Draw a level from memory and let others guess it

Draw a level from memory and let others guess it




It's not tribes?

It is a level from tribes


This is probably really obscure. I doubt anyone would get it.

sup com

reverse pac man

Sorry man, think mid 90s

Hint, 66

Bob-omb battlefield



San Andreas Hijack

It's the last mission in AC0

Fuck this map, it's been played to death in FAF

too soon

This an MS paint "Draw shit and guess" thread? I'll post what I made last thread.

FN F2000

if any of you can actually guess the game this is from you deserve a fucking prize considering my vague memory of it

no bonus points for guessing the map name though

Looks like Morrowind.


Cause its good map?

crash team racing? Mario kart??

>Chokepoint maps

>Implying center is hard to bypass on Seton


very crude drawing but i think it's clear enough for those few with good taste in vidya

First tutorial level of Commandos 2 bruv




the tunnels in Half-Life: Opposing Force


immediately thought of witchy world in banjo tooie but that can't possibly be right

Surely somebody will recognize this.

Why not?

Because it is