What the fuck


Can one of you Nintendbros explain? I don't know shit about nu-Mario.



A better punchline would have been "And now to play the waiting game"

I don't get it. Why does the Mario hat suddenly appear on her head?

Don't have a Nintendo console but the new thing is going to be throwing your hat on things to possess them. I don't know how he ended up in the fetus, why that's funny, nor why people are acting freaked out by it though

The Switch's upcoming mario, Super Mario Odyssey, allows Mario to possess and control enemies and characters; while Mario is controlling them, they get his signature mustache and cap.

>Easiest fucking comic to understand
>Shirt literally says Mom To Be
>"I don't know how he ended up in the fetus"


btw thanks for the """""""""subtle""""""""""""
"mom to be", i wouldnt get this otherwise, seriously, its ben-garrison-tier labeling

people in this very thread didn't get it even with the obvious label so...



Audibule chicle

le random funny xDD or did i miss something? nevertheless, im not going to read this garbage second time

that's fucked up


Shouldn't he be the mom and not the fetus?

No, you don't understand, it's ok since it's only doing le random funny xDD IRONICALLY

Newfags can't appreciate the masterpiece that is Super Mega Comix. Sad!



>newfag doesn't know super mega comics