What are some recommendations for futuristic racing games besides f-zero?
What are some recommendations for futuristic racing games besides f-zero?
Noah Morris
Asher Smith
Samuel Davis
There's a free Wipeout tribute game on Steam for free called BallisticNG
Noah Perez
Anyone remember Extreme G?
Jonathan Bailey
Ah man, I loved AeroGauge. Even if it was janky as fuck.
How much does it cost, though?
Jacob Young
For free
William Wood
Man I really feel like drinking some redbull right now for some reason.
Blake Walker
Distance on steam I thought was really cool and feels really fun to control but I also don't know how much of a community it has and can't remember if there's a traditional race type game mode
Luis Cooper
Not him but this looks fucking awesome as shit.
Caleb Hernandez
>racing games will never have wacky tracks ever again unless they're kart games