging out with a friend or two.

why would you think there is a problem in the first place

>hangout with people you WANT to be around.
And I can help you live forever. Don't die.

>that one adult who tried to beat up a kid who played his handheld in public

yeah, I guess that was a little too simple and silly sounding, my bad.

The Hotline Miami soundtrack changed my life

>Friend just got his driver's license
>Get in car with 2 other randoms
>They trick me into eating a pot brownie
>All apologize so cute girl in the back ends up having to babysit me because I have never done this before
>Stop being mad at all
>They get me Wendy's
>Friend plays the Dive Music from pokemon Ruby and Sapphire
>Super relaxes me like something I have never experienced
>I end up apologizing for being so strung out at first
>Girl ends up hanging out with me all the time from that point, saying "You're really funny when you're high"
>end up becoming close friends with the other random in the car

fucking gay story

>At a party, sitting in the living room and chatting
>Friend of a friend walks into a room, awkwardly inserts himself into conversation
>He's a large ginger kid wearing a goomba shirt
>After a little while he pulls his phone out his pocket and shows it around the room
>/r9k/ is displayed on it
>Everyone is silent
>He awkwardly shambles off
>Friends ask what the fuck he was talking about, I just shrug
>Later in the night he puts Sup Forums the musical on the stereo system
>He's immediately told to fuck off
>Sulks in the corner

I wish I made this story up.

>That faggot who is to much of an insecure faggot trying to look hip so he pretends to not like video game music

>at a party
>put actually good music on
>dedicated music player at every party I go to

I can say the same, but how did it change you?

At least contain power levels.


>that kid that played a YTPMV at a party
fucking Yousif

>Put the tavern music from the Burning Crusade collector's edition OST on repeat on at a family party however many years ago
>Fits totally in with the atmosphere

>mfw that kid was me
>mfw I have no face

go back to rebbit and stay there with your retarded blog you fucking faggot.