Well, Sup Forums? How do you rate?

Well, Sup Forums? How do you rate?

I buy early access games all the time. There are tons of good ones. You probably only play AAA garbage you fucking normie sack of shit.

>muh 60 fps
Kill yourself, kid.

the only thing on this list i've done is buy items in a F2P game.

that is some projecting there

i fell for the starbound meme
i bought some stash tabs and stuff in path of exile

Was this war of mine an early access release?

Otherwise I'm a pretty cool dude.

-5 Boys get in here

-30 i guess then, i'm bad at math


I funded a kickstarter back in 2012 when they were still new? Does it still count?

Also I did purchase some early access games but so far most have been good. Namely Besieged, Call to Arms and Wreckfest. Wreckfest is taking a while to turn into a game, but the other two are highly playable and I have a lot of hours in Call to Arms already (it's Men of War: Modern Warfare pretty much)

I have passed the checklist with a solid '0'. I will now await your words of praise and worship.

Sup Forums tricked me into getting BlOps3 and I hated it.
I personally think a stable 30 frames is perfectly playable.

Jesus Christ I am actually, literally, physically ill because of retards, such as yourself, that literally have no idea what the fuck the term projecting means. Go back to gamefaqs or wherever you cretin come from now

I used to buy xbox live gold every year and I bought PS+ for one year when I got it
I have purchased cosmetics in a f2p game
and I have purchased Early Access games


>Purchased any items, even cosmetics, in a F2P game
>Purchased an early access game.

I fell for the PUBG meme recently.

I pay for PSN+
I also bought ark in early access

>purchased items in a f2p game
check, i drunkenly bought a tf2 crate one time. also i'm playing fgo right now and i might buy stuff in that in the future.
>purchased an early access game
check, although i only buy ones that i know i will enjoy in the state they're currently in.
>funded a kickstarter
check, in fact i've funded several when the vn industry was just started coming west
-40, i guess i'm casual, sounds about right

>funded Planetary Annihilation
>will never be 0 again

Does it count if the kickstarter was for a film that eventually got made without any problem, a BD release and an edition of a long in post-production film?

Quit projecting faggot.

So does girl stream donating count twice?

not too bad

I pay for PSN and I bought Battlefield One

>tfw I'm a consolefag but according to this chart I'm a better human being thant 90% of the PCbros

The only thing I disagree with is muh framerate cancer.

So someone who has no interest in videogames at all could get a zero on this, and not be considered cancerous?

It's aight.

I'm so sorry.
Is Titans fun at least?

I bought in-game items once
That's it

Had psn for like a year, canceled it because it was trash, all consoles are going to have paid online OP it's literally the future. CoD came with my ps4 it's still in the box. Only kickstarter I ever did was the new amplitude because I was such a huge fan of Frequency and Amplitude for ps2, I don't even think that one counts so suck my fat dick. Guilty for PoE currency and stash tabs, 100% worth it though.

Yes, what of it?


I donated to my artist friend's comic book kickstarter in 2014, does that count? Otherwise 0.

-20 for me

I have PSN, PS+ is pretty decent.

r/gaming sometimes shows up on my reddit frontpage but 90% of the posts are awful

I'm certain I bought something in an F2P game at least once, maybe Tribes

Nice, I feel special.

I played PA twice around when it came out and never touched it again. Wasted money and wasted Sup Forums cred.

I gave 10 dollars to Ice-Pick Lodge for the Pathologic remake, because they're one of the best, most unique studios out there and I'd love to see what they'd do in a "Remake" of Pathologic (knowing them, it won't be a cookie cutter 1:1 remake)

You're not special, you're just like every other person here over the age of 20

I guess me being poor helps the industry

I donated a Kickstarter.

I just don't buy games at all.

Put 15 dollars toward Solforge kickstarter, and bought Darkest Dungeon in early access.
I regret nothing.

>purchased items in f2p
I'm okay.

But 19 and 18 year olds and underages are special?

Xbox Live because I have friends, and I enjoy Battlefield games.

Used to pay for Xbox Live


What the fuck are these midpoints, 37.5?

shit man, that tipped the fedora right off my head

0? I don't know about the fps/resolution one, but all the others I haven't done.

Escapism is ok. Life sucks anyway.

Have bought some stuff in f2p games before.

No, they're just more cancerous.

No one special is wasting their time here.

>tfw played new dude sex
feels bad man


Not bad.

-30 for cosmetics and early access. In my defense for the cosmetics, I had 500+ hours in both of those games so I didn't see much wrong with it.

F2P and PSN

>Funded a Kickstarter
A man loves his Eroge/ VNs, leave me the fuck alone.
>Got an early access game
Subnautica, and Factorio are good.

I actually wanted to try Reddit out but the entire layout feels so shitty compared to 4chin, the lack of images, the way shit's often sorted out based on popularity

embarrassed for you Tbh famalam

-10 cause I've paid for cosmetics in Warframe
-10 cause I donated to one game
I can't remember if I've bought an early access game or not.

>uuuuuuhhhhhh caw of doooty bad
grow up

PC games are literally the best for escapism, most exclusive PC genres are involving enough to make you forget about your problems. Also anime, I uniironically love anime, also for escapism.

feels fucking great, man


I knew I shouldn't have bought those cosmetics

My checklist right here says:

Dont give two shits about what underaged kids on an anonymous kantonese mail board think

Mission accomplished

>its a "conform to my standards" thread


>some faggot on Sup Forums licked my dick today
>feels great, man!

These are the people I share the internet with.


I bought subnautica and beamng and I don't regret it

0 points

Subnautica's great, and its getting a release on septempter


I'm a pale hermit with 1 person I'd call a friend.
but I can act the well adjusted dude very well due to my job and 10/10 genetics teeth that I manage not to fuck up when I forget to floss.

Do I win something?



why am i so unhappy though

Bought bf1. First bf game I played since bad company 2.

Already bought cosmetic shit in f2p games.

Donated 1 dolar to a friend of mine that was streaming just to fuck with him.

Bought PUBG.


Pretty shitty metric senpai.

Graphics/fps is bullshit, as long as the game runs smoothly and isn't choppy, it's fine

I bought The Long Dark during its beta and am not bothered by 30fps but do understand why some people are even if they get carried away with it sometimes. Is that still a 0? Am I still cool?

I bought stash tabs in path of exile

-55* I mean
I'm to smart for basic math.

Joke's on you this thread is only for complaining!!


bought grim dawn during early access


>muh 120 fps 4k, games are LLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY unplayable if the fps is less than twice as fast as the human eye can perceive
no user, you are the casual

And fuck you, I loved Divinity: OS

Get on my level

I bought Oxygen Not Included. Looking forward to the next update.

>consolefag lashing out because he can't play games above 22fps which is never consistent


I've visited /r/gaming.
Don't do the others though. Why visit Polygon or Kotaku when sites like Gematsu exist?

-40. Man I sure do enjoy games and have bands and bands of disposable income

Hi Blizzard

I donated a dollar to Bloodstained :^)

For a niche gamer such as myself i have to fund early access games or there wouldnt be anything for me to play


Spotted the console poorfag

They dont cause any cancer. Everything bad in gaming happen because keep throwing money at garbage.

>buying a codgame alone
Loool fucking retarded

>never bought a cosmetic

Why not? its like 2 bucks for a cheap thrill