Kino in Vidya


Other urls found in this thread:

>Moon presence descending
>Orphan of Kos looking over horizon
>Majora's mask tree

Name 1 (one) game that has an area aesthetic similar to this one.
Also you just remembered the first few opening notes.

hey Sup Forums should i buy a used 500 gb ps4 only for bloodborne e the last of us remastered?

since i know nobody else will have the balls


i can't find a screenshot, but the part in Dead Space 2 where you go back through the apartment building with no gravity and a power outage.

best moment from DS2 for me was the part where you get sucked by vacuum into that gunship along with a giant necromorph




Go fuck yourself scum

All of Killer7 is pure kino.


"Cast him in."


my brother


>fight him as a rabid horse beast
>falls down into a pool of blood
>looks up and lays eyes on the holy moonlight sword, which had fallen off his back
>regains some of his humanity, once again guided by the light
>stands up straight, holds the sword to block out the most deformed part of his face and only show the more human looking eye
>cutscene ends and the first shot we see of Ludwig the Holy Blade is him standing nearly the entire height of the room, no more a snarling savage beast but instead looking almost like a gallant warrior on horseback
>bonus: it is the only boss in the game that transitions to phase 2 with a cutscene
unironically kino


My only complaint is that BB is stuck on the ps4. When he did that False Allant style mega explosion my game basically stopped displaying frames for 10 seconds.

>Chromatic aberration

i dont think ive ever had a huge fps drop outside of chalic dungeons

I've never played a souls game or Bloodborne before but that sounds cool as fuck, do any other bosses have anything like that?

Do a arcane build and spam A Call Beyond in some of the more flashy areas/fights.

Nice youtube comment bro! Upvoted!

This is one of the most cool things I've ever saw in games.
It get's better because the time that the game was made.

Seeing Odin get fucked is amazing.

This has to be bait. MP is a seperate great one named Flora.


based Heiss


radiant historia is one of the best games ever made and atlus' magnum opus and that's a fact

I've been praying for a remake just about since the game came out because it was amazing but clearly lacked the budget needed to pull off what it wanted to properly. Now it's getting a remake. A shitty low budget enhanced port to 3DS with a different artstyle (which I like less but that's a personal thing so whatever), full voice acting and an extra storyline that's probably going to be fan-fiction tier.

Monkey's paw is cruel, I guess.

sasuga Atlus


>Brute ships, staggered line!
>Ship Master, they outnumber us three to one!
>Then it is an even fight

some have intro cutscene like the one in the op or vicar amelia

>>bonus: it is the only boss in the game that transitions to phase 2 with a cutscene

fuck I hate retards who try to talk about the game without having any idea what theyre even talking about

the fight has 3 phases just like most bloodborne bosses and the transition goes into phase 3, not 2

>MP is a seperate great one named Flora.

this has to be bait, did you come up with this retarded garbage yourself or did you actually read it off of le memecal pdf?

Moon Presence is a satanic allusion and mere men dont know his true name

wow bro you really showed me up huh
i never expected anyone to figure out ive never played bloodborne before just because i called the literal complete change in moveset/model/music the second phase of a boss fight
shows what i know huh

Someone else played this game!


75% of that campaign was absolute garbage. That ending was brilliant though.


canonically he 1v1d the entire covenant invasion force for several hours before going down

He was one of two Spartans to be labeled as a "Hyper Lethal Vector" due to how insanely effective he was.

What a waste.

that doesn't sound like a 1v1

1v10000000 and some 25km long supercarries doesn't sound catchy

Seriously play it first.The entire game was a simulation

Pretty much every final mission is AC games is pure kino

If you haven't played these games you shouldn't be posting here.

>Majora's Mask

Awful taste you've got there senpai.




I wouldn't go that far, but it was good. Some very cool ideas in it.

Best voice acting and facial expression animation from any game.

Is this Star Ocean?

goosebumps every time

>kharak is burning

>Literally says kino on the box

The Void?

Is this actually any good? Love Kino's Journey.

I've never played it, but I think it's just a visual novel. There's two of them as well.


Any game where the title is yelled aloud as you reach the main menu should always be written in all capitals

The Void is beautiful but it's always so dark.
That's the whole point, I know.