Who in the fuck even is tom clancy?

who in the fuck even is tom clancy?

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I always wondered this myself.

He's an author. Pretty much all those games are based on his books.

He doesn't even look like an athlete.

An alright writer, advisor for movies and games.

I'm Tom Bombadil

He was an author. He died a few years back.

the american hideo kojima

a man who was murdered by CIA niggers because he wanted to publish a book with a story that too closely resembled a real life classified scenario

He died four years ago apparently.

Most of them aren't.

An author


Except actually decent and somewhat talented

If it was classified, how did he know about it?

>He's an author. Pretty much all those games are based on his books.
no they arent, like none of them are

I don't know about Tom Clancy other than he's an author that writes war books.

But Clancy's chips at Aldi are hella good.

He was an author who wrote military fiction books.


he didn't

he just made up a scenario that turned out to be too close to something that actually happened/could happen

May I interject just to say that you should play GRAW 1 and 2 with the Sicario soundtrack if you have the chance. It's so good.

That's it, bye.

Cause if you have money, you are going to know more than the average wagecuck.

You can either expose this new knowledge to the world and get killed or stay silent and live

What's his best work?
I'm a fan of Tom Clancy's Mobile Suit Gundam and Tom Clancy's James Bond

>actually read Rainbow Six
>the fucking sierra club is the villains making a poison to kill all humans except them to save the environment or some shit
>book ends with Rainbow ass fucking them and then just leaving the survivors in the amazon with no supplies
Also some of the worst sex scenes I've ever read

18+ board

Semi - distantly related, he was an author, the games with his name are all based off his books. I think he was at least a little involved with the first few, but he's been gone for a while now. Never got to meet him myself, but from what I hear he was a really nice guy.


GRAW 1 multiplayer was the most fun I've ever had with a console shooter.

Tom Clancy's Lord Of The Rings was a classic. It's too bad he died before he could finish Tom Clancy's A Song of Ice and Fire.

Tom Clancy's Clive Barker's John Madden 1998, by far.

Tom Clancy's BattleGrounds

I tried to read Hunt for Red October when I was in my teens and it was really boring and he described technology the way GRRM describes meals in ASoIaF.

Tom Clancy's Sonic 3 & Knuckles featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series

Tom Clancy's Senran Kagura

>CIA niggers

were they glow in the dark?

Tom Clancy's Sid Meier's Clive Barkers' American McGee's Tony Hawk's skating pirate horror stealth psychological platforming action featuring Knuckles from the Knuckles may chuckle series.

Hell yeah, Clancy's chips are great, and cheap too

>those BROWN NIPPLES in bear and the dragon

Red Storm Rising, Cardinal of the Kremlin, etc. pretty much any of his cold war stuff (written back when the cold war was still on) is all really good.

> Tom Clancy is decent/talented

If you think that and you don't think Kojima is decent or talented, your life is a walking meme.

Being a walking meme is good though. It pisses off all le Sup Forums newfigs who think "Sup Forums isn't about memes!!11!!11!"

A real murrican hero you cia nigger

How many levels of irony are you on right now?

Tom/stay clancy was my favorite.

About 0 right now, my man.

holy fuck Tom Clancy kinda went crazy after the cold war was over

Except Clancy made more than 2 good pieces of output in his medium.

>All these posters that don't know who Tom Clancy is
How terrifying

Tom Clancy's Knuckles Chaotix TM Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry Welcome to the Next Level in 32ZX Advent Dancing All Night Revengeance Ranbow Edition Featuring Kratos from God of War, Collectors Edition.

Read a book, nigga. I prefer LeCarre myself

A prolific author, basically military fiction stephen king, that whored his name out for money.

Tom Clancy's Terraria

Tom Clancy's Pro Skater

His stuff is basically military intelligence competence porn. The 80s equivalent of trashy romance novels for men.

Tom Clancy's Nekopara for me.

its pronounced Tom CALANCY

His work was shitty but it keeps millions of old men literate

Tom Clancy's Spider-Man was a welcome addition to the franchise desu. I like how it kept the racial undertones of the Raimi movies.

Hell, on top of the games not actually being based on his books, a lot of his books aren't even his books.

He's pretty well-known for being open and honest about having ghostwriters and helping popularize the job. I don't think most of his novels at this point are written by him.


>he doesn't know about CIAniggers
how fucking new are you? Are you from reddit?