New to ps3

So, I picked up a phat 60gb ps3.
>never had a ps3(I know I'm way late)
What exclusive gameplay experiences have I been missing?
And now that the console is on its deathbed is it worth installing cfw and what all can be done with it?

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And one for great justice!

>So, I picked up a phat 60gb YLODstation3.

enjoy it while you can

I will, didn't pay much for it. And I'm fairly capable when it comes to electronic repairs so some preventive/life support modifications are in the works.

Come on Sup Forums...

>PS2 remasters mostly

Anything specific you'd suggest?

Anybody around familiar with the custom firmware avaliable or non playstation emulation capability once jail broken?

I'm on same situation few months ago. Just cfw it. So far I have tried:
Yakuza 3 (or was it 4?)
>interesting concept if you like jap/asian drama. Shit combat there I said it.
Nier dad
>fucking bloom filter
Dragon crown
>if you like beat em up and coop. Get old quite fast desu.
>better on vita
>free persona if you have cfw

Haven't touch it for couple of months. Also asking for suggestion.

Thanks, man. I've been wanting to try out the yakuza games, actually part of the reason i picked it up.

Here's some of the better, more notable vidya from my collection you might like

>Alice: Madness Returns
Third person action game with decent combat and a bunch of fun collectibles.

>Armored Core 4, For Answer, 5, Verdict Day
Great if you're a mechfag into heavy customization. It's like the Gran Turismo of mech games.

>Binary Domain
Solid 9/10 Sega TPS with fun enemies and engaging characters.

Puzzle game where you have to climb, push, and move blocks to escape your nightmares.

>Devil May Cry HD Collection
Nothing to say here. It's DMC.

>Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Nothing to say here. It's MGS.

>Metal Gear Rising
MGS but filled with over-the-top action and cheesy dialogue.

It's like Mad Max and DOOM fucked. Great but short.

>Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions / Edge of Time
If you're a Spidey-fag you'll love this game for the voice acting and most of the combat, but hate the writing. Still fun to play tho

Last call b4 404

Thanks, I'll have th give the armored core games a try. I Played rage, Catherine and Alice on the 360. Enjoyed that John Goodman did some voice acting in rage

My impression on it is that series is pretty "Sega" very japanese. Loads of non-sense contents like pingpong and arcade.
They nailed the (not)shibuya look. The map can be better.

>Binary Domain
Loved it. Played it on pc.

>Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
I played 1 while still a teenager, absolutely loved it. Then got pc and 360, forgot about the series. Last MGS I played is MGSV, have mixed feeling on it. Solid gameplay, rather.. unique story. Kinda put me off to try 2,3,&4.

Yakuza 3-5
Final Fantasy XIII
MGS4 (in fact the entire Metal Gear saga if you're willing to deal with the bad framerate in both MGSVs)
Ni No Kuni
Infamous 1 and 2
Little Big Planet 1 and 2 (and Kart)
Demon's Souls
God of War saga
3D Dot Game Heroes
Eternal Sonata if you like JRPGs
Valkyria Chronicles
Uncharted (1 is kinda weak, but 2 is one of my all time fave games, and 3 is excellent too)
And of course, The Last of Us. Forums%27s_Recommended_Games_Wiki

I can agree with most of this list (fuck yeah, Binary Domain!) but Rage is pretty shitty. Hideously long load times, even if you install, shit plot that reduces you to being the bitch for every jackoff in the wasteland and a 30-second long ending that tells you nothing. Sure, it's cheap, but I felt cheapened after playing it.

pirate virtua fighter 5
since its the last VF which didnt jump into next gen

Metal gear online 2 is alive
They just released ofw

disgaea and persona 5 are the only games i enjoyed on it so far, red dead redemption has a great rep but honestly the clunky aiming mechanics made me drop it

MGSV isn't representative of MGS, it's different and worse than (most of) them. 1-4 are all great and you should play them if you liked the first one. Peace Walker comes with the HD collection but it's not that great, skip that if you're not a fan.