Graphics thread?

Graphics thread?

What game has the best graphics right now, Sup Forums?

none of them

Wrong. Witcher 3 on Ultra graphics is the best

At least this one has more than one colour. but anyway, style > fidelity. Honestly haven't had a 'wow' moment since the first part of Bioshock:Infinite. Hollow Knight had a lot of charm. Persona 5 is great in a visual design way too, unfortunately turn-based gameplay is shit.

Hey user, look at the fucking rock.

like clock work

Modded GTA V.

>grass coming out of the street



>depth of field
Trying to hide something user?

Dying Light has some pretty good graphics. Using electricity weapons at night when it's raining does shit like this

because the game is a pile of shit
yes the hideous lod

w-wow... beautiful...

Friendly reminder that the most graphically impressive games are all PS4 exclusive. This is just one of them. How does this make you feel, /r_pcmasterrace?

Best graphics coming through.


Every fucking day.




Hellblade on Ultra



Lol get your shitter PC outta here. A PS4 can do better than that.

more pixels wont fix your textures

>western "games"

holy shit it's another Skyrim

no ps4 game can compete to a pc game
post yfw ps4 fags lose both at performance, quality and price
the only thing you win at is sucking sonys tiny penis

comparing apples to oranges. PS4 uses an APU and has games designed to perform on that APU. PCs are a whole different thing

tell that to these ps4 fags thinking they can post on graphics threads at all
you dont have the right to post shit graphics in a graphics thread

The Order: 1886 and it's not even close.

why is a screenshot thread always shit posting

who fucking cares, UC4 looks good PC games look good, share the best god damn

The Order's got better graphics. Hellblade does look good, though.

>console game
nope its not close at all
it doesnt make the cut

it has shit graphics

it doesnt

If this thread wasn't filled with enough shit, here comes the weeaboo


Woah, so this.... Is 4 the players


>What game has the best graphics right now, Sup Forums?
Horizon™ Zero™ Dawn™ On™ The™ Play™Station™ Four™(4™)™ Pro™ Entertainment™ System™

Took this a few days ago. Whiterun at night with a bunch of graphics mods in Skyrim Special Edition. GTX 1080ti averaging 60fps (fps cap).

>PC elitist and graphical dictators suck all the fun out of the thread as usual

I could never imagine living such a bitter and bigoted life.

The new shaders really made a world of difference in the Special Edition.

Shame they still can't do decent LOD to save their soulless husks.

It really looks terrible. Nothing can save how shit it is in its original state.

>that chainmail clipping

Sure do. That on top of the static lighting mods + real time lighting mods provide probably the most realistic gaming experience I've played in a game so far.

lmao@your life.



escape from tarcov? I was gonna say stalker but that lighting/modeling is waay good for it.

This game has some jarringly bad textures. Literally 2005 tier in certain areas.



Here's another one I took just now. I'm still pretty early in the game and stuck in the boring Whiterun/plains area, but still pretty.

MW Remaster



>"PC games will always look better than console games"
>posts images of console ports


>you dont have the right
lmao look at this faggot

Console ports look better on pc, imagine zero dawn on PC


The Order barely looks better than Bloodborne.

>dude, its running at 30 fps in 1080p, with no anti-aliasing
Arguing graphics with ps4 faggots is like arguing graphics with ps4 faggots

You're gonna have to bait better than that

Post screenshots not photos people took while on vacation.

I get that this is a worst case scenario picture, but I don't even understand why people are saying at its best it's a gorgeous game. What they did with the tech available is pretty impressive, but it's just so lackluster compared to anything on vanilla max settings on a PC.


She's standing on air.

>posts the shittiest screenshot imaginable
this is how "tw3 is shit" contrarian memes started

hellblade looks sick, but it also looks like you will have to play it carefully without breaking the 4th wall and making it look fake as fuck

Similiar to Horizon Zero Dawn. Anyone have that gif of swimming and there's no splash graphics? The character just clips through the water.

Are you kidding? This is just from beta footage right?

Doesn't even have to be a gif. It happens all the god damn time when you play it.


Nice N64 rock texture lmao!

I can understand getting a PS4 pro to play games at 60fps, but buying one to play games at 30fps with medium tier graphics is just depressing.


That's how it works.