What are some recommendations for futuristic racing games besides f-zero?
What are some recommendations for futuristic racing games besides f-zero?
There's a free Wipeout tribute game on Steam for free called BallisticNG
Anyone remember Extreme G?
Ah man, I loved AeroGauge. Even if it was janky as fuck.
How much does it cost, though?
For free
Man I really feel like drinking some redbull right now for some reason.
Distance on steam I thought was really cool and feels really fun to control but I also don't know how much of a community it has and can't remember if there's a traditional race type game mode
Not him but this looks fucking awesome as shit.
>racing games will never have wacky tracks ever again unless they're kart games
how's redout
I've never played Wipeout but it's pretty fun. I really like how it emulates ps1 graphics.
Hover Racing for Net Yaroze (PSX)
played XG-2 a shit load
>breaking sound barrier
I just got done playing a bit and its pretty great.
Its really true to the originals and I like that, if it was just that it would be enough but they actually improve on the originals by taking maps and power ups from across the games and putting them into one game and even introducing some of the cooler game modes from the later games into it as well. In addition there's a crazy amount of customization and modding capability and they even let you select between classic physics and newer physics from the newer wipeouts, I'm going to have to follow this one for sure.
played the shit out of this at the arcade
where are my rollcage bros at
Extreme G
Star Wars Episode 1: Racer
Rush 2049
Quantum Redshift
Tube Slider
FAST Racing
Check out XG3
You go so fast that you break the sound barrier- so fast that you overtake the fucking soundtrack
Looney Tunes Space Race, which was the Dreamcast's Mario Kart. Pretty fun, and still looks amazing due to cell-shading.
Rollcage on PS1. Unlike most F-Zero/Wipeout clones it had a pretty cool and unique gimmick, the vehicle could race upside down or on the walls.
Although barely playable, the latest version of MAME has allowed the base version of Rush 2049 to work. Be sure to check it out once it's 100% playable as the arcade version is the best one to play out of all of the releases (n64, dreamcast, gamecube)
GRIP for the daily dose of engines and drum&bass
>Aero Gauge
Spiritual successor of
I used to play this all the time back in the day but I tried it recently and it was all around horrible.
Stuff that was recently released and I actually played
WipeOut Omega Collection for PS4
Fast Racing Neo for WiiU/Switch
Literally this
I've only played XG2
>when you realize Velofire gains a shitload of speed while doing wide turns without sliding
Extreme G the original is underrated. I think it's great.
I don't like the sequel though. Feels rushed too considering the original had a silky smooth framerate while XG2 shits itself all the time.
This, why is it so good. It isn't even particularly challenging but it has great sense of speed, i guess.